Following the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire's Titan Squadron was assigned a mission: retrieve Agent Thorn from a planet's orbital outpost above Hosnian Prime.

Captain Terisa Kerrill dispatched Titan Squadron to the planet Hosnian Prime after the Battle of Endor. Their objective: extract Agent Thorn from the orbital outpost because of her crucial intelligence regarding the New Republic's Project Starhawk. Titan's assignment involved neutralizing the perimeter defenses, then providing an escort for a Lambda-class shuttle carrying the extraction team to the outpost to retrieve Thorn, followed by another escort during their departure.
The Titan squadron arrived at Hosnian Prime aboard three Imperial Gozanti-class cruisers, from which the squadron was deployed. Upon their arrival, the New Republic issued a warning about trespassing in Imperial space, which Titan Squadron disregarded as they began to eliminate the platform's external defenses, beginning with the missile turrets. As Titan squadron started targeting the outpost's shields, T-65B X-wing starfighters were launched from the outpost to engage them. Two GR-75 medium transports attempted to escape but were destroyed in the process.
With the outpost's shields and turbolaser defenses disabled, the Lambda shuttle Gladius made its arrival and docked at the outpost, unloading stormtroopers to retrieve Thorn. In the meantime, Titan Squadron engaged waves of A-wings and X-wings that were launched from the planet's surface. As soon as Thorn was successfully extracted, Titan Squadron began escorting the shuttle away, only to be confronted by a New Republic fleet consisting of CR90 corvettes and EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigates. They barely managed to escape just as a MC75 Star Cruiser warped in to prevent their retreat.

Even though Agent Thorn couldn't pinpoint the precise location of Project Starhawk, she did manage to uncover that a New Republic convoy, carrying engineers, was en route from Hosnian Prime to the project's clandestine base through the disputed territory of Desevro, concealing themselves within a nearby debris field. Kerrill then devised a plan to monitor and track the convoy's destination, with the intention of launching a decisive strike on the facility and permanently halting the project.