In the year 19 BBY, a mission to Cabarria in the Colonies was undertaken by Darth Vader, the newly appointed Sith Lord, together with the Inquisitor known as the Ninth Sister. This action was prompted by reports of a Force-sensitive individual at a bar. The truth was uncovered upon their arrival on the planet Cabarria: the supposed sighting was a ruse, an attempt to ensnare Vader, who subsequently faced an attack by the Cha family. Vader's recent integration into the Galactic Empire's structure had caused unrest within the Imperial Officer Corps. Colonel Barokki and another Imperial officer, misunderstanding Vader's position and thinking his death would streamline operations, issued a bounty for the Sith apprentice on the Hunter Net.
The attack came from the Chas—Bhada Cha, Ramat Cha, and their twelve year old daughter Chanath Cha—but Vader skillfully evaded them and eventually pursued them. He threatened to kill their daughter unless they disclosed information about the kill order. Upon discovering that the order originated from the Emperor's office, Vader murdered both parents in their daughter's presence. He then forced her to swear an oath that she would not seek vengeance against him. Nonetheless, feeling as though her heart had perished, she dedicated herself to avenging her parents by assassinating the Sith Lord.