The clash known as the Skirmish on Argai Minor unfolded between the New Republic and what was left of the Galactic Empire in the period following the Battle of Endor. The Empire's forces were stationed at the Treinhaus Citadel, which became the target of a New Republic assault involving both ground troops and aerial assistance. This aerial support came from Vanguard Squadron, part of General Hera Syndulla's battle group, with Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron joining the fray later. The fighting was intense, lasting for several days and involving both orbital attacks and careful strikes from Syndulla's warships. The result was severe damage to the Treinhaus Citadel, particularly the near-total destruction of its eastern wall. Subsequently, Alphabet Squadron was dispatched to monitor the battle zones around the now-devastated Treinhaus Citadel. Their mission was to stop Imperial troops from reclaiming the citadel as New Republic teams worked to retrieve vital information. For a period of sixteen hours, Alphabet Squadron maintained a defensive perimeter, navigating the debris of speeders, transports, walkers, and other military hardware. They fought off infantry, TIE fighters, and TIE/sa bombers. Following this extended period of vigilance, the data was successfully secured, and the New Republic forces retreated to their respective vessels.