
Located in the Mid Rim Territories at coordinates Q-16 on the Standard Galactic Grid, Yuw served as the celestial body that contained the Dark Quarter. The Llanic Spice Run hyperspace route provided a link between it, the Llanic system, and the planet Mon Gazza. Following the discovery of a plot to assassinate him, the Sith Lord Darth Vader journeyed to Yuw in 1 BBY. While in the Dark Quarter, he questioned and eliminated numerous bounty hunters to gather intelligence about the Hidden Hand criminal syndicate, the group responsible for the assassination attempt.

Behind the scenes

The 2019 comic-book series Star Wars: Target Vader, specifically its first issue, featured Yuw. This issue was written by Robbie Thompson, with illustrations by Marc Laming and Cris Bolson, and was published by Marvel Comics on July 3, 2019.

