The curved-hilt lightsaber with a green blade was the signature weapon of Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a. It was also briefly wielded by Darth Vader at the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge.
Infil'a utilized his lightsaber to train against Arex, a Jedi training droid, and in combat against the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, even achieving victory in their initial duel. However, when Vader returned, Infil'a faced him once more, but Vader created a diversion by rupturing water tanks beneath their battleground. While Infil'a employed the Force to safeguard the citizens from drowning, Vader exploited the opportunity to seize his lightsaber before killing Infil'a.

Vader journeyed to the planet Mustafar in order to bleed the kyber crystal within the lightsaber. Vader's first duel with The Grand Inquisitor saw him use the saber, damaging his lightsaber. He also wielded it during the hunt for Jocasta Nu. During an attempt on Vader's life that occurred on Cabarria, the hilt was shattered and ultimately destroyed because of the combined pressure from a tractor rifle and Vader's forceful retrieval using the Force. Vader recovered the crystal, and would later construct a new hilt for it.