Meteor Squadron

The starfighter squadron known as Meteor Squadron served the New Republic and was a component of the Barma Battle Group, operating from the New Republic's flagship, the Lodestar. The pilots of this squadron customized their X-wing starfighters with vibrant artwork depicting geological and frozen landscapes.


Meteor Squadron was a unit within the New Republic's starfighter corps that flew X-wing starfighters. These X-wings were uniquely identifiable due to the brightly colored images of rock formations and ice that adorned them.


Mission to Chazwa

Meteor Squadron was dispatched to Chazwa in 4 ABY, following the Battle of Endor. They received a briefing from Caern Adan, a New Republic Intelligence agent, who provided critical information about their objectives on Chazwa.

Skirmish on Argai Minor

Later on, the New Republic launched an attack against Imperial forces stationed at the Treinhaus Citadel located on Argai Minor. The Barma Battle Group deployed Vanguard Squadron to support the ground troops, with Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron joining the fray subsequently. The conflict on Argai Minor was exceptionally fierce and eventually transitioned into a salvage operation. Syndulla brought in Alphabet Squadron to help with patrols, and allow a New Reublic salvage team to collect data from the wreckage. New Republic Intelligence suspected Imperial forces planetside had received logistical support from elsewhere. The enemy had been decimated by orbital bombardment and precision strikes from the fleet. The citadel, a fortress full of gun emplacements, had been wrecked, its kilometers-high eastern wall was destroyed by Imperial sappers, and the battlefield was littered with speeders, troop carriers, walkers and other vehicles, destroyed by Imperial guerrillas. The mission was ultimately deemed a success.

Cerberon system

Troithe operation

Around 5 ABY, the forces commanded by General Hera Syndulla engaged in the campaign within the Cerberon system. Meteor Squadron was among the deployed units and took part in the Troithe operation together with Hail and Alphabet Squadrons. These squadrons delivered vital air support to ground troops throughout the weeks-long operation.

Battle above Catadra

When the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing initiated their attack on Cerberon, Meteor Squadron was immediately deployed to the battle over Catadra. They fought alongside the surviving members of Alphabet Squadron, who ceded command to Meteor Leader due to the diminished number of available starfighters and personnel. The squadron suffered almost complete annihilation during this engagement. By the time the Battle of Jakku occurred later that year, every member of Meteor Squadron had perished.

Nadiri Dockyards

During the Cerberon campaign, General Hera Syndulla traveled to the Bormea sector to assist Vanguard Squadron with their mission. During her absence, the New Republic's Nadiri Dockyards came under attack from Imperial forces led by Captain Terisa Kerrill. After escaping Kerrill's forces, Syndulla told her allies that she had dispatched Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron to secure the dockyards, despite the fact that Meteor Squadron was at that moment being decimated above Catadra.

Behind the scenes

The squadron known as Meteor Squadron was first introduced in Alexander Freed's 2019 novel, Alphabet Squadron, the first book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.

