
Draige, a human who flew TIE fighters for the Galactic Empire, held the position of second-in-command within Squadron Four of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the Galactic Civil War. In the year 4 ABY, the Barma Battle Group of the New Republic initiated an assault against the 204th stationed at the planet Pandem Nai. During this conflict, members of Draige's squadron chased after Yrica Quell, a New Republic pilot and former Imperial, resulting in Draige's death. The fighter wing, suffering significant casualties, retreated from the Pandem Nai system. Following this, Major Soran Keize, who then assumed command of the 204th, considered replacing the deceased pilot with a pilot named Arron; however, he ultimately decided to transfer and elevate Palal Seedia to Draige's former position, as Arron had also passed away by that time.

Production Notes

Draige's name appeared in Shadow Fall, a novel published in 2020. This book represents the second installment in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, authored by Alexander Freed.

