Palal Seedia

Palal Seedia, who was given the moniker "Blink" by New Republic pilots, and used the alias Caulra Spring while operating secretly, was a human female who served the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing as a TIE fighter pilot, ultimately achieving the rank of lieutenant. She participated in the "cleansing" of the planet Nacronis. As part of the squadrons of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters stationed on the Quasar Fire-class cruiser Aerie, Seedia hunted the New Republic EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare and its two escort squadrons within the Oridol Cluster, earning the nickname "Blink" from the New Republic pilots due to her craft only having one operational laser cannon.

After both the Aerie and Dare sustained damage, both sides secured their vessels. When Wyl Lark, an RZ-1 A-wing interceptor pilot, attempted to communicate with the Imperial pilots, Seedia responded to him, and eventually mocked him. Shortly thereafter, the Aerie's TIEs launched an attack and destroyed the Hellion's Dare, although Lark and another pilot managed to escape. The Aerie and its pilots then returned to the 204th's operational base on the planet Pandem Nai. However, the New Republic's Alphabet Squadron, which Lark had since joined, launched an assault on the 204th at that location. Seedia relentlessly pursued Lark, but the A-wing pilot successfully convinced the TIE pilots of the 204th to assist him in suppressing the firestorm that threatened the planet. Seedia and the other TIE pilots contributed to this effort, and the surviving pilots subsequently escaped aboard the Aerie.

Around 5 ABY, Seedia commanded her own flight during an operation on the planet Jarbanov. There, she irradiated the colony on Jarbanov, and later defended her actions to Major Soran Keize during a post-operation meeting. The lieutenant also participated in the recapture of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Edict. Later, she attended a meeting where Keize proposed an attack on the New Republic forces from Pandem Nai located in the Cerberon system. Following the approval of the proposal, Seedia engaged in training exercises and, during a briefing, presented an idea concerning Wyl Lark.

Upon the 204th's arrival in the Cerberon system, Seedia assisted in a diversion above the planet Catadra led by Keize. Her TIE sustained damage, and she was subsequently rescued by the Children of the Empty Sun, a cult residing in the system. While the Cultists were treating her injuries within their palace, she attracted the attention of Chass na Chadic, a New Republic pilot. Chadic and Seedia engaged in several confrontations, which ultimately led to an agreement to assist each other in finding a starship to escape Catadra. After further interactions, they devised a plan, and Chadic procured access codes. Seedia and her accomplice gained access to the ship area, but the lieutenant betrayed her accomplice and fled.

Shortly thereafter, Seedia infiltrated the New Republic's ranks, masquerading as a ground crewmember named Caulra Spring aboard the refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance. She functioned as a mole for the 204th, supplying them with information and facilitating a sabotage droid attack. "Spring" also encountered Captain Nath Tensent during his search for Chadic on the vessel. During the Battle of Jakku, she plotted to plant a bomb near some subgenerators but was discovered by Lark while carrying out her plan. The lieutenant attacked the suspicious A-wing pilot, expressing her sorrow for her fallen comrades in the Empire and striking blows against her adversary. Seedia was relentlessly pursued by Lark until she accepted her fate and ended her life using the bomb.


Early service

Early in her life, Palal Seedia was raised to be her father's successor, promising him that she would manage the family's estate and pass it down to her descendants. However, she instead left her twin sister in charge. Seedia spent a year in the astronomy department of the Institute for Quantitative Studies located on the gas giant Bothawui. During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Seedia served as a TIE fighter pilot in the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing.

During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Empire suffered a devastating blow with the death of Emperor Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader. Consequently, a contingency plan was initiated, which included the genocidal Operation: Cinder. Two weeks after Endor, the 204th received orders to eradicate all life on the planet Nacronis as part of Cinder. Seedia participated in the subsequent genocide.

Pursuing the Hellion's Dare

Chase through the Oridol Cluster

Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire's forces became fragmented, and the 204th established a new base of operations in the Pandem Nai system after receiving no further directives from the Empire's high command. Approximately a month after Nacronis, Seedia, stationed aboard the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier Aerie, was part of the squadrons of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters that pursued the New Republic EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Hellion's Dare along with Riot Squadron and Hound Squadron, two squadrons escorting the frigate. This mission was part of an operation led by Colonel Shakara Nuress, the 204th's commanding officer, to ensure the secrecy of the fighter wing's new operational base.

Under the command of Lieutenant Preartes, the Aerie and its complement of thirty-two TIEs drove the Hellion's Dare and its escort squadrons out of the Jiruus system. The 204th forces then continued to pursue the New Republic forces through the Oridol Cluster, eliminating New Republic starfighters along the way and utilizing the jump coordinates found in the wreckage of their fighters to track the remaining enemy forces. During one of these skirmishes, Seedia's TIE was grazed by an enemy RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, causing the pilot to spin out of control. This resulted in only one functioning laser cannon on her TIE, leading the New Republic pilots to nickname her "Blink."

Talking with the enemy

Wyl Lark spoke to "Blink" over an open frequency

During one of the engagements, both the Aerie and the Hellion's Dare sustained damages that prevented them from jumping to hyperspace. Consequently, the TIEs of the 204th, including Seedia's, formed a blockade around the Imperial cruiser-carrier while repairs were underway. The Dare was also undergoing repairs thousands of kilometers from the Aerie, being orbited by its remaining escort ships. Three hours later, the A-wing pilot Wyl Lark tuned into an open frequency used by the TIE pilots and introduced himself, offering to engage in conversation before being interrupted by his own comrades.

Seedia, having listened to Lark, inquired about his name over the channel an hour later. Lark confirmed his presence, and the TIE pilot asked about the type of fighter he flew and its identifying markings. The A-wing pilot mentioned a partial collision with a TIE a few days prior, and Seedia mentioned only having one operational cannon. She then inquired whether Lark had heard the myths surrounding the Oridol Cluster, which he denied. The TIE pilot then shared a story about the Tangrada-Nii culture, who believed the cluster to be the face of a god, and explained that their descendants, the Tagra-Tel, explored the Oridol Cluster and came to believe it was alive after experiencing hallucinations.

After Lark described the myth as beautiful, Seedia asserted that the A-wing pilot would perish in the Oridol Cluster, stating that the Oridol god was testing the New Republic forces. She then suggested to Lark that he could perceive the TIE pilot's voice as the cluster's voice speaking, but was interrupted by a ten second jammer burst from one of Lark's comrades. Seedia ceased speaking, and the 204th pilots began broadcasting Imperial marches and propaganda lectures instead. Once the Aerie was repaired, the TIEs resumed their attack on the Hellion's Dare and its escort. The remaining New Republic pilots were gradually eliminated until the final two, Lark and the B-wing pilot Chass na Chadic, fled into hyperspace as the Dare was destroyed.

Fire above Pandem Nai

New Republic assault

The Aerie and its TIE contingent returned to the 204th's operational base at the Tibanna gas mining stations above the planet Pandem Nai in the Pandem Nai system. Seedia was eventually able to fly with two working laser cannons again. Meanwhile, Lark and Chadic provided reconnaissance information from the Hellion's Dare to a New Republic Intelligence working group, which later became known as Alphabet Squadron, confirming the 204th's presence at Pandem Nai. Lark and Chadic joined the working group, with Lark frequently thinking about "Blink."

Alphabet Squadron subsequently launched an attack on the 204th at Pandem Nai, supported by a battle group led by General Hera Syndulla. While the squadron successfully trapped many TIEs inside the orbital stations by bombing the hangar doors, Seedia and other TIEs that had already launched engaged the New Republic fighters. She and another TIE pilot, referred to as "Char" by Lark, recognized and pursued Lark's A-wing, with Seedia following closely and firing numerous shots at his fighter. Lark then lured her into the sights of an Alphabet Squadron BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber, which attempted to eliminate the TIE pilot but missed. As Seedia continued her pursuit, Chadic intervened by detonating a Tibanna gas pod on the main mining station, Orbital One. The explosion scattered the TIE pilots.

Putting out flames

The reactor of Orbital One soon detonated due to sabotage by a smuggled New Republic strike team, resulting in a chain reaction of exploding Tibanna pods. Seedia and Char pursued Lark as he attempted to escape the detonations, firing at his A-wing in an attempt to force him towards the burning Tibanna clouds of Pandem Nai. The pair were temporarily separated from Lark but soon caught up again as the New Republic pilot was detaching Tibanna pods, attacking Lark's A-wing. Lark, however, broadcasted on all frequencies, urging everyone to cease fighting and assist in suppressing the firestorm, asserting that Pandem Nai was at risk.

Seedia, Char, and other TIEs concurred with the A-wing pilot and assisted him in detaching more pods to prevent the firestorm from spreading. As the Imperial fighters worked on this, the surviving TIEs retreated to the Aerie, which fled the system. The fighter wing had ultimately suffered significant losses, including Nuress. Subsequently, Major Soran Keize assumed command of the 204th, and Seedia was transferred to serve as second-in-command of the fighter wing's Squadron Four, led by Captain Jothal Gablerone, to compensate for the death of the pilot Draige.

Supply operations

Attack on Jarbanov

Around 5 ABY, the 204th traveled to the planet Jarbanov, where a colony was providing supplies to the New Republic. Squadron Four was assigned to attack the colony while the Aerie collected the wreckage of TIE fighters in the planet's junk rings. During the planning of the operation, Keize advised the pilots against targeting the hazard vaults on the outskirts of the colony. Seedia led her own flight, which attacked the colony's primary processing plant. When defending patrol craft intervened, the lieutenant reported over her comm that one of the enemy craft had crashed into a garbage silo.

As more patrol craft pursued Squadron Four, the TIEs evaded their pursuers before ascending from the surface. Seedia, however, deviated from her squadron and attacked some hazard vaults, breaching them. With the entire colony at risk of radiation, Keize suggested that Seedia remain in her TIE cockpit until the fighter was completely decontaminated. A New Republic corvette attempted to intercept Squadron Four above Jarbanov, but the TIEs evaded the vessel and rendezvoused with the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier Allegiance on the far side of Jarbanov's moon to escape into hyperspace.

Mission postmortem

Soran Keize called Seedia into the meeting to account for her flight's actions

Afterward, Keize convened a meeting with the 204th's squadron commanders and the commanders of the Aerie and Allegiance. The attendees discussed the actions at Jarbanov, and Seedia was summoned to the room to account for her flight's actions. Keize allowed the lieutenant and Gablerone to lead the discussions on the Jarbanov operation. Seedia defended her flight's actions, arguing that excessive caution could lead to errors. Keize agreed that such limitations were unnecessary in low-risk situations.

Fifteen minutes into the discussions, Keize questioned Seedia about her decision to attack the hazard vaults, which he deemed unnecessary. Seedia compared this to the New Republic setting Pandem Nai's gas clouds on fire, which she also considered unnecessary, but the major reminded her that the attack on Pandem Nai was not their concern at that time. As the meeting continued, she defended her flight's actions, arguing that logistical concerns led to fatal errors. Once the meeting's attendees finished dissecting the details of the events at Jarbanov, Seedia was dismissed from the room.

Recovery of the Edict

The 204th soon traveled to the Pormthulis system, where the immobile Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Edict was guarded by New Republic forces. While the 204th's Squadron Five engaged the enemy escorts, Squadron Four and Squadron Two made flybys, and Seedia reported a light going dark in section fourteen of the Edict. Keize, who had landed inside the Star Destroyer, traveled to that sector of the vessel.

While the major investigated the area, he contacted Seedia, inquiring whether she could pinpoint the location of the activity in section fourteen. The lieutenant could not and offered to make another pass. Keize instructed her not to and ordered her to open fire if he abruptly lost contact. Seedia acknowledged his orders, and Keize discovered a number of surviving Imperial crew members. With the New Republic escort defeated, the Edict was restored to flight capability by scrapping the Allegiance.

Attack on Cerberon

Keize's proposal

Later, the 204th's Squadrons Two, Three, and Four attacked a supply outpost that was supporting the New Republic. The squadrons breached the outpost, suffocating the inhabitants and allowing the cargo to be sucked out into the vacuum, where it was recovered by the Edict. Six hours later, Keize convened another conference with the squadron commanders and senior staff of the Aerie and Edict at the conference table aboard the Edict. Seedia was invited by the major, who anticipated her challenging him. During the conference, Keize proposed an intervention in the Cerberon system, where the Empire was rapidly losing ground to Hera Syndulla's battle group, including Alphabet Squadron. As he cited reports on the astronomy of the system, Seedia mentioned her year at the Institute for Quantitative Studies, and the major promised to grant her access to the data.

Keize continued, detailing a plan to approach the planet Troithe in the Cerberon system on an asteroid and launch a surprise attack before the enemy could raise alarms and activate shields. The major then revealed that Syndulla's forces were leading the invasion of Troithe, sparking a debate among the meeting attendees. Seedia remained silent, observing the other officers in the room, but soon interjected, stating that bringing Syndulla's head home was the honorable course of action. Keize subsequently pledged to lead the 204th in this endeavor, and his decision to proceed to the Cerberon system was ultimately accepted by the officers at the conference.

Battle preparations

With the plan approved, Keize conducted exercises in preparation, in which Seedia participated. During the training, the pilots were presented with false sensor readings to assess their reactions. Seedia responded non-aggressively, which the major noted. Keize then initiated a new exercise in which he was the target. In the following days, he also discussed the reaction exercise with the squadron commanders to ensure they would advise their pilots accordingly.

Keize later briefed the entire 204th, including Seedia, on the battle scenarios for the Cerberon system and the tactics employed by Syndulla and her forces. The major then covered some of the notable individuals and units under the New Republic general, including Wyl Lark and Alphabet Squadron, highlighting the A-wing pilot's actions at the Oridol Cluster and Pandem Nai. Seedia, having encountered Lark, interjected, expressing her desire to propose an idea involving the A-wing pilot. Keize was subsequently field-promoted to colonel.

The diversion

The 204th traveled to the Cerberon system to initiate their attack. Keize had previously selected Seedia and Lieutenant Vann Bragheer to join him and his squadron of TIE drones. When the colonel informed the pair that they might perish during their mission, only Seedia hesitated, but she did not question him. Shortly after the Edict's arrival in the system, Keize checked with the lieutenant to confirm that their squadron was ready. Seedia confirmed that everything was prepared, and the squadron deployed shortly thereafter, traveling to the planet Catadra with the Aerie. The TIE drones were programmed to follow Keize's fighter, receiving orders via cannon burst patterns, while Seedia and Bragheer were present to guide them when they inevitably engaged in battle.

Alphabet Squadron and the New Republic's Meteor Squadron deployed from the planet Troithe to respond to Keize's diversion at Catadra. As a misdirection tactic, Seedia contacted Lark, reminding the A-wing pilot of who was contacting him and instructing him to return to Troithe. Lark and his comrade Nath Tensent subsequently returned to their battle group's flagship, the Acclamator-class assault ship Lodestar, while Meteor Squadron and Chass na Chadic moved to engage the TIEs above Catadra. Both sides sustained losses, and Bragheer and the drones were eliminated in the fight. Seedia's TIE was damaged, and the lieutenant was injured, sustaining burns in the process. Keize returned to the Aerie, assuming that Seedia had also been killed, and later mourned her and Bragheer during the memorial service for Garmen Naadra, a Squadron Three pilot who was lost later during the 204th's time in the Cerberon system.

Stranded on Catadra


The injured Seedia was discovered adrift in her TIE fighter by the Children of the Empty Sun, a cult operating within the system. The cultists brought the lieutenant back to Catadra, believing her to be unconscious. Seedia, however, was awake and observed the location where the cult stored their starships. The lieutenant eventually introduced herself to her rescuers, who transported her to the cult's palace. There, Seedia received medical attention in the palace's medical suite, where she was held in a cell.

Several days after the battle above Catadra, Seedia was visited by Chass na Chadic, who had also participated in the fighting and had been rescued by the Children of the Empty Sun after her fighter ran out of fuel. Chadic immediately recognized the lieutenant as a member of the 204th and questioned why she shouldn't kill her. After confirming that her visitor was from the New Republic, Seedia told her that they both wanted to escape Catadra. Chadic then raised a blaster and shot the lieutenant in the arm through the window of the cell. The B-wing pilot warned Seedia not to attempt to manipulate her before departing.

Seedia was later released from the medical suite and permitted to interact with the other members of the Children of the Empty Sun. The lieutenant had to use steel crutches and was guarded by two medics. One evening, she encountered Chadic in a corridor within the palace. The lieutenant struck the B-wing pilot with her crutch, and the pair engaged in a scuffle. Seedia deduced that Chadic had been at Pandem Nai and informed the Theelin that she knew where to find a ship. The two parted, with Seedia bowing her head as they met gazes once more.

An unlikely ally

Chass na Chadic made an ally out of Seedia

Gruyver, a cultist from the Children of the Empty Sun, pressed Chadic to reconcile with Seedia. The morning following their altercation, the lieutenant was met by her rival in a hallway. Chadic reiterated her threat to kill Seedia, who listened before inquiring if she would postpone their conflict until they had escaped. Seedia then revealed the location of the cult's vessels and requested Chadic's assistance, along with access codes or grade four explosives, from the B-wing pilot.

Not long after, both attended a talk given by Let'ij, who was the leader of the Children of the Empty Sun. During the confessions that followed, Seedia stepped forward, aiming to gain the cultists' trust by recounting her involvement in the "cleansing" of Nacronis and expressing her devotion to duty and obedience. She also shared her regrets, such as leaving her estate to her twin and failing to express her love to friends before their deaths. The audience applauded as she took her seat.

Later that night, the lieutenant and Chadic convened in the palace gardens. She shared with the Theelin a saying from the ancient Tangrada-Nii General Mardroon, which cautioned that excessive familiarity with one's enemy could lead to joining them. Chadic questioned whether Seedia was referring to them or the cult, but urged her to decide for herself, while also mocking the cultists' foolishness. The B-wing pilot retorted that the cult, at the very least, had not contributed to the destruction of a planet, unlike the lieutenant. After a pause, Seedia suggested taking a hostage if they failed to obtain access codes soon. Chadic affirmed that she could acquire the access codes, but warned that one of them would not survive the escape.


On one occasion, Seedia and Chadic participated in a discussion with the Children of the Empty Sun. There, Chadic, seated across from the lieutenant, shared a recurring dream she had about living on the city planet Coruscant and struggling to survive after losing her job following the war. In the middle of the night, Let'ij summoned Chadic, providing the Theelin with an opportunity to steal access codes by subduing the cult leader and seizing her code cylinders.

Seedia soon met up with the B-wing pilot and guided her through the palace corridors to the blast door leading to the landing field. Chadic used Let'ij's code cylinders to unlock the door, and they both entered the area. As the Theelin's attention was drawn to her fighter, Gruyver intercepted them, but Seedia incapacitated him with her crutch. She cautioned Chadic to remain vigilant as the Theelin approached Gruyver to check on him. The lieutenant then struck the B-wing pilot with her crutch. Seedia attempted a second strike, but Chadic caught the crutch and pulled the TIE pilot forward. As their fight continued, Seedia landed more blows on Chadic before the Theelin drew her blaster. The lieutenant commented that the cult had influenced Chadic before evading her opponent's erratic blaster fire and fleeing the scene.

Infiltrating the Deliverance

Spying on the enemy

The 204th eventually escaped the Cerberon System aboard a bulk freighter, later named the Yadeez, after New Republic reinforcements, commanded by Hera Syndulla, undermined the fighter wing's control at Troithe. Syndulla was given a new flagship, the refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance, which recruited personnel from the system. Seedia, after shaving her head and donning a red-haired wig, seized the recruitment as a chance to infiltrate the Deliverance, becoming a mole on the New Republic ship while posing as "Caulra Spring," a ground crew member for Hail Squadron, a Y-wing squadron within the Deliverance's starfighter wing. She remained discreet, observing the pilots, including those of Alphabet Squadron, and discovering that she and her comrades in the Oridol Cluster had all been assigned nicknames like "Blink."

In 5 ABY, Alphabet Squadron investigated a string of attacks by the 204th, aiming to locate the Imperial fighter wing. While the Deliverance and its starfighter wing investigated the 204th's presence at the planet Fedovoi End, Seedia sent multiple messages to her unit, alerting them to Syndulla's forces. She also aided an attack on the refitted Star Destroyer by Imperial sabotage droids, which the 204th had left at the Deliverance's next destination, a location Seedia had revealed. The droids were eventually neutralized, but not before claiming the lives of two Deliverance crewmembers.

Undercover crew

Nath Tensent approached "Caulra Spring" about the whereabouts of Chass na Chadic.

While Seedia was spying for the 204th, the fighter wing had its own operative aboard the Yadeez, the former deserter Yrica Quell, who disclosed the 204th's location to the Deliverance through communication bursts. Consequently, Syndulla's forces attacked the Imperial fighter wing, pursuing the unit through various systems thanks to Quell's comm bursts. The 204th suffered pilot losses along the way, and Seedia learned that Garl Lykan, a pilot she had flown with in the Oridol Cluster, had also perished in battle.

The fighter wing eventually evaded the Deliverance's pursuit after a battle in the Chadawa system and joined the Imperial forces gathering at the planet Jakku to prepare for a confrontation with the approaching New Republic forces. Following the battle at Chadawa, Seedia was in the Deliverance's hangar transferring fuel when Chass na Chadic reviewed her B-wing's repair plan before departing. Captain Nath Tensent then arrived, searching for the Theelin, and asked "Spring" about the B-wing pilot's whereabouts. The supposed ground crewmember recounted Chadic's visit and departure, prompting Tensent to inquire about her name, recognizing her as a Cerberon recruit. Seedia revealed her alias to the captain, who introduced himself before leaving.

Confronting Wyl Lark

The 204th eventually evaded the Deliverance's pursuit after a battle in the Chadawa system and joined the Imperial forces gathering at the planet Jakku to prepare for a confrontation with the approaching New Republic forces. The Deliverance intended to deploy its fighter wing to counter the Imperial fighter wing, but Wyl Lark, the wing's commander, had reservations. During the pre-attack briefing, Lark announced that he no longer wished to continue the rivalry with the 204th on principle; he informed the pilots that he was refusing to fight and would abandon his duty to lead them in the upcoming battle, urging the other pilots to join him. Ultimately, all of the pilots rejected his stance, and Seedia, having learned of this, informed members of the 204th.

The New Republic fleet soon launched an attack on the Imperial forces at Jakku. During the battle, the Deliverance located the 204th, which was using radiation to suppress New Republic starships to eliminate them. The refitted Star Destroyer deployed its starfighter wing to engage the Imperial fighter wing. Seedia planned to plant a bomb on the Deliverance's subgenerators and began working in a maintenance alcove within the reactor section. However, Lark passed by and noticed her, asking if she needed assistance. Seedia assured Lark that she was finishing up, but he questioned her statement. She then lunged at Lark and knocked him down with an arc wrench.

With Lark on the ground, Seedia attempted to attack him with her wrench, but failed four times. Lark then pushed her back and stood up, confused as to why she had attacked him. The lieutenant revealed her true identity and that she was the 204th pilot Lark had nicknamed "Blink." Shocked, Lark inquired how she was aboard the Deliverance. She sarcastically alluded to her conception. Lark assumed the 204th had caught "Blink" betraying the Empire by warning him over Troithe, but she corrected him, explaining that it was merely part of the 204th's plan. Seedia then recounted her experiences on Catadra and the Deliverance, taking responsibility for the two New Republic deaths caused by the sabotage droid attack.


Lark asserted that Seedia could have joined his side, but she mocked his desertion of the battle and predicted the demise of his starfighter wing. She hurled her wrench at him before reaching for her tool bag, prompting Lark to tackle her. They wrestled until the lieutenant punched him in the head and regained her footing, repeatedly kicking her opponent. Punching him further, she expressed the sentiment that her fallen comrades in the 204th had names, mourning them individually. Eventually, Lark threw himself at her, causing them to crash into a bulkhead. Seedia pushed her enemy away and fled with her tool bag, extracting the bomb from it.

Lark pursued Seedia until she retaliated with a spinning kick that knocked him back. She named individuals who had been killed by the New Republic. Lark attempted to persuade her to drop the bomb and walk away, but she made it clear that her intentions were revenge and explained her mission with the explosive, accepting her impending death. The lieutenant declared that the Empire would never cease fighting and activated the bomb, meeting her end in the resulting explosion. The Deliverance sustained enough damage that its crew, including Lark, abandoned ship. The Battle of Jakku concluded with a New Republic victory and the defeat of the Imperial forces, including the destruction of the 204th.

Personality and traits

Composure and manipulation

Palal Seedia was a human female characterized by her pale complexion, slender physique, and dark, fine hair. She shaved her head and employed a wig to gain entry into the Deliverance. Seedia projected an image of stoicism and wit to Soran Keize, fearlessly challenging concepts at times. She also exhibited moments of quiet observation, studying the environment.

Seedia made the choice to engage in conversation with the enemy A-wing pilot, Wyl Lark, during the Oridol Cluster incident. She taunted him, suggesting that he would succumb to the cluster's influence, and sarcastically implied that the Oridol Cluster itself was addressing the A-wing pilot. Upon recognizing Lark at Pandem Nai, Seedia relentlessly pursued him, even amidst the peril posed by the firestorm emanating from the exploding Tibanna pods. However, the lieutenant ultimately decided to cease her attempts to eliminate her adversary when he argued for the necessity of cooperation to quell the firestorm on the planet. Within the Cerberon system, she exploited her rapport with Lark to deceive and disorient him by instructing him to return to Troithe. During their final confrontation with the A-wing pilot, she derided his choice to abandon his rivalry with the 204th and dismissed his pleas for her to relinquish her own vendetta against the New Republic, asserting that he failed to comprehend her.

Upon encountering the B-wing pilot, Chass na Chadic, at the Children of the Empty Sun palace, Seedia surmised that the Theelin harbored a desire to escape Catadra, utilizing this as leverage. To pique Chadic's interest, she later disclosed her knowledge of a vessel's location. When Chadic subsequently threatened her life, Seedia once again sought common ground with the Theelin by asserting that she possessed a plan to escape the Children. She also endeavored to gain the trust of the cult itself by confessing numerous aspects of which she was ashamed, but overestimated the gullibility of the members, doubting their complete acceptance of her speech. The lieutenant recalled the teachings of Tangrada-Nii General Mardoon, which cautioned that excessive proximity to one's enemy risked assimilation in addition to comprehension. This realization prompted her to promptly betray Chadic upon discovering a starship landing field.

Revenge, honor and acceptance

Seedia harbored a deep-seated desire for vengeance for the loss of her comrades, whom she mourned intensely, regretting her failure to express the affection she held for her deceased friends, displaying an aggressive stance towards the New Republic that Soran Keize found unsettling. She justified the irradiation of the Jarbanov colony by drawing parallels to the New Republic's act of initiating a firestorm above Pandem Nai. During the proposal of the attack on Hera Sundulla's battle group within the Cerberon system, Seedia insisted that seeking retribution for the 204th's losses at Pandem Nai was the honorable course of action. After sustaining injuries from Chadic, she retaliated against the B-wing pilot, but bowed her head as they parted ways.

Seedia also sought to undermine Syndulla's forces from within to aid her allies in the 204th and exact revenge for those she had lost. She found the practice of assigning nicknames to her and her comrades distasteful, and she echoed their names to Wyl Lark in their honor. Seedia did not question Keize's intimation that she might perish during her mission to Catadra. In her culminating mission aboard the Deliverance, she accepted the likelihood of her demise and the possibility of being forgotten by the 204th. This acceptance led her to end her own life when pursued by Lark.

Skills and abilities

Palal Seedia cultivated her proficiency in astronomy at the Institute for Quantitative Studies. She demonstrated skill in combat, outmaneuvering both Chass na Chadic and Wyl Lark in hand-to-hand engagements, employing her fists and feet to deliver glancing blows in their respective confrontations.


Seedia utilized a medical vocabulator to amplify her voice. She frequently donned a flight suit and piloted a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter. During her association with the Children of the Empty Sun, Seedia relied on a steel crutch for support due to an injury. While operating as a mole aboard the Deliverance, she wore a work suit with a red-haired wig and carried a tool bag containing equipment such as an arc wrench, plasma torches, and vibro-cutters. Seedia also possessed a bomb encased in wires and switches, which she ultimately used on herself.

Behind the scenes

Palal Seedia made her debut as a fighter pilot and through voice acting in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the inaugural installment of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, where she was solely identified by the moniker "Blink." Seedia subsequently appeared under her full name in Alphabet Squadron's sequel, the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, while the voice of "Blink" appeared separately. It was not until the third installment of the trilogy, the 2021 novel Victory's Price, that Seedia and "Blink" were definitively confirmed to be the same individual.

