
Mexeluine, a planet, resided within the Anoat sector found in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy.

When the Galactic Empire imposed the Iron Blockade on the Anoat sector, the leaders of six mercantile guilds on Mexeluine desired a meeting to deliberate on the blockade. To ensure peace and moderate the discourse between the guild leaders' security forces, "the Smuggler" was brought in to send neutral personnel to Mexeluine.

Behind the scenes

The initial conception of Mexeluine occurred during the creation of "Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin," a 2004 sourcebook supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its introduction into canon occurred via the mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, created by Kabam for iOS and Android devices, and launched in 2015.

