Corellian Run

The Corellian Run was a prominent super-hyperroute extending across diverse areas of the galaxy. It originated on the planet Coruscant within the Core Worlds and terminated at both Naos and Lamaredd. Furthermore, this hyperroute traversed the Hetzal and Ab Dalis systems.


The Corellian Run, established 25,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, significantly contributed to the Corellian system's rise as an economic powerhouse. Beginning on the planet Coruscant in the Core Worlds, the route stretched southeast, ultimately reaching Naos and Lamaredd. Along its course, the Corellian Run met with the Hydian Way super-hyperroute, impacting planets throughout the galaxy, from the Core to the Outer Rim. Together with the Perlemian Trade Route, the Corellian Run defined the boundary of the Slice, which evolved into the most densely populated and thoroughly explored region of the galaxy. Extending further into the Outer Rim, segments of the Corellian Run intersected with other trade routes, giving rise to the Spice Triangle, a network of pathways favored by smugglers and independent traders.

The freighter Legacy Run met its end along the Corellian Run when it was obliterated during the Great Hyperspace Disaster. At the time of this catastrophe, specifically 232 BBY, the hyperlane was recognized as an old, well-established route. This is why Hedda Casset, the captain of the Legacy Run, was taken aback to encounter an obstruction in the middle of the route, an event that should have been impossible. The obstruction was, in reality, a Nihil Stormship navigating a hyperspace Path, a set of unique routes accessible only to the pirates. Because the planet Ab Dalis was situated further along the hyperlane, it experienced the first of the [Emergences](/article/emergences], the aftereffects of the Great Disaster, one day later.

