Shakara Nuress, also known by the moniker "Grandmother," was a human female who achieved the rank of colonel and functioned as the commanding officer for the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing within the structure of the Galactic Empire. Her past included service within the Republic Navy during the period of the Clone Wars.

During the Clone Wars, Shakara Nuress was a member of the Republic Navy. Following the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Nuress continued her service, ultimately attaining the military rank of colonel and taking on the role of commander for the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. In the course of the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Nuress dispatched Squadron Five of the 204th on a mission to the Kudo system. The purpose of this mission was to secure the Celerity, which was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer experiencing hyperdrive malfunctions, making it susceptible to hijacking.
Nuress was in command of the Star Destroyer Pursuer when it launched an assault on a spice-mining installation situated on an ashen planet in proximity to her operational base. Due to her limited resources, she made the decision not to deploy TIE bombers, instead instructing Major Rassus to completely obliterate the outpost. Upon her return to Pandem Nai, she received communication from Colonel Madrighast, who attempted to persuade her to align with his forces. When she declined, he accused her of establishing her own independent empire. However, she clarified that she had discovered a valuable operational base that would serve as a beneficial supply point for whoever assumed leadership of the Empire. Over the subsequent days, she monitored the tibanna production facilities before returning to Orbital One. One of her subordinates, Lieutenant Preartes, inquired whether she had received any directives from Imperial High Command. She then proceeded to her personal quarters to question the messenger droid that had initially conveyed the command to execute Operation: Cinder, seeking any new instructions, but the droid remained unresponsive.
She possessed qualities of being well-respected, stern, territorial, and protective of those under her command. These characteristics, coupled with her reputation for potential senility, led to her being referred to as "Grandmother." Despite not always being fond of her, her unit held her in high regard. Yrica Quell attributed the success of the 204th and its current organizational structure to Nuress. She was known for restricting the squadron's deployment to missions that she personally deemed acceptable, making them unavailable for operations she disapproved of. Unlike previous commanders of Shadow Wing who used the unit as a means to advance their careers, Nuress never pursued this path, maintaining the unit's integrity without seeking personal glory.
Nuress had silver-colored hair and eyes the color of storm clouds.