The clandestine operation known as the war against the Sith, alternatively referred to as the war against the Empire, was a carefully planned scheme masterminded by Lady Qi'ra, the head of the Crimson Dawn crime organization. Her objective was the elimination of the Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, with the ultimate goal of liberating the galaxy from their control under the Galactic Empire. Once Sidious discovered Crimson Dawn's subversive activities, he directed the full force of the Empire to quash Qi'ra's campaign, which hinged on a widespread story about a Sith Lord being held in suspended animation within the Fermata Cage. The plan was to unleash this Sith to challenge Sidious and Vader. However, the Sith was a fabrication, and the rumor was designed to lure Vader and Sidious into proximity to the Cage, where they would be imprisoned.
Qi'ra's endeavors culminated in a devastating outcome for Crimson Dawn. The Fermata Cage suffered destruction but remained physically whole in the hands of the Sith. Nevertheless, due to the actions of Qi'ra's agents Bevelyn and Jon Melton, the Alliance to Restore the Republic acquired information concerning the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station. This intelligence ultimately facilitated the destruction of the battle station, along with the deaths of both Vader and Sidious, during the Battle of Endor.