Titan Squadron

Titan Squadron was a Galactic Empire squadron of starfighters that consisted of five TIE fighter pilots. This unit was active during the Galactic Civil War and participated in numerous engagements against the forces of the New Republic.


The starships of Titan Squadron.

Within the Galactic Empire's Imperial Starfighter Corps, Titan Squadron served as a dedicated starfighter squadron. The training of Titan's pilots focused on conducting substantial strikes against enemy installations and planets, as well as disrupting enemy fleets in advance of Imperial capital ships. The squadron was composed of a minimum of five Imperial pilots, including one pilot who was later elevated to the rank of Flight Baron in recognition of their accomplishments following the battle of Galitan. The remaining four members adhered to the standard Imperial pilot uniform. Captain Varko Grey commanded the squadron, reporting directly to Captain Terisa Kerrill.

Titan Squadron utilized a variety of spacecraft, including TIE/IN interceptors, TIE/ln space superiority starfighters, TIE/sa bombers, and TIE/rp Reaper attack landers, each configured with specialized loadouts tailored to specific mission objectives. Following the battle of Galitan, the squadron also incorporated TIE/D Defender fighters into its arsenal. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Overseer served as the squadron's headquarters, supported by Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers, Arquitens-class command cruisers, Raider-class corvettes, IGV-55 surveillance vessels, and Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers. Reinforcements were also available from Admiral Rae Sloane's fleet.

The known members of Titan Squadron included Titan Leader Varko Grey, who was human; Rella Sol, also human; Shen, a human male augmented with cybernetics; and Havina Vonreg, a human female. After the Battle of Endor, an additional pilot, known by the callsign Titan Three, was assigned to the squadron. Willard Waylin held the position of chief mechanic for the squadron while aboard the Overseer.



Var-Shaa Imperial dockyard destroyed

Despite facing reduced numbers after the Empire's defeat at Endor, the squadron's resolve fueled their continued engagements against New Republic forces. Following the Battle of Endor, Titan Squadron participated in the conflict at Var-Shaa, where the New Republic Defense Fleet launched a strike against the Imperial dockyards positioned in orbit around the planet. The Imperials suffered significant losses, including at least one TIE bomber pilot, an Imperial Star Destroyer, and the complete destruction of the dockyard. During the Imperial retreat, Captain Varko Grey missed the opportunity to board the Star Destroyer Overseer before it jumped to lightspeed. Although Grey managed to evade detection by the passing New Republic fleet, his TIE interceptor was spotted by a T-65B X-wing starfighter, leading to a dogfight that descended to the planet's surface. Grey successfully destroyed the X-wing but was also shot down, crashing into the water below. Surviving the crash, Grey was later rescued by Imperial reinforcements.

Talcene system

Titan Squadron receive a new squadmate

After the Battle of Var-Shaa, Titan Squadron operated alongside the fleet in the Talcene System. Upon learning about attacks on Star Destroyers by Project Starhawk and Commander Lindon Javes, Admiral Rae Sloane tasked Titan Squadron with locating and eliminating Project Starhawk. Captain Terisa Kerrill requested from Sloane the assignment of a specific pilot.

Hosnian Prime

Orbital outpost over Hosnian Prime

Around 4 ABY, Admiral Rae Sloane ordered Captain Kerrill and Titan Squadron to destroy Project Starhawk, the New Republic's clandestine weapon. Agent Thorn, one of the Empire's intelligence operatives, had acquired information about the project, leading to the squadron's mission to extract her from an orbital station above Hosnian Prime. Three Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers transported them to the location. Upon arrival, Titan's TIE fighters launched and initiated the suppression of the station's defenses. The outpost responded by deploying X-wings for defense. GR-75 medium transports were also launched to escape, but Titan Squadron intercepted and destroyed them. Once the outpost's shields and turbolasers were neutralized, an Imperial shuttle landed, and stormtroopers extracted Thorn. Titan Squadron escorted the shuttle carrying the agent, defending it against X-wings and A-wings. After the shuttle's successful escape, the squadron docked with the Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers and retreated just as an MC75 Star Cruiser arrived.


Following the extraction of Agent Thorn, Titan Squadron participated in an attack targeting a New Republic convoy, aiming to acquire intelligence on the location of Project Starhawk. The attack was initiated prematurely by Captain Amos, who was in command of the Tormentor, another Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, and the last Star Destroyer in the local fleet. Despite Amos' actions, the mission was successful, and the convoy yielded the sector coordinates of Project Starhawk.

Zavian Abyss

The Overseer ambushed in the Zavian Abyss

After Desevro, Titan Squadron was involved in a battle within the Zavian Abyss, where the Overseer was lured into an ambush orchestrated by the New Republic to prevent it from locating Project Starhawk. During the ambush, the New Republic revealed their prototype Starhawk-class battleship Starhawk, utilizing its powerful tractor beam to pull the Overseer toward the surrounding large asteroids, nearly crippling the Star Destroyer. However, LT-514 successfully scanned the New Republic convoy's navicomputer, obtaining the sector and system details for Project Starhawk. On Captain Kerrill's orders, Titan retreated to the Overseer, and the Star Destroyer jumped to lightspeed.

Remitik system

Titan Three defends the munitions depot

Following the damage sustained in the Zavian Abyss, the Overseer arrived in the Remitik system and was compelled to seek assistance from the nearby Imperial munitions depot, which was under the command of Colonel Gralm. Gralm refused their request for aid and munitions, instead ordering Kerrill's forces to assist in defending the depot against rebel guerrillas. Despite her displeasure, Kerrill capitalized on the opportunity and instructed Titan Squadron to discreetly scan the depot for munitions during their patrol, discovering baradium in a pair of Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttles. During a attack by the New Republic, as Titan Squadron engaged waves of bombers, the baradium shuttles were remotely piloted back to the Overseer while Gralm was preoccupied with the battle. Once aboard, Titan Squadron boarded the Overseer, and the ship departed the system, leaving Gralm enraged.

Mon Cala

Titan Squadron arrive to scour Mon Cala

Titan Squadron conducted hit-and-fade strikes against a New Republic fuel depot orbiting Mon Cala, engaging Anvil Squadron, which was defending the planet. These strikes were part of a larger operation devised by Admiral Sloane to draw the New Republic Defense Fleet away from the Nadiri Dockyards, creating an opening for the Empire to attack Project Starhawk.

Nadiri Dockyards

Nadiri Dockyards

Following the successful strike on Mon Cala, the New Republic Defense Fleet was redeployed from the Nadiri Dockyards, leaving it vulnerable to an assault by Titan Squadron. The squadron targeted the shield generators and hangars to weaken the dockyard's defenses. Titan Three then armed Baradium missiles and launched them at the Starhawk, disabling its hyperdrive. The Overseer launched a final volley of missiles, but the Temperance intercepted them at the last moment, sustaining significant damage, including the loss of its hyperdrive. Titan Squadron retreated to the Overseer, and they departed.

Sissubo debris field

Titan Squadron force New Republic ships into Ringali Nebula

After crippling the Starhawk and the Temperance at the Nadiri Dockyards, Titan Squadron attacked General Hera Syndulla's fleet as it struggled toward Chandrila through Sissubo's debris field. The squadron identified exposed cores from the wreckage of Imperial Star Destroyers scattered throughout the debris field and targeted them as waves of ships passed through. They successfully destroyed two waves of corvettes and Nebulon-B frigates, causing the New Republic forces to alter their course and divert into the Ringali Nebula.


Titan Three attacks a Nebulon-B frigate

After forcing General Syndulla's fleet into the Ringali Nebula, the New Republic forces were trapped over the moon Galitan and severely weakened. Admiral Sloane dispatched reinforcements from her fleet to support Kerrill's mission to eliminate the rebels. Titan Squadron attacked the damaged Starhawk, which was being defended by Anvil Squadron, which was reinforcing Syndulla's fleet. Titan managed to penetrate the defenses and send a single TIE into the Starhawk's tractor beam core, overloading it with sustained fire and ensuring its destruction. Imperial defector Javes arrived, leading to a duel that resulted in Javes' defeat. With the mission accomplished, Kerrill ordered Titan Squadron to return to the Overseer, and they jumped to hyperspace. The remaining Imperial forces stayed behind to eliminate the New Republic forces but were destroyed when Syndulla sacrificed the crippled Starhawk by sending it into the moon's exposed core, creating a shockwave that destroyed all nearby ships.

Behind the scenes

Titan Squadron made its debut in the 2020 CG short film Hunted, which premiered on September 14, 2020, as part of the promotional campaign for the video game Star Wars: Squadrons, also released in 2020.

