Nadiri Dockyards

The Nadiri Dockyards, also known as simply Nadiri, functioned as a starship production center for the New Republic, situated within the Bormea sector. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, this facility was responsible for the construction of capital ships intended for the New Republic Defense Fleet. Notably, all of these vessels were assembled using components salvaged from captured Imperial spacecraft. A prime example of the ships produced there was the Starhawk-class battleship.


Inside the dockyards

The starship manufacturing hub known as the Nadiri Dockyards was established inside of a substantial asteroid. Its location was carefully concealed on the edge of the Ringali Nebula, situated deep within the Bormea sector. The dockyards were responsible for the construction of various capital ship classes for the New Republic. These vessels were built utilizing salvaged parts from captured Imperial ships, with a significant portion coming from Imperial II-class Star Destroyers.

Gantry extends alongside the new Starhawk

The dockyards' infrastructure included numerous platforms and support gantries that facilitated the movement of materials from the salvage area. The defensive capabilities of the Nadiri Dockyards were comprised of several turbolaser emplacements, shield generators, and missile launchers affixed to asteroids for perimeter defense. Hangar bays housed starfighters, including T-65B X-wing starfighters, which were complemented by a fleet of capital ships, such as a MC75 Star Cruiser, CR90 corvettes, and GR-75 medium transports.



During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Nadiri Dockyards served as the location for the New Republic's classified undertaking known as Project Starhawk. It was at this location that the Starhawk-class battleship was conceived, with the construction of its prototype, the Starhawk, commencing after the Battle of Endor. General Hera Syndulla played a crucial role in safeguarding the project, along with Commander Lindon Javes and his fleet, who were reassigned to support the initiative. Information regarding the project and its location was strictly confidential, even among members of the New Republic who were not directly involved, due to the risk of Imperial attacks.

Vanguard Squadron arrive

Vanguard Squadron was one of the units that became aware of the project, after they and Captain Wedge Antilles were tasked with a mission to seize the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Victorum. Following some complications during the journey, Vanguard Squadron escorted the Star Destroyer to the dockyards, where it was slated for disassembly, and its components would be utilized in the construction of the Starhawk. This event marked Vanguard's first encounter with the dockyards and the Starhawk, and they were subsequently introduced to General Syndulla.

Stolen Star Destroyer being salvaged

As ships from Admiral Rae Sloane's fleet began to disappear, she assigned Captain Terisa Kerrill the task of locating Project Starhawk. An Imperial operative, Agent Thorn, acquired critical intelligence pertaining to Project Starhawk, prompting Kerrill to dispatch Titan Squadron to extract her from a New Republic orbital installation above Hosnian Prime. They discovered that a convoy transporting engineers from Hosnian Prime was en route to the secret base. The plan involved Titan Squadron tracking the convoy to determine the base's trajectory; however, a Star Destroyer from the local fleet intervened. Kerrill then deployed a boarding party to extract data from the transports, which revealed the sector coordinates for Project Starhawk. The convoy was destroyed as a message to Lindon Javes that the Empire was approaching.

Starhawk at the dockyards

To delay the Imperial pursuit of Project Starhawk and the Nadiri Dockyards, Javes authorized a counterattack on an Imperial listening post above Esseles, with the intention of drawing Kerrill's Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, the Overseer. An ambush was orchestrated, luring the Overseer into the Zavian Abyss utilizing droid-piloted GR-75 transports, escorted by Vanguard Squadron. The prototype Starhawk was unveiled within the trap, employing its powerful tractor beam to force the Overseer into the asteroids, resulting in extensive damage and compelling Kerrill to retreat. Despite this, Kerrill successfully obtained the location of the Nadiri Dockyards.

Starhawk and Temperance

Before a full-scale assault could be launched, Sloane initiated a series of hit-and-run attacks across the galaxy, targeting Mon Cala, Onderon, and Gorse, in order to divert the fleet responsible for protecting the dockyards. With the dockyards exposed, the Overseer advanced, and Titan Squadron spearheaded an assault on the facility. Titan Squadron began by eliminating the outer perimeter missile defenses, before proceeding to destroy the shield generators and starfighter hangars. Titan neutralized any transports attempting to evacuate the dockyards. Once the shields were disabled, Titan launched baradium missiles at the exposed Starhawk, inflicting significant damage, including its hyperdrive. The Overseer also commenced firing; however, the Temperance emerged unexpectedly to intercept the Overseer's missile and turbolaser fire. The full impact of this defense damaged the Temperance's hyperdrive. With the arrival of the New Republic fleet to defend the dockyards, Kerrill ordered a withdrawal.

Temperance takes a hit

With the dockyards now exposed and critically damaged, it became vulnerable to further attacks. Consequently, Syndulla issued an evacuation order, directing the fleet to relocate to the safety of Chandrila. However, due to the damaged hyperdrives, both the Starhawk and the Temperance navigated through the debris field near Sissubo to avoid detection. Nevertheless, Kerrill had already observed their departure from the dockyards. Titan Squadron established traps within the debris field, forcing Syndulla's fleet into the Ringali Nebula, leaving them weakened and isolated from New Republic assistance. Subsequently, a major battle unfolded over the adjacent moon Galitan, culminating in the destruction of the Starhawk. Fortunately, its crew and personnel were evacuated to Chandrila, enabling them to continue the development of Project Starhawk.

Following the evacuation, Syndulla dispatched Meteor and Hail Squadrons to secure the Nadiri Dockyards. Later, Commander Javes would lead the Republic's elite forces from Nadiri.

Behind the scenes

The Nadiri Dockyards were initially referenced in the 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt and its audiobook, authored by Chuck Wendig. Its first visual representation occurred in the 2020 video game Star Wars: Squadrons.

