
Cabarria was a planet situated within both the Colonies and [the Interior](/article/the_interior] regions. It was the destination of [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker], the Sith Lord, and the [Inquisitor](/article/inquisitor] Ninth Sister, who traveled there in 19 BBY to investigate a reported sighting of a Jedi at a local bar. Instead of finding a Jedi, Vader encountered a trap orchestrated by the Chas, a family of bounty hunters who had been contracted to kill him. Although the Chas managed to disarm Vader, the Sith Lord turned the bar's patrons into shields and projectiles, compelling the bounty hunters to make a hasty retreat.

Vader engaged in a high-speed speeder chase after the fleeing Chas, eventually forcing their vehicle to crash. He then threatened the parents, Bhada and Ramat Cha, using their daughter, [Chanath Cha](/article/chanath_cha], as leverage to extract information about who had hired them. To ensure her survival, Chanath was forced to vow to forget the encounter and escape, while her parents worked to pinpoint the source of the assassination order against Vader. Once he obtained the necessary information, Vader murdered Bhada and Ramat, an act witnessed by Chanath from a distance, before departing for the planet Coruscant.


Cabarria was situated along the Corellian Trade Spine.

Situated in the intersection of the Colonies and [the Interior](/article/the_interior] regions, Cabarria was a planet found at grid coordinates M-13 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Its location was along the Corellian Trade Spine super-hyperroute, positioned between the celestial bodies Nantoon and Corellia. The skies of Cabarria featured clouds and a yellow celestial object. The planet's Type I atmosphere, breathable for humans and other species, contained elevated freeways for speeders and structures such as a bar.


The Chas' trap

During the time of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Chas, a bounty hunter family composed of Bhada and [Ramat Cha](/article/ramat_cha] and their twelve-year-old [daughter](/article/gender] [Chanath Cha](/article/chanath_cha], were hired via the Hunter Net by a pair of high-ranking Imperial officers to kill [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker]. Vader was a Sith Lord who served as the new enforcer for Emperor Palpatine. The Chas devised a trap at the Cabarria bar, using a fabricated report of a Jedi sighting to draw Vader to that location. While the bounty hunters lay in wait inside the bar, Vader and the [Inquisitor](/article/inquisitor] Ninth Sister arrived in the parking area outside. The Ninth Sister questioned Vader's decision to investigate the dubious Jedi sighting, suggesting he was eager for another Jedi fight. Vader dismissed her claims and instructed the Inquisitor to remain with their speeders while he entered the bar.

The Chas attack Darth Vader in the bar.

Upon entering, Vader approached the patrons, seeking information about the alleged Jedi. The Chas, who were expecting the Sith Lord and mistaking him for a Jedi, initiated their trap. Chanath attempted to disarm Vader using a tractor rifle to seize Vader's lightsaber. However, Vader inadvertently destroyed the lightsaber while pulling it back with the Force. Ramat then deployed an ion grenade to neutralize all weapons in the bar, except for those possessed by the Chas. Bhada and Ramat leveraged their ion blast to warn the other patrons against interfering with their hunt. However, Vader began using the Force to lift and choke the bystanders, using them as both shields and projectiles as the Chas fired at him from behind their personal shields. The Sith Lord also attempted to contact the Ninth Sister for assistance, but she feigned that the ion pulse had disrupted her comlink.

Vader strikes back

As the conflict escalated, the Chas decided to retreat, as their deflector shields were losing power and the number of casualties among the patrons was increasing. They fled to a speeder and held the Ninth Sister at gunpoint, hijacking one of the vehicles. The trio sped away before Vader emerged from the bar, accusing the Inquisitor of setting him up. After the Ninth Sister denied the accusations, the Sith Lord, using the Inquisitor's lightsaber, instructed her to remain in the parking area while he pursued the bounty hunters in a speeder. Vader quickly gained ground on the Chas, who returned fire. Deflecting their blaster bolts with the borrowed lightsaber, Vader used the weapon to divert a large vehicle, causing it to crash onto the Chas' speeder.

Darth Vader threatens the Chas.

The Chas deployed their shields to avoid being crushed by the crashing vehicle, but the accident allowed Vader to reach them and hold Chanath at saber-point. The Sith Lord demanded to know who had hired the bounty hunters. Ramat offered to slice the Hunter Net, negotiating for Chanath's release before pinpointing the exact origin of the kill order against Vader.

After Chanath was released, her parents made her promise to forget her encounter with Vader and flee. With her daughter gone, Ramat located the origin of the kill order: the top of the Imperial Executive Building on the planet Coruscant. Having obtained the information, Vader then murdered Bhada and Ramat and departed for Coruscant with the Ninth Sister. Chanath witnessed her parents' deaths from afar and vowed to kill Vader on that day. She eventually confronted the Sith Lord between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, referencing the events on Cabarria. Chanath attempted to avenge her parents by killing Vader, but the Sith Lord killed her first.

Behind the scenes

Cabarria made its debut in the eleventh issue of the 2017 Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series. The comic was written by Charles Soule, penciled by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and published by Marvel Comics on February 14, 2018.

