
Galitan was a distant moon situated within the Ringali Nebula, found in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. Because of the chaotic energies of the nebula, Galitan had been partially destroyed and transformed into an asteroid field of hot, fragmented pieces, resulting in a highly volatile state for the moon. A significant battle occurred during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic; in this battle, Captain Terisa Kerrill's Titan Squadron and Imperial backup from Admiral Rae Sloane's fleet cornered General Hera Syndulla's fleet in an effort to obliterate the prototype Starhawk. The Imperial forces inflicted heavy damage on the Starhawk, rendering it immobile, but the New Republic troops abandoned the vessel and employed its tractor beam to pull it toward Galitan's exposed center. The Imperials' efforts to thwart Syndulla's troops were unsuccessful, and the Starhawk impacted the moon's core, setting off an enormous detonation that annihilated Galitan and every Imperial warship in proximity. The Temperance, along with its accompanying fleet, emerged victorious and managed to evade the expanding shockwave.

