The cleansing of Nacronis, alternatively known as the destruction of Nacronis, represents a slaughter perpetrated by the Galactic Empire under the banner of Operation: Cinder. This event took place after the Battle of Endor, subsequent to the death of Emperor Palpatine. The 204th Imperial Fighter Wing played a supportive role in this assault, after Colonel Shakara Nuress received directives from an Emperor's Messenger droid. TIE fighter pilots deployed vortex detonators launched from TIE bombers to exacerbate the planet's existing storms. Despite the Rebel Alliance's efforts to protect Nacronis, the Empire ultimately succeeded in eradicating the planet's inhabitants once a massive, all-encompassing storm engulfed the world, effectively ceasing Rebel resistance. Following the dissipation of these storms, Yrica Quell, an Imperial pilot, abandoned the Empire and was eventually discovered by the New Republic.