The GR-75 medium transport, also known as the Gallofree transport, was a transport vehicle created and manufactured by Gallofree Yards, Inc.. To safeguard the cargo pods it carried, they were equipped with a lightly armored, clamshell-shaped hull. Its maximum speed was limited to 650 kilometers per hour, and it featured a class 4 hyperdrive system.
Prior to and during the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance utilized these transports. In the rebellion's initial days, one was lost during a supply mission to Teralov, and two more were destroyed in the Battle of Atollon. A minimum of ten transports participated in the Battle of Scarif, and later in the conflict, thirty acted as escape vessels during a partially successful attempt to evacuate rebel personnel from an assault on Hoth, with thirteen managing to escape. At least sixteen also took part in the crucial Battle of Endor. Numerous GR-75 transports saw action in the Battle of Jakku, and by the time of the Cold War, several GR-75 medium transports were in service with Jinata Security, having been upgraded with extra laser cannons.

GR-75 medium transports, also known as Gallofree transports, were specialized transports manufactured by Gallofree Yards, Inc. with a length of ninety meters. They were equipped with a class 4 hyperdrive and a class 15 backup, allowing them to reach speeds of 650 KPH. The GR-75 transport's defenses included deflector shields, and the GR-75 Combat Retrofit program, subsidized by Gallofree Yards, enabled the addition of four twin laser cannons. In contrast to the more robust dorsal armor, the cargo pods and their containment fields provided minimal protection for the transport's internal systems.
GR-75 transports featured a clamshell-shaped durasteel hull composed of a central spar and keel. They could carry up to 19,000 metric tons, with an additional 1,000 tons as encumbrance, of [cargo pods](/article/cargo_pod] held in place by powerful magnetic shields. Besides cargo, livestock and passengers could also be transported in ray shielded pods. The transport was operated from a compact bridge located towards the rear of the vessel, and it was powered by seven sublight engines at its rear. A typical GR-75 transport crew consisted of a pilot and co-pilot, an engineer, a cargo master, and three additional crew members.

GR-75 transports served both military and commercial purposes, and they were frequently used as bulk freighters along spacelanes. Military or paramilitary organizations occasionally employed them for evacuation or resupply operations. The Rebel Alliance integrated many into their growing fleet as medical ships, fireships, communications ships, rescue ships, resupply ships, and troop transports. It was standard practice to keep the transports at the rear during battles due to their slow speed and weak armor, making them unsuitable for frontline engagements. Combat retrofits could be used to draw enemy fire, much to the dismay of their captains. Similarly, Jinata Security utilized more heavily armed variants as escorts during the Cold War.
Gallofree Yards, Inc. designed and manufactured the GR-75 medium transport. Its design was similar to the older GR-45 medium transport. By 5 BBY, Gallofree Yards had gone bankrupt and been acquired by Kuat Drive Yards.
Following the blockade of Ibaar, Admiral [Raddus], a fugitive Mon Calamari, sent a document to Mon Mothma, the leader of a prominent rebel cells, outlining the status of the starships involved in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. This document, penned by his aides, Caitken and Shollan, detailed the fleet's composition, including GR-75 transports as well as Pelta-class frigates, CR90 corvettes, CR70 corvettes, Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes, and Braha'tok-class gunships.

Later, Phoenix Cell, an early rebel group opposing the Empire, utilized one of these transports on a humanitarian mission to the planet Teralov, escorted by Green Squadron. However, they were ambushed by an Arquitens-class command cruiser that deployed TIE interceptors to engage the rebels. The A-wing starfighters of Green Squadron engaged the TIEs but were quickly eliminated. After Green Squadron was wiped out, the TIEs destroyed the transport despite its attempted surrender.
In 2 BBY, Mon Mothma announced the formation of the Rebel Alliance, uniting various rebel cells against the Empire. Consequently, a fleet of rebel starships converged on her location at Dantooine. Among the vessels that gathered there following the speech were two GR-75 transports.
Shortly thereafter, two GR-75 transports were stationed with Phoenix Cell above the planet Atollon, where they were joined by a portion of the larger rebel cell known as the Massassi Group. Their plan to attack the TIE defender project on Lothal was thwarted by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who located the rebels. Before the two cells could travel to Lothal, the Seventh Fleet, under Thrawn's command, ambushed them. Despite the rebels' attempts to break the blockade, they suffered significant starship losses. Following the destruction of both of their flagships, the remaining members of the cells, including the two GR-75s, were forced to retreat to Phoenix Cell's base on Atollon's surface.
The rebel starships sought refuge under the protection of Chopper Base, Phoenix Cell's headquarters, and its shield. After a brief bombardment of the shield, Thrawn deployed ground forces to defeat the rebels. In the ensuing battle, the remaining rebel forces were overwhelmed, and the shield was soon destroyed. One GR-75 transport attempted to escape but was shot down and destroyed by Imperial All Terrain Armored Transports. Other rebel forces managed to escape the base and break through the blockade, but without the final GR-75.

In 0 BBY, at least twelve GR-75 transports accompanied Admiral Raddus to Scarif to assist ground forces attempting to steal the plans for the Empire's new superweapon, the Death Star. During the fighting above the now-closed Shield Gate, TIE fighters severely damaged a GR-75 during their attack on the fleet. Once the Death Star plans were transmitted to the rebel flagship, the Profundity, Raddus ordered the fleet to retreat. As the rebel ships jumped into hyperspace, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator arrived and intercepted them. One GR-75 was too close to the Star Destroyer to evade it and crashed into it almost immediately. Other GR-75 transports that had also been cut off avoided the barrage of turbolaser fire directed at the Profundity.
Following the Battle of Yavin, a GR-75 transport traveled with a large number of ships to Espirion to assist Princess Leia Organa. More of them were with the rebel fleet when Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and General Jan Dodonna received a distress call from the droid R2-D2. Another was present when Organa departed the rebel fleet for Vrogas Vas. One aided in the evacuation of Sunspot Prison following a massacre there. A GR-75 was traveling alongside an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate before the Siege on Tureen VII. Following an attack on the Rebel Fleet, GR-75 transports landed on the surface of Baraan-Fa while Organa and Mothma discussed establishing a new rebel base. Consequently, Organa traveled to Crait aboard the Millennium Falcon with a GR-75.

In 3 ABY, thirty GR-75 transports were stationed at the Alliance's secret base on Hoth. After an Imperial probe droid discovered the rebel presence, Darth Vader arrived with his fleet, Death Squadron. The rebels began evacuating, assigning two X-wing starfighters to escort each GR-75. The Quantum Storm departed first, under the protection of the rebels' V-150 Planet Defender. The Thon's Orchard and Dutyfree also escaped Hoth. The final transport to leave was the Bright Hope, intended to carry Organa before she was prevented from reaching it by a tunnel collapse. By the time it escaped, seventeen of the transports had been destroyed. Later, several GR-75 transports were stationed at the Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine, where Luke Skywalker received a new cybernetic hand inside the Nebulon-B frigate Redemption.
In 4 ABY, the Alliance fleet gathered near Sullust in preparation to attack the second Death Star. At least sixteen GR-75 transports were among the starships present. They soon traveled to the Endor system to begin their assault but were ambushed by Death Squadron. However, rebel starfighters managed to enter the Death Star through its exhaust ports and destroy it. Following the Battle of Cawa City seventeen days later, GR-75 transports were stationed with the rebel flagship Home One at Muster Point: Vergence. An additional GR-75 carrying Shara Bey and other rebels arrived and docked into the flagship. The fleet, still including GR-75 transports, was later at Muster Point: Stalwart. By 5 ABY, the Alliance, now the New Republic, had pursued the remaining loyalist forces of the Empire to Jakku. The New Republic Defense Fleet, including GR-75 transports, engaged the Empire in an assault that resulted in the loss of some of the GR-75s present. Nevertheless, the New Republic prevailed, and the Empire surrendered shortly thereafter.

Following the Galactic Civil War, groups within the New Republic continued to utilize the GR-75 for aid and supply missions. At least one of these GR-75s was painted with blue markings and was present above Hosnian Prime, escorted by a trio of T-70 X-wing starfighters. During the Cold War, Jinata Security used modified GR-75 transports equipped with additional laser cannons. Three escorted the Nebulon-B frigate Opportunity when it engaged Iden Versio and the Corvus above Athulla. They were destroyed by Versio's X-wing.
In 35 ABY, GR-75 transports were part of a fleet assembled by Lando Calrissian to assist the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces over the planet Exegol.
The GR-75 transport made its debut in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Ultimate Star Wars, published on April 28, 2015, identifies it as the GR-75 transport, but the official Databank entry lists it as a "GR-75 medium transport." In Star Wars Legends, the ship was identified by the 2004 reference book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy, authored by James Luceno and illustrated by Richard Chasemore and Hans Jenssen.
During the production of The Empire Strikes Back, the GR-75 transports were nicknamed "tuna ships," and the model had a slight pink hue. Despite their role as transports, they were included in the battle scenes of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi due to the need for more ships, although no in-universe explanation for their presence has been provided.