Existing along both the Corellian Run and the Llanic Spice Run, Mon Gazza was a planet situated in the Mid Rim Territories. This world, a hub for spice mining and trading, was ruled by the kingpin Ravi. AD-W4, a mercenary droid, murdered Ravi when the latter attempted to hire him to assassinate a rival. By the time of the Clone Wars, the Pyke Syndicate spice cartel had assumed control of most of Mon Gazza's spice mines.
During the Galactic Civil War, specifically in 4 ABY, the New Republic initiated the establishment of a planetary outpost on Mon Gazza, even as spice gang conflicts persisted. However, in 5 ABY, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing destroyed this outpost. Later, during the New Republic's reign, the Spice Runners of Kijimi executed a heist on Mon Gazza, evading New Republic patrols by utilizing the local Zugga Challenge podracing circuit.

Mon Gazza was a land-based planet found where the Mid Rim Territories and the Slice intersected. The world was located in grid square Q-16 of the Standard Galactic Grid, and it was situated along the Corellian Run super-hyperroute connecting Druckenwell and [Herdessa](/article/herdessa]. Furthermore, it served as the termination point for the Llanic Spice Run from Yuw, and another hyperspace route linking it with Ando. Spice in its raw state was available for mining on Mon Gazza.

Mon Gazza was a crucial site for spice mining and trading within the galaxy during the time of the Galactic Republic. Before the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, Ravi rose to prominence as a wealthy spice kingpin. Osmo Che, a budding smuggler, became Ravi's competitor, equipped with a swift starship and a lethal crew. Upon learning of Che's activities, Ravi placed a substantial bounty on the smuggler's head.
AD-W4, a mercenary droid, approached Ravi at his palace on Mon Gazza, offering to hunt Che. Ravi informed the droid that the payment would be insignificant compared to his wealth, with promises of lucrative future jobs. However, AD-W4 chose to murder Ravi instead, disemboweling him, slaughtering his guards, and seizing the kingpin's fortune.
The Pyke Syndicate, the main spice cartel in the galaxy at that time, had taken control of most of Mon Gazza's spice mining by the Clone Wars. Early in the war, General Grievous, a Separatist cyborg, offered AD-W4 a job managing energy harvest on the Outer Rim Territories planet Hissrich. Offended by the prospect of "farming," the mercenary droid recounted his actions on Mon Gazza to emphasize his penchant for killing. By 10 BBY, Maz Kanata, the former pirate queen, identified Mon Gazza as a shadowport on a map that featured outlaw garages, treasure caches, and other points of interest. She included the map in the Smuggler's Guide book. In 3 ABY, a farmer from Mon Gazza was present at the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine during a visit by the outlaw Kay Vess.

The New Republic began establishing a planetary outpost on Mon Gazza in 4 ABY during the Galactic Civil War with the Galactic Empire. Soran Keize, an Imperial deserter using the alias "Devon Lhent," visited Mon Gazza during the outpost's construction and became embroiled in a conflict between rival spice gangs. He left as the bloodshed intensified. By 5 ABY, the New Republic's outpost was complete, and Keize had rejoined his old Imperial unit, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, assuming command.
Following the New Republic's reported victory over Andara, Keize sought to improve his unit's morale and targeted Mon Gazza, aware of its outpost from his time as Lhent. Shortly after, the 204th attacked the outpost, obliterating it with particle cannons and proton torpedos. The Imperials then inspected the wreckage and bodies to ensure complete destruction, with an unnamed Imperial pilot writing "FOR ANDARA" in the ashes.
Mon Gazza was listed in "Index of Organizations," a survival guide distributed by Carson Teva during the New Republic Era, as a planet with Pyke Syndicate operations.
Later, during the New Republic era, Mon Gazza was home to the Zugga Challenge podracing competition. The Spice Runners of Kijimi pulled off a heist on Mon Gazza, escaping New Republic patrols along the Zugga Challenge course. This event became one of their most renowned heists.
Mon Gazza was added to the current Star Wars canon via a map in the 2016 Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game roleplaying boxed set. The world made its first appearance in Shadow Fall, the 2020 second novel in Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy. The planet Mon Gazza initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically in the 1999 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Episode I Racer.