Here we see the Gigoran named Moroff sporting a vocoder mask
A speech generator, also referenced as a vocoder or vocabulator, was a device that was designed to synthesize speech, thereby enabling droids to communicate. These devices also found application within helmets.
Vocabulators found in typical utility droids were generally rudimentary, with the capability to only speak in binary, which is a language composed of a series of beeps, whistles and hums strung together to form sentences. More sophisticated models were equipped with more elaborate units, enabling them to replicate the language spoken by virtually any organic species. BX-series droid commandos were outfitted with vocabulators that featured modulation capabilities, allowing them to mimic the vocal characteristics of organic beings, serving as an effective infiltration method.
Translating vocoders had the ability to provide real-time translation of spoken words. These devices were implemented by members of the New Republic Senate as a means to translate their utterances into Galactic Basic Standard.
Individuals belonging to certain species would routinely wear vocoder masks.
A vocoder was integrated into Kylo Ren's helmet, and served to modulate his voice. Phasma's armor also utilized a vocoder.