Soran Keize

Soran Keize, a male human, achieved the rank of colonel and distinguished himself as an ace pilot within the Galactic Empire. He served in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, known informally as "Shadow Wing." He mentored many pilots and led the fighter wing responsibly. After the Battle of Endor defeat against the Rebel Alliance and Operation: Cinder, Keize went into hiding as Devon Lhent, living on planets like Mrinzebon and Vernid. Tracked down by officers from New Republic Intelligence, whom he was forced to kill, Keize believed there was no place in the galaxy for former Imperials like him. He then pledged to return to the Empire and lead the 204th again.

Despite not strongly believing in the Galactic Empire's cause, Soran Keize was extremely loyal to his fighter wing's members. After hiding as Devon Lhent for some time, Keize rejoined Shadow Wing as an "advisor," later becoming colonel after Shakara Nuress. He led the 204th Fighter Wing in the Cerberon system during a campaign seeking revenge on New Republic General Hera Syndulla for Nuress's death in the attack on Pandem Nai. Subsequently, he led a second Operation: Cinder, committing genocides on Imperial splinter factions' worlds under Grand Moff Randd and the Shadow Council. In the months before the battle of Jakku, Keize became preoccupied with Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's Messengers and their selection of Imperial units for Operation: Cinder's atrocities. After sending a force to Netalych to analyze a Messenger's programming, Keize and his aide Yrica Quell discovered that the Empire maintained a databank of all Imperial employees' crimes, from minor to unforgivable.

Keize saw this databank as a major threat to the Empire's billions of soldiers, regardless of whether the Empire won or lost against the New Republic. He thought that a New Republic victory would leave every Imperial fearing prosecution for decades, even those seeking a quiet life like he had as Devon. If the Empire won, Keize believed the databank would be used to force continued loyalty from soldiers wanting to retire. Deeming both scenarios unacceptable, Keize attacked the databank in the Verity District of the capital planet Coruscant. Though his attack failed and resulted in his death, Keize posthumously broadcast a holographic message claiming responsibility for all of Shadow Wing's war crimes, even those he wasn't responsible for. He sacrificed himself to be remembered as a war criminal, hoping the 204th's pilots and crew could live normal lives after the Galactic Civil War.


Imperial Service

204th Commander

During the time of the Galactic Empire, Soran Keize was a TIE fighter pilot in its navy. He transferred to the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, or Shadow Wing, which was fighting piracy in the Mid Rim. As an ace pilot, he rose to the rank of major, becoming a squadron commander and mentoring new officers and pilots. Major Keize and Colonel Shakara Nuress, the fighter wing's commander, earned the 204th recognition, leading to its assignment to the Star Destroyer Pursuer, focusing on operations against the Rebel Alliance after the destruction of the Death Star at the end of 0 BBY and the start of the Galactic Civil War.

The 204th went to Mek'tradi, a planet with a rebel cell. The 204th's pilots were tasked with bombarding the planet to stop rebel ships from escaping. Yrica Quell was horrified by her role in the bombardment, and Keize spoke to her after the debriefing. Quell tried to hide her reluctance to attack the rebels, knowing the Empire's flaws. Keize, aware of these flaws himself, convinced Quell to fight for her fellow pilots and crew.

Major Keize speaks with Teso Broosh.

Six months before the Battle of Endor, the 204th's Squadron Five suffered heavy losses in the Lyjdaa system. Later, Keize approached Teso Broosh, a commander in another of Shadow Wing's squadrons. Keize told Broosh he was being moved to Squadron Five and recommended as its new leader. When Broosh refused, Keize asked why, learning Broosh didn't feel qualified to lead. Keize reacted positively to Broosh's hesitation, appreciating that he didn't seek power for personal gain. Keize insisted Broosh was suitable and Broosh accepted, promising to protect the squadron's pilots.

Operation: Cinder

Soran Keize insisted that Yrica Quell defect from the Empire during Operation: Cinder.

After the death of Emperor Palpatine at the hands of the Rebel Alliance during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, many in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing were shocked and confused. Two weeks later, the Empire began Operation: Cinder, a campaign that devastated worlds both supporting and opposing the regime. The 204th was assigned to assist with an attack on Nacronis, and Keize briefed the pilots, giving them information on their target.

The 204th's squadrons, including one led by Keize, attacked Nacronis. The pilots were ordered to protect the TIE bombers that were intensifying Nacronis' siltstorms with vortex detonators. After the planet was devastated, the pilots returned, but Yrica Quell, horrified, landed on the ground. Keize followed her, but instead of punishing her, he told Quell to leave Imperial service before it destroyed her, convincing her to defect to the New Republic. Keize left Quell on Nacronis, destroying her TIE fighter to make her defection believable. Though Keize also wanted to leave the Empire, he felt he needed to stay and convince others to do the same. However, many comrades continued to serve, and Keize was forced to leave them.

Building a New Identity

Gang Conflict

After deserting the Empire, Keize adopted the name "Devon Lhent" and sought a place to settle and begin anew. He journeyed to Tinker-Town on Mrinzebon, visiting Gannory's Cantina. Attempting to sell salvaged goods, Keize spoke with Gannory, the Cerean owner, who directed him to Narlowe, a junk dealer. However, soon after leaving the cantina, Keize was ambushed by two criminals, informed of his presence by Gannory, and robbed. Keize returned to Gannory, who apologized, explaining that a criminal gang controlling the town forced him to provide information. He offered to train the townspeople to resist the criminals, and Gannory found recruits.

Keize taught lessons to Tinker-Town's residents in the garden behind Gannory's Cantina. He lived on Mrinzebon for weeks, and his student numbers grew. One night, criminals broke into Keize's home and took him to their leader, Vryant, a former member of the Imperial Army garrison on Mrinzebon. Vryant offered Keize a choice: leave Mrinzebon, or stay and restore order for him. Keize refused both options, instead killing Vryant and setting fire to the communications tower where the gang operated. Returning to Gannory, Keize learned of a freighter that could take him from Mrinzebon. Keize left the world, seeking his place in the galaxy elsewhere.

The Whitedrift Exchange

After leaving Mrinzebon, Keize visited several other worlds. On Mon Gazza, he was caught in a war between rival spice traders and left when it escalated. He was forced to leave the Ring of Kafrene after angering a weapons smuggler, and was present when the Bazaar of Esoteric Obscenities burned down. He eventually arrived on the Whitedrift Exchange, a mobile space station used as a trading post and residence. Though he didn't plan to stay long, Keize found work with "the Harch," who ran a supplies and salvage shop.

On the Whitedrift Exchange, Keize met Agias Rikton, another member of the Harch's crew and former Imperial. Noticing Rikton stealing from the Harch's store, Keize inquired about him, learning he planned to build a bomb and attack Traitor's Remorse, a shantytown holding Imperial defectors captured by the New Republic. Keize spoke with Rikton and convinced him to change his mind, leading him to leave for Corulag. After Rikton left, Keize told the Harch he also intended to leave the Whitedrift Exchange. Before Keize departed, the Harch suggested he visit Vernid in the Outer Rim, where an associate would welcome him.

Confronting the Past

Keize followed the Harch's advice and traveled to Vernid, joining a dig-rig crew. He worked with the crew for weeks, becoming close to them. One night, while at a cantina with his crew, Keize saw a report of a New Republic attack on Pandem Nai, a planet where remnants of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing were held. Keize was angered by the destruction caused by the New Republic, which angered his crew, especially the hauler Klevin, who felt the Empire deserved it. Keize left the cantina before the conflict escalated, but later checked reports of the attack on Pandem Nai, learning that Colonel Nuress had died and the 204th had fled.

Several days later, Keize was intercepted by two New Republic Intelligence agents, who had discovered his true identity. Keize tried to convince them to let him live in peace, but they drew their weapons, forcing Keize to fight back. Keize killed the agents, with Klevin's help, who offered to support him through any trouble. However, Keize, tired of his past catching up to him, abandoned his new life and vowed to rejoin the Empire and serve the 204th again.

Personality and traits

As the leader of Shadow Wing, Keize sought to mentor and protect his fellow pilots.

Soran Keize understood the Empire's problems and corruption, but believed a soldier couldn't choose their battles. He fought for the ordinary crew of the Empire, not the Emperor. Keize knew many in the Empire sought power for personal gain, using leadership to climb the ranks, and believed such officers endangered others. Because of this, Keize was pleased when others feared leadership, recognizing their understanding of the responsibility. As the commanding officer of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, Keize was dedicated to protecting his peers. Yrica Quell remembered Keize's ability to relate to fellow pilots' doubts and failures.

Though he followed orders during Operation: Cinder, Keize knew it was a pointless atrocity and that the Empire had already lost. Keize felt Imperials like Quell who participated in Operation: Cinder would fight meaninglessly until death, and wanted to convince them to leave the Empire. He ordered Quell to defect to the New Republic, but refused to join himself.

While in hiding after leaving the Empire, Keize didn't reveal details of his past, distancing himself from the students he trained on Mrinzebon, though he confessed his secrets to Rikton to encourage him not to be ashamed of defecting. Whenever he encountered trouble in his attempts to start a new life, Keize would quietly move on.

Despite letting Quell defect, Keize's life after his desertion made him turn away from the New Republic, witnessing the new government's treatment of remaining Imperial personnel. After his old life caught up to him whenever he encountered someone on either side of the Galactic Civil War, Keize felt there was no place for former Imperials, realizing he was foolish to think he could escape, and decided to return to his former comrades.

Keize, a human male, had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had light skin, and an angular face with thin lips.

Skills and abilities

Soran Keize was an ace pilot, gaining prestige in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing for his skills. When not flying, Keize was an effective mentor to the fighter wing's personnel. Confronted by New Republic spies on Vernid, Keize overwhelmed and defeated one, using a blaster to kill the other.


As an Imperial officer, Keize used an Imperial military officer uniform with a rank plaque.

Keize flew a TIE fighter in his service to the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, despite the wing's preference for the TIE/IN interceptor. When not in his fighter, Keize wore the uniform of the Imperial Military. While on Mrinzebon after defecting, Keize carried a hold-out blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Soran Keize first appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed. The character was revealed in an excerpt from the novel included in the comic TIE Fighter 1, published on April 17, 2019. Keize was first pictured in TIE Fighter 3, a comic written by Jody Houser and published on June 19, 2019, in which he appeared in a flashback sequence illustrated by Geraldo Borges.

On Twitter, Freed acknowledged the role similarity between Keize and Soontir Fel from the Star Wars Legends continuity, though it was clarified that there were no direct inspiration. Freed added that it was hard to write the character without the "Red Baron" coming up to mind.

