Nath Tensent, a male human pilot, served the New Republic within Alphabet Squadron, piloting a Y-wing. Known for his relaxed attitude, he possessed a strong will to survive, desiring to outlive his entire squadron. He was the sole survivor of his previous unit after they were killed by the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also known as Shadow Wing. Following the Battle of Endor, he was recruited to Alphabet Squadron.
Born circa 33 BBY, Nath Tensent started his career as a pilot in service to the Galactic Empire. He and his squadron were responsible for policing a section of the Outer Rim Territories. He was discovered to be accepting bribes from pirates in exchange for ignoring their activities, while also extorting businesses for protection from the same pirates. Ultimately, he and his entire squadron deserted the Empire to join the Rebellion, participating in 50 operations. Tensent fought at Boz Pity where he experienced the loss of many friends. On another occasion, Tensent and his droid, T5, became stranded in the Red Isles of Thakwaa, where T5 recommended that Tensent create an ointment from plant stems to protect against the local insects. They were rescued a few days later.
Six months before the destruction of the Second Death Star, his squadron was ambushed and mostly destroyed by Shadow Wing at the Trenchenovu shipyards. Following this, he journeyed to the Entropian Hive and acted in an unofficial capacity as a New Republic representative to the local inhabitants.
Yrica Quell later located him and attempted to recruit him into the New Republic Intelligence task force with the goal of tracking down and bringing Shadow Wing to justice. Tensent initially refused, but Kairos convinced him by showing him a recording from intelligence officer Caern Adan, who promised him not only vengeance, but also all the credits Adan could manage, provided Tensent understood he was working as Adan's personal agent. Tensent accepted the offer and joined Adan's new squadron.
Following practice runs in flight simulators with the squadron, Tensent took Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic to a bar on the Lodestar. There, he and Lark formed a bond and quickly became friends. When the squadron was assigned a mission to retrieve intelligence from the planet Abednedo, Tensent and Lark remained in orbit while the others contacted a smuggler. As the group attempted to leave with Imperial prisoners, they were attacked by a group of TIE/sa bombers, which destroyed the freighter carrying the prisoners. Tensent and Lark managed to defeat two of the bombers, but the final bomber destroyed the freighter, killing all the prisoners and forcing Alphabet Squadron to return without the intel.
After returning to the Lodestar, Tensent frequently spent time drinking with the pilots of Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron until Quell informed the squadron of their next mission. The squadron traveled to a moon orbiting the planet Harkrova for a salvage operation. The group landed on a mountaintop and hiked down to the bottom to locate a supply cache left by the Rebel Alliance. During the descent, Tensent approached Quell and offered his support, stating that he didn't blame her for punching Adan, but then became serious, clarifying that he was there to hunt down Shadow Wing, not to aid the New Republic in its conquest.
That night, the group camped, and Tensent and Lark dominated the conversation, with Tensent sharing stories from his time in service with his former squadron.
Though he presented himself as an edgy, selfish human male pilot, Tensent was, in reality, an extremely loyal man. He demonstrated genuine concern for his comrades in Alphabet Squadron and was even viewed as a voice of reason, largely due to his older age and experience (compared to the rest of the squadron). Wyl Lark even considered him a close friend. Tensent was possessive about his ship, disliking anyone else working on it, believing that while others might know Y-wings better, nobody knew his Y-wing as well as he did. In his youth, Tensent enjoyed a good fight, but with age, he valued his own survival more than the thrill of combat. Despite an initially strained relationship with Yrica Quell, when he reunited with her after her return from the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, Tensent admitted that he had always admired her survivor instincts.
Nath Tensent's debut was in the Alphabet Squadron novel, penned by Alexander Freed and released in 2019. When initially planning the pilot details for Alphabet Squadron, Freed decided to give Tensent the Y-wing and an astromech droid to give him a slightly more approachable personality.