Green Squadron, sometimes called Green Group, was a starfighter squadron that fought for both the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic Starfighter Corps during the Galactic Civil War.
The starfighters of Green Squadron were identifiable by the green stripes painted on them.

During the Galactic Civil War against the forces of the Galactic Empire, Green Squadron's A-wings were assigned to protect a convoy of Rebel starships. This convoy aimed to deliver essential supplies to the inhabitants of Teralov. However, they were attacked by a group of TIE interceptors, and all the Rebel ships were destroyed by the Imperials.
Following Grand Admiral Thrawn's discovery of the Rebel base's location on Atollon, Green Squadron's Y-wings engaged the Imperial ships that had entered the Atollon system. In the course of the battle, one Green Squadron pilot died, and the remaining members, along with the rest of the fleet, jumped to hyperspace, heading to Yavin 4.

During the Battle of Scarif, Green Squadron's X-wings fought alongside Blue, Gold, and Red Squadrons. They engaged Imperial ships above the planetary shield, defending the Alliance fleet, to allow Jyn Erso and the Rogue One team to steal the plans for the Galactic Empire's new secret weapon, the Death Star. The Alliance suffered significant casualties, including all of Rogue One, as well as Alliance Starfighter Command's General Merrick and Alliance Fleet's Admiral Raddus; however, the Tantive IV's escape with the stolen plans marked a major Rebel victory. Before the battle, Wion Dillems, usually stationed on the Profundity, took the place of Puck Naeco as Green Twelve after Naeco suffered a broken ankle in a hard landing.

During the Battle of Yavin, Green Squadron deployed ten X-wings to support Gold and Red Squadrons against the Death Star. Despite the Rebel Alliance's significant victory, which included the Death Star's destruction and the death of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Alliance sustained heavy losses, with only three pilots surviving (one from Gold Squadron and two from Red Squadron). The situation could have been worse without the timely intervention of Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, which enabled Red Five Luke Skywalker to successfully target the Death Star's thermal exhaust port with the decisive shot.

Soon after the evacuation of Hoth, the Alliance fleet's Fourth Division was attacked during a blockade at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three. Green Squadron's A-wing interceptors, alongside X-wing and Y-wing starfighters, were tasked with defending the fleet from waves of Imperial TIE fighters. Shara Bey instructed the squadron to form up on her A-wing to safeguard a transport ship. The intense turbolaser fire prevented any Rebel ships from jumping to hyperspace. However, the Millennium Falcon arrived, destroying a squadron of TIEs and a turbolaser emplacement, creating a large enough gap for all ships to escape.

Imperial Commander Ellian Zahra intercepted a transmission revealing that the Alliance's Fourth and Seventh Divisions intended to meet at Elessia. Zahra launched an attack, dividing her forces for a simultaneous strike. Her primary force attacked the Alliance's Seventh Division, while the secondary force aimed to strike Leia Organa's Fourth Division. However, the Fourth had already left their rendezvous point before the strike force arrived. The Imperial forces overwhelmed the Seventh Division's capital ships, and TIE interceptors blockaded Home One's hangar bay, preventing Alliance starfighters from launching.

Shortly into the battle, the Fourth Division's ships emerged from hyperspace and immediately deployed their starfighters, led by Commander Luke Skywalker, using the callsign Red Leader. Skywalker was joined by other starfighters, including Green Squadron's Shara Bey (Green Three), along with Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon. Skywalker ordered all Fourth Division fighters to form up on him for an attack run on Home One's blockade to push back the TIEs, while the starfighters trapped in the hangar bays prepared to launch, including Red Squadron's Commander Wedge Antilles. Once Skywalker cleared the TIEs, all the Alliance starfighters aboard Home One launched to repay the favor. Skywalker then left the space battle to board the frigate where Leia Organa was under attack from an Imperial boarding party, led by Zahra herself.

During the Battle of Endor, Green Group, led by Commander Arvel Crynyd, consisted entirely of A-wing starfighters. Upon arriving from hyperspace, Gold Leader determined that the Death Star's shield was still active and ordered all ships to pull up. Admiral Ackbar instructed all ships to take evasive action and for Green Group to stay close to sector MV-7. As they turned away from the battle station, the Imperial fleet emerged from behind Endor's forest moon, preventing the Rebels from escaping. As the Death Star's superlaser began firing on the Mon Calamari Star Cruisers, the battle shifted to the Imperial fleet. Green Leader Crynyd ordered Green Group to engage the TIEs to weaken the enemy starfighter screen and relieve pressure on the B-wing bombers. As the battle continued, Green Group lost more than two-thirds of its A-wing complement. Despite being outnumbered, Crynyd directed the survivors to execute fast strafing runs across Star Destroyer superstructures, using their concussion missiles and laser cannons to disable turbolaser batteries. During the attack on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, Green Six (Kokely) was destroyed by one of the many TIE fighters defending the flagship.

After the shield generator on the forest moon was deactivated, Green Four (Shara Bey), Green Seven, and Green Three were assigned to cover Gold Leader's attack run on the Death Star's surface.
Crynyd, still attacking the Executor, suffered a fatal hit to his A-Wing while flying over the ship's bow. With his systems failing, he crashed his starfighter into the ship's bridge, killing the bridge crew and the Imperial fleet's commander, Admiral Piett. The Executor then crashed into the Death Star's surface, causing a large explosion and becoming a turning point for the Rebels. Following Crynyd's sacrifice, command of Green Group passed to Lieutenant L'ulo L'ampar.

As the Imperial fleet began to retreat, Home One ordered Green Group and Yellow Group to watch for starships evacuating the battle station. One such craft was a Lambda-class shuttle, flown by Commander Luke Skywalker and carrying his late father, Anakin Skywalker. Shara Bey intercepted the shuttle almost immediately, but Skywalker identified himself as a friendly as the A-wing pilot was preparing to lock on to the Imperial ship. Shortly after, the Death Star exploded after Red Leader and Gold Leader successfully hit their target, resulting in a major victory for the Rebel Alliance.
Days following the Battle of Endor, Organa contacted Mon Mothma to request ships to help evacuate the moon of Madurs and fighters to combat the Imperial presence there. Mothma acknowledged the request, noting that aid would take at least a day to arrive. Consequently, Green Group arrived near the skirmish's conclusion. Led by Bey, who temporarily commanded due to Crynyd's death at Endor, Green Group arrived with over a dozen A-wing fighters and one boarding craft. They arrived just in time to aid the Halcyon in pursuing Alecia Beck's shuttle. Green Group swiftly disabled the shuttle's engines, boarded it, and took Beck and the other occupants into custody. Green Group then towed the shuttle and jumped to lightspeed to take Beck to a temporary headquarters for a tribunal.

Seventeen days after the Battle of Endor, Green Group, now commanded by Lieutenant L'ulo L'ampar, participated in the Rebel Alliance's battle to liberate Cawa City on Sterdic IV from the Galactic Empire. Their mission was to eliminate enemy TIE fighters, enabling Feral Group's Y-wings to bomb an All Terrain Armored Transport using magnetising cluster bombs to attach to the armored hull. Shara Bey's A-wing sustained damage from a pursuing TIE fighter, causing a coolant leak, but L'ampar destroyed the TIE before it could inflict further harm. While the battle was another significant Alliance victory, both starfighter squadrons suffered heavy losses.