Six months prior to the Battle of Endor, the battle at Trenchenovu occurred when Nath Tensent's squadron, comprised of BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers and led by the rebel pilot Nath Tensent, initiated an assault on the Trenchenovu shipyards. During their bombing mission, the squadron was suddenly ambushed by the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, which led to the mission's failure.
The Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Sanction intercepted the squadron's attempted escape, compelling them to head towards the opposite side of the shipyards. One by one, members of Tensent's squadron were eliminated until only Tensent and his second, Reeka, remained. Tensent was then obligated to leave behind his comrade, whose astromech droid had been destroyed, in order to survive the battle, and he retreated to the Entropian Hive to get his ship repaired.
Approximately 3 ABY, which is more than seven months before the Battle of Endor, Nath Tensent, a pilot serving the Rebel Alliance, and his squadron commenced preparations for a bombing raid on the Trenchenovu shipyards. Their preparations lasted for six weeks. Tensent's motivation for the mission was to secure a favor from Alliance General Lexei so that he could have influence over his next assignment. However, the Galactic Empire had managed to break the security codes of Tensent's rebel cell in the time leading up to the attack, thus gaining knowledge of the impending assault. In anticipation of the attack, Colonel Shakara Nuress of the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing provided a squadron of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters to the Sanction, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.
On the day the attack was to occur, Tensent's squadron, flying BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers, approached the shipyards to execute their bombing run. Just moments before the rebel pilot Piter could release his payload, TIE fighters from the 204th ambushed his starfighter, resulting in its destruction. Tensent and his second-in-command, Reeka, made the decision to abort the mission, instructing their squadron to release their payloads in an attempt to evade the pursuing TIEs. Tensent's squadron ascended, having lost the pilots Canthropali and Shol Mordeaux, only to be intercepted by the Sanction, which emerged from hyperspace close to the Trenchenovu shipyards.
Tensent's squadron subsequently divided, seeking refuge beneath the shipyards in an effort to escape on the other side. As the 204th pursued the rebels, the rebel pilot Braigh transmitted across multiple frequencies, proposing to betray the rest of the Alliance to the Empire in exchange for her own safety. Braigh was killed regardless, along with Pesalt, who crashed into the shipyards while attempting to outmaneuver the TIE fighters. After Rorian was killed by his overloaded engine and Ferris ejected from his Y-wing, Tensent and Reeka were the only rebel pilots left. The pair managed to destroy three TIE fighters, but Reeka simultaneously lost her astromech droid. Upon reaching the opposite side of the shipyards, Tensent was compelled to abandon his remaining comrade and flee the battle to survive. Reeka, unable to jump to hyperspace without a droid, was subsequently killed.
Tensent escaped to the trading post known as Entropian Hive in order to repair his Y-wing. He discovered that the Empire had been eavesdropping and had foreseen the attack. Tensent later recounted the story to Lieutenant Yrica Quell, a former pilot from the 204th, who was recruiting him for a working group with the objective of dismantling the fighter wing. During the attack on the 204th at the planet Pandem Nai, Tensent confronted Nuress, prompting her to reveal the details of the fighter wing's involvement in the destruction of his squadron at the Trenchenovu shipyards. It was there that he learned that all of the 204th pilots involved had since died.
The battle at Trenchenovu was initially referenced in the 2019 novel titled Alphabet Squadron, which was authored by Alexander Freed.