A group of pilots, a squadron, was under the command of Colonel Soran Keize from the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, and it consisted of the colonel himself, Lieutenants Vann Bragheer and Palal Seedia, along with nine TIE training drones. As the 204th began the attack on Cerberon, Keize and his squadron's objective was to draw New Republic starfighters into a battle above Catadra. This was done to try and divide and disorient the forces of General Hera Syndulla. The two lieutenants were tasked with guiding the nine training drones, which were programmed to stay close to Keize's TIE fighter. Although Seedia was wounded and all others perished, Keize was the sole survivor of the engagement; still, he achieved his goal of distracting the New Republic's fighters. Keize then returned to the primary assault and commanded the 204th's TIE fighters to eliminate Syndulla's remaining forces, which involved destroying the Lodestar and attacking the city of Troithe.
The squadron of Soran Keize was featured in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, which was authored by Alexander Freed.