Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, a significant battle transpired on an unidentified planet. This confrontation pitted the Orphans, a team consisting of Chanath Cha, the droid Ladybright, Sear, and Imara Vex, against the formidable Sith Lord Darth Vader. This clash was the end result of years of rigorous training and extensive research undertaken by Cha. As the leader of the Orphans, Cha sought vengeance against Vader for the deaths of her parents, Bhada and Ramat Cha, which occurred two decades prior. The Orphans were dispatched by Lady Qi'ra, the leader of the criminal organization Crimson Dawn, with the mission to rescue her allies, "The Archivist" and Kho Phon Farrus. Furthermore, they were tasked with securing the Fermata Cage, a crucial element in Qi'ra's efforts to bring about the downfall of Vader and his Sith Master, Darth Sidious.

Upon their arrival on the planet, the Orphans successfully intervened, preventing Darth Vader from killing "the Archivist" and Kho Phon Farrus". Chanath Cha then confronted Vader, revealing the extensive preparation she had undergone to counteract his powers. When Vader attempted to attack her with his lightsaber, Cha utilized Ladybright to impair Vader's vision while simultaneously launching a ball of acid at the Sith Lord. Vader retaliated by using the Force to push all four Orphans away and destroying the machine that housed the Fermata Cage. He then submerged himself in the ocean to neutralize the acid's effects. During Vader's brief absence, the Orphans and their Crimson Dawn associates managed to recover the Cage. Cha then directed Vex and Ladybright to evacuate Farrus, the Archivist, and the Fermata Cage from the area, while she and Sear engaged Vader in combat. Vex initially hesitated but ultimately complied with Cha's instructions. As Vader emerged from the water, he declared to Cha that she would fail to avenge her parents or Qi'ra. The mention of Qi'ra's name caught Cha off guard, alerting Vader to the fact that she had not been killed as he and his Master had previously believed. He informed Cha that Sidious would be intrigued by this revelation as he ignited his lightsaber.
As Sear and Cha battled Vader, Vex, who had returned to Cha's ship, the Siroto, with Ladybright, the Archivist, and Farrus, positioned herself atop the Siroto in an attempt to eliminate Vader from a distance. As she ascended, Vader propelled Sear into the wreckage of Farrus' machine, resulting in her death. Vex then fired at Vader, but her shot missed his head, striking his hand instead. Vader retaliated by generating a powerful turbulence with his lightsaber, causing the Siroto to lose balance and sending Vex plummeting into a jungle below, effectively removing her from the battle. After regaining control of the ship, Ladybright contacted Qi'ra, requesting the deployment of the Dawn Fleet to rescue Cha from Vader. Qi'ra denied the request, ordering Ladybright to return to Dawnfall Base. Ladybright defied the order, stating that while Qi'ra had provided employment, Cha had given her a home. She then turned the Siroto around to assist Cha.
Vader and Cha observed the Siroto approaching, and Cha urged them to flee, with Vader remarking that their return would only result in more lives lost. The ship then veered away and escaped, prompting Vader to suggest to Cha that she might not be as valued by them as she believed. Cha expressed relief at the ship's departure, knowing that the Fermata Cage had been secured and believing that Ladybright had also escaped. At that moment, Vader fatally stabbed her in the chest. Unbeknownst to Cha, the Archivist had destroyed Ladybright due to her decision to return and assist Cha, and then assumed control of the Siroto. As they fled, Farrus expressed their desire to abandon the mission and be released, to which the Archivist replied that she would drop Farrus off en route to Dawnfall Base.
At Dawnfall Base, Qi'ra discussed her decision not to deploy the Dawn Fleet and Cha's misperception of her life with Cadeliah. Later, the Archivist recorded her first encounter with Vader in a holocron. The Archivist acknowledged that she owed her life to Cha's intervention, praising Cha's exceptional skill and bravery.