L'ulo L'ampar

L'ulo L'ampar, hailing from the planet Duro, was a highly proficient A-wing pilot of the Duros species who served the Rebel Alliance, the New Republic, and later the Resistance. He fought in the Galactic Civil War as a member of Starlight Squadron, a squadron tasked with locating the Alliance's dispersed cells after the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY. The squadron was ambushed near Felucia by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tarkin's Will. All but Shara Bey, their commander and a friend of L'ampar, managed to escape.

Subsequently, Starlight Squadron journeyed to Ab Dalis, where they successfully rescued an Alliance division from an attack orchestrated by the Imperial Star Destroyer Ultima II. Following this, L'ampar and his squadronmates joined Kes Dameron, Bey's husband, who was leading a group of Alliance Pathfinders, on a mission to extract Bey from the clutches of the Tarkin's Will. After locating the Star Destroyer, Starlight Squadron created a diversion, allowing Dameron and his soldiers to infiltrate the vessel. As the Tarkin's Will diverted its course to attack another Alliance division on Panisia, Starlight Squadron aided the Alliance forces there after the destroyer was defeated and Bey was rescued.

L'ampar continued his service in the Alliance, later joining Green Squadron alongside Bey, where he served as the squadron's second-in-command during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. Following the Alliance's victory, L'ampar spearheaded Green Squadron in numerous campaigns, including the liberation of Cawa City. In the subsequent months, he persuaded Bey to retire from service and dedicate time to her husband Dameron and their young son, Poe. By 5 ABY, the Dameron family had established their home on the moon Yavin 4, and L'ampar later became a member of the Yavin system's Civilian Defense Force.

Despite his frequent travels, L'ampar remained a close friend of the Dameron family, often visiting their Dameron homestead. After Bey's death in 10 ABY, L'ampar became a mentor figure to Poe. In 18 ABY, when Poe ran away from home with the criminal Spice Runners of Kijimi, L'ampar and Kes dedicated nearly a year to searching for him throughout the Outer Rim Territories. Following consultations with the Osako pirates, they successfully located the Spice Runners in 19 ABY. However, when L'ampar and Kes confronted Poe, he refused to return home with them.

By 32 ABY, L'ampar had joined the Resistance in their fight against the First Order and was handpicked by Poe to join Black Squadron. This elite squadron was assigned by General Leia Organa to find Lor San Tekka, an explorer rumored to possess knowledge of the whereabouts of the missing Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Black Squadron's quest led them to Ovanis and Megalox Beta, where they clashed with Agent Terex of the First Order Security Bureau. During a fateful encounter with Terex over an unidentified desert planet in 34 ABY, L'ampar made the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard innocent lives. The Resistance honored L'ampar's life and actions with a funeral, where Dameron and Organa delivered eulogies praising the Duros.


Galactic Civil War

Starlight Squadron

Originating from the planet Duro, L'ulo L'ampar was a male Duros who became a pilot of the A-wing interceptor within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, a widespread conflict across the galaxy between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire. He formed a close friendship with fellow rebel pilot Shara Bey. Following the Alliance's defeat at the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, L'ampar, holding the rank of captain, was stationed with the Fourth Division as they initiated Operation Starlight, a strategic endeavor aimed at reuniting the fragmented Alliance Fleet.

L'ulo L'ampar with Starlight Squadron

He was selected for inclusion in Starlight Squadron, a six-member team led by Bey, with the mission of establishing contact with the remaining rebel cells and delivering the newly developed Trawak communication code. After receiving a briefing from General Leia Organa, L'ampar and Starlight Squadron set off for the designated fleet rendezvous points. Starlight Squadron ventured into deep space near the planet Felucia, where they discovered a field of debris. L'ampar, operating under the callsign Starlight Three, detected lingering transponders and concluded that the Sixth Division of the Alliance Fleet had been destroyed with no survivors. L'ampar and fellow pilot Wedge Antilles intercepted Imperial signals, leading the Duros to discover the presence of Imperial probe droids, which forced the squadron to take evasive maneuvers.

The probe droids attached themselves to the astromech droids of Starlight Squadron's X-wing starfighter complement, attempting to extract the locations of other rendezvous points. Antilles suggested destroying the probe droids, but L'ampar questioned the feasibility of this approach. Bey ordered the X-wing pilots to eject and detonate their astromech droids, resulting in the destruction of the probe droids and the X-wings' navigational data. L'ampar suggested that the squadron regroup, but the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tarkin's Will suddenly appeared and launched an attack. TIE fighters surrounded Starlight Squadron and jammed their long-range comm systems. With the X-wings unable to calculate hyperspace jumps, Bey devised a plan for herself and L'ampar's A-wings to share their jump data. L'ampar observed that the TIE fighters' tactics deviated from the Imperial Tactical Manual that he had studied, leading him to deduce that Starlight Squadron was being herded.

The Tarkin's Will activated its tractor beam, ensnaring L'ampar and his wingmates. Unable to break free from the beam, the pilots of Starlight Squadron decided to implement a tactic that Antilles had developed with Rogue Squadron. On Antilles' command, the squadron accelerated toward the Star Destroyer's hangar until its shields were lowered. Starlight Squadron unleashed concussion missiles and proton torpedoes to disable the tractor beam generator. Before more TIE fighters could be launched, L'ampar, Bey, Antilles, and Freyta Smyth flew into the hangar bay and destroyed the grounded starfighters. While L'ampar provided cover, the other three pilots landed and began to slice Imperial astromech droids.

L'ulo L'ampar engages AT-STs aboard the Tarkin's Will.

L'ampar continued to provide cover as several All Terrain Scout Transports entered the hangar. Meanwhile, Antilles successfully reprogrammed one of the droids to complete the navigational calculations, prompting Bey and Smyth to return to their ships. However, one of the AT-ST walkers destroyed Bey's A-wing before she could reach it. L'ampar suggested that they fight the walkers and steal a ship for her, but Bey ordered them to leave. L'ampar hesitated, but Bey reiterated her order and asked L'ampar to convey her love to her husband, Kes Dameron, and son, Poe. L'ampar acknowledged the order, and Starlight Squadron escaped to hyperspace.

With Bey left behind, L'ampar adopted the callsign Starlight Two and assumed temporary command of Starlight Squadron until her rescue. While in hyperspace, L'ampar reported to the Fourth Division, informing them of the mission's failure and the destruction of the Sixth Division. He recounted the events of the mission, stating that Bey had sacrificed herself to save Starlight Squadron and that they had captured an Imperial astromech droid whose memory banks contained valuable information. He attributed the idea to Bey and concluded the transmission.

Starlight Squadron triggers a volcanic eruption that destroys the Ultima II.

L'ampar met with Kes Dameron at the Afterburner, where they shared drinks and discussed the loss of Bey. The following day, Starlight Squadron prepared for a rescue mission to the Outer Rim world of Ab Dalis. L'ampar and Starlight Squadron departed from the united Fourth and Seventh Divisions of the Alliance Fleet, joined by rebel hero Luke Skywalker, who offered his assistance in Bey's absence. As the squadron prepared to enter hyperspace, L'ampar expressed his pessimism and the Rebellion's need for a victory.

Upon arriving above Ab Dalis, Starlight Squadron received a distress call from the Eleventh Division, which was under siege by the Imperial Star Destroyer Ultima II. L'ampar and Starlight Squadron engaged Imperial TIE fighters, with L'ampar urging his wingmates to maintain their fire. During the battle, L'ampar received a set of coordinates from the grounded rebel defense. Starlight Squadron analyzed the data and determined that the target was a small, natural formation located directly beneath the Ultima II.

Starlight Commander Antilles was unable to contact the ground defense for clarification. L'ampar did not fully understand the directive, but with the Eleventh Division nearing defeat, the squadron decided to proceed. Starlight Squadron guarded Skywalker as he made an attack run on the target. Skywalker's shot missed, but a member of Starlight Squadron followed with a direct hit. The shot triggered a dormant volcano, which erupted and destroyed the Ultima II. The squadron was contacted by the Eleventh Division and thanked for their timely rescue. To L'ampar's surprise, the speaker was Chancellor Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebellion. Antilles inquired if that was "enough of a win," and the Duros agreed that it was.

Starlight Squadron pledging to help rescue Shara Bey.

Shortly thereafter, Dameron received a recorded message from Bey as she prepared to escape the Tarkin's Will, having been left behind on the Star Destroyer during the previous mission with L'ampar. Despite Mothma's reluctance to authorize a rescue mission for Bey, Dameron gathered a small group of rebel Pathfinders and members of Starlight Squadron to request their assistance in rescuing his wife from the Imperial ship. After hearing Dameron's impassioned plea during the meeting, L'ampar pledged his support. Soon after, L'ampar and the rest of Starlight Squadron escorted Dameron and a troop transport of Pathfinders through hyperspace to the Tarkin's Will's last known location, hoping to rescue Bey.

During transit, Dameron briefed his companions on the mission, outlining the squadron's role in diverting the Star Destroyer's TIE fighters during the rescue operation. Upon exiting hyperspace, he cautioned L'ampar to minimize risks while creating a flashy diversion, to which the Duros agreed. L'ampar and his squadmates engaged fighters in the space surrounding the Tarkin's Will, though their efforts to prolong the battle were noticed by the vessel's commander, Ellian Zahra. During the skirmish, the Imperial Security Bureau transmitted intelligence to Zahra regarding the discovery of a rebel base on the planet Panisia. The commander decided to immediately jump the Tarkin's Will to hyperspace and head to Panisia, leaving L'ampar and his squadron confused by the vessel's sudden departure. The TIE fighters continued to engage L'ampar and the rest of Starlight Squadron after the Destroyer's withdrawal.

The Tarkin's Will arrived at Panisia to destroy the Alliance's Second Division that was hiding there but was engaged by the three divisions led by Organa and Mothma. Although Zahra was able to destroy many rebel ships, her own vessel was crippled when members of Dameron's strike team inside detonated the reactor chamber, allowing the Alliance fleet to destroy it. While his squadmates were unable to make it out alive, Dameron was able to rescue Bey and bring her back to the rebel fleet, Starlight Squadron rejoining them at Panisia as well.

Starlight Squadron above Panisia

Despite having lost all of her forces, Zahra contacted Organa, challenging the general to hunt her on Panisia's surface. Once Organa was down there with a strike team led by Dameron, the Imperial commander set off a signal grenade to grab the rebels' attention. The general thus hailed Starlight Squadron to engage. The squadron responded quickly, Bey advising her comrades to hit Zahra with everything they had. L'ampar assured his fellow pilot that the commander would be nothing but smoke. However, as Starlight Squadron approached the smoke plume, Bey quickly realized that it was the entrance to a cave in which Zahra had entered, forcing Organa's strike team to enter it themselves. The commander attacked the strike team but was ultimately trapped in a creature's mucus and left for dead by the rebels.

The war continues

Rebel forces, including L'ampar, deploy at Bar'leth.

L'ampar later participated in a rebel attack on Bar'leth, a Core Worlds planet where the Empire was holding and broadcasting an Imperial Unity Day parade. The rebel fighters decimated the parade of Imperial vehicles before escaping without sustaining any casualties. Following the attack, a group of rebel pilots and other personnel celebrated at the hangar of an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. As the group toasted to the Alliance, L'ampar remarked that they had demonstrated the Alliance's capabilities to the Empire. The pilots engaged in conversation afterward.

Holding the rank of lieutenant, L'ampar flew alongside Bey in Green Squadron, serving as the second-in-command to Green Leader Arvel Crynyd. In 4 ABY, after the Alliance discovered that Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine would be present aboard the second Death Star to oversee its construction, Alliance High Command resolved to launch an immediate assault on the space station.

While the Alliance fleet was assembling at the planet Sullust, Green Squadron was initially stationed at its own classified staging area, located at Kellgar Six. During this period, Bey was called away with Dameron to assist in investigations concerning a potential assassination attempt on Mon Mothma, orchestrated by a bounty hunter hired by the Empire. The pair traveled to the planetoid Jalucaz and confronted Alfris Sotin, the broker responsible for arranging the assassination job. Although they were unable to identify the bounty hunter, they managed to retrieve Sotin's datapad and shared its contents with Alliance operative Buccel Trune and his colleagues.

L'ampar speaks with Dameron and Bey.

L'ampar communicated with Bey and Dameron via hologram, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. When Bey inquired if he could offer any assistance, he explained that the encryptions on the datapad were proving difficult for Trune's team to crack. The Duro also informed Dameron of Mothma's upcoming meeting with an ally named Tomasso. L'ampar expressed his concern that it was too late to worry about and requested their return to the Alliance fleet. After the Duro ended the call, Bey and Dameron were able to locate Mothma's meeting place on the planet Desinta and helped thwart the assassin.

Three days later, the Alliance Fleet, including L'ampar in his A-wing as Green Two, traveled from Sullust and exited hyperspace above the Forest Moon of Endor, approaching the superweapon. On the moon's surface, the Rebel Pathfinders were attempting to disable the Death Star's shield by destroying its shield generator, but when the Alliance Fleet arrived, the shield remained active. Unbeknownst to the Rebellion, the superweapon was fully operational.

L'ulo L'ampar flies with Green Squadron against the Executor.

Realizing that the battle was a trap set by the Empire but unable to retreat, the rebel starfighters engaged the Imperial forces to buy more time for the Pathfinders, with Green Squadron tasked with defending the rebel capital ships. After the rebel fleet advanced on the Star Destroyers, L'ampar's squadron took on a dual role of engaging enemy fighters and attacking larger Imperial vessels. Alongside Commander Crynyd and a portion of Green Squadron, L'ampar attacked the Executor, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought. The attack brought down the Executor's shields, and Crynyd sacrificed himself in a suicide run that destroyed the capital ship's bridge, critically disabling the vessel.

Following Crynyd's death, L'ampar immediately assumed the role of Green Leader. Soon after, the rebels on Endor successfully lowered the Death Star's shield, providing Gold Leader Lando Calrissian and Red Leader Wedge Antilles with an opportunity to destroy the superweapon. L'ampar led his remaining pilots to the Death Star's surface to eliminate any remaining Imperials launching from the station. After the battle concluded with the destruction of the Death Star, the Alliance Fleet began shuttling pilots to the Endor moon to celebrate with the Pathfinders and the local Ewok population.

L'ulo L'ampar allows Shara Bey to depart for Endor.

Despite their victory, General Crix Madine remained cautious of a potential Imperial counterattack, prompting some pilots to remain on standby with their starfighters. In a hangar aboard an Alliance starship, Bey, who had flown in the battle as Green Four, approached L'ampar. Concerned about her Pathfinder husband, Kes Dameron, Bey inquired if she could join the festivities on Endor's moon. L'ampar granted her permission to join the celebration, expressing his desire for as many of his squadron members to celebrate as possible while he remained on standby in case the Empire launched a counterattack. The following morning, Rebel Signal Intelligence intercepted transmissions from an Imperial holdout on the far side of the moon. L'ampar arrived in the Ewok Bright Tree Village and attended a briefing by General Han Solo, who outlined plans to eliminate the Imperial presence. The rebels launched an assault on the outpost and discovered new Imperial communications confirming that the war was not yet over.

Green Squadron's commander, L'ulo L'ampar, spearheaded their efforts during the conflict at Cawa City.

L'ampar officially received his promotion to Green Leader seventeen days following the events of the Battle of Endor. On that very day, his squadron, in conjunction with Feral Group, was dispatched to assist in the liberation of Cawa City, which was the Imperial-controlled capital of Sterdic IV. During this engagement, Bey, serving as Green Two, came to L'ampar's aid by eliminating a TIE fighter that was actively pursuing him. Shortly thereafter, when Bey's A-wing sustained damage, the Duros returned the favor by taking down her attacker. With Bey out of harm's way, L'ampar directed Feral Leader to initiate an attack run targeting an All Terrain Armored Transport. Y-wing bomber pilots Feral Two and Feral Three deployed explosive clusters that magnetically adhered to the walker, leading to its destruction and, consequently, the battle's conclusion. Post-battle, L'ampar engaged in a conversation with Bey, commending her dedication and encouraging her to dedicate time to Dameron and their son, Poe.

Over the subsequent two months, L'ampar remained in service to the Alliance Fleet, earning a promotion to the rank of captain. In 5 ABY, which was three months after the Battle of Endor, Admiral Gial Ackbar and General Madine communicated to the fleet that the war's end was not immediately apparent. Following this announcement, L'ampar suggested that Bey undertake less hazardous missions to prioritize her family's well-being. After Bey's mission piloting Organa to Naboo became violent due to the Empire's Operation: Cinder initiative to destroy planets, L'ampar submitted resignation paperwork on Bey's behalf, acknowledging her extensive contributions and advocating for her to enjoy the freedom she had fought to secure. Bey followed L'ampar's counsel, establishing a home with her family in Wetyin's Colony on the moon Yavin 4. Shortly afterward, the Rebellion formally became the New Republic, and a year after the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Civil War concluded with the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Jakku. For a brief period, L'ampar became a captain in the New Republic Defense Fleet after its creation under the New Republic.

Life After the War

Mentoring of Poe Dameron

L'ulo L'ampar made visits to the Dameron residence in between his travels.

In the years that followed, L'ampar also took up residence on Yavin 4, contributing to the Yavin system's Civilian Defense Force, although his travels remained frequent. L'ampar continued his close relationship with Bey and Kes, assuming a role akin to an uncle for Poe, inspiring the young boy to seek out adventures across the galaxy as he matured. Before Bey's passing in 10 ABY, she shared with her son the concept of the L'ulo Stand, an intricate aerial maneuver named after the Duros that few pilots could execute successfully. Following Bey's death, L'ampar assisted Dameron in raising Poe, and the Damerons always welcomed his visits to the Dameron homestead. The Duros would impart flying advice and stories to Poe, initially emphasizing that a pilot's skill, not the ship, was the most important factor.

In 18 ABY, a sixteen-year-old Poe took his mother's A-wing for an unauthorized flight that ended in a crash. Although Poe was unharmed, he ran away from home after an argument with his father. The Yavin 4 Defense Force station informed L'ampar about the incident, and the Duros drove a landspeeder to the colony's docks, where he located the young Dameron. L'ampar approached him and requested a conversation.

Poe confided in L'ampar his desire to leave Yavin 4, expressing his wish to experience a life of adventure similar to that of his parents. Understanding his feelings, L'ampar exited the landspeeder and sat down next to the boy. He recounted stories of his parents and the Battle of Endor, highlighting their awareness of the dangers of piloting and their greater desire to be with him. Poe dismissed L'ampar's words, asserting that Bey was an adrenaline seeker who embraced risks and that this was an integral part of his identity. L'ampar acknowledged this with a nod, and Poe ran off. As L'ampar returned to his landspeeder, he reflected on his words and worried that he had put the boy in danger.

Overcome with guilt, L'ampar went to the Dameron farm to speak with Kes. Together, they thoroughly searched the settlement, focusing on the docks and surrounding areas. After several hours, they checked Gully's, a local bar. Kes approached the bartender, Fontis, demanding information about Poe's whereabouts. Fontis mocked Kes and L'ampar, and when Kes threatened him, Fontis revealed that Poe had left. Before L'ampar and Kes could press further, Sela Trune, an officer from the New Republic Security Bureau (NRSB), entered the bar and approached the human. Trune stated that the criminal Spice Runners of Kijimi had been spotted on Yavin 4, searching for a pilot, after having killed their previous pilot, Beke Mon'z. L'ampar deduced that Mon'z had been an informant for the NRSB, which Trune confirmed. Trune then informed them that Poe had supposedly been kidnapped and had assisted the Spice Runners in escaping the planet.

Confrontation with Spice Runners

The search for Poe Dameron consumed months for L'ulo L'ampar.

In the following months, Kes utilized his network of contacts to try and locate Poe, but his efforts proved fruitless. Although the NRSB also continued their investigation, L'ampar and Kes ultimately decided to operate independently, hiring a ship to travel to the edge of the Outer Rim Territories. There, they struck a bargain with the Osako pirates, who possessed the means to track the Spice Runners. In 19 ABY, more than eight months after Poe's disappearance, L'ampar and Kes joined the Osako pirates aboard a Moraysian cruiser, collectively pursuing the Spice Runners through the Llanic Spice Run, ultimately cornering them in the Torch Nebula. The Spice Runners were compelled to land on the planet Judakann, and L'ampar and Kes followed their descent in a shuttle.

Upon exiting the shuttle, the pair discovered Poe with his partner Zorii Wynn and the droid EV-6B6. Kes embraced his son, and L'ampar introduced Kes to Wynn. Wynn questioned their alliance with the notorious Osako pirates, and she debated with Kes regarding Poe's decision to leave Yavin 4. The Spice Runner Tomasso arrived and asserted that the decision was Poe's to make. L'ampar, aware of Tomasso's fearsome reputation, drew a blaster and aimed it at the man. As Kes pleaded with Poe to return home, Tomasso alerted everyone to the presence of lurkers—small, dangerous monsters—that had surrounded them.

One of the lurkers lunged at EV-6B6, and Kes began firing at the attacking predators. L'ampar, Kes, and the Spice Runners defended themselves against the swarm of lurkers, but one of them inflicted a serious injury on Kes. EV-6B6 and L'ampar attended to Kes' bleeding midsection, and Poe rushed to his side. L'ampar assured Poe that Kes would recover, but they needed to reach the Moraysian cruiser for medical assistance. Once again, Kes attempted to persuade Poe to return with them, but Poe insisted on staying, emphasizing his need for independence. The Duros embraced Poe and encouraged him to remain true to himself.

The Spice Runner battlecruiser arrived overhead, and Poe informed L'ampar that he and Kes needed to leave immediately. The Duros agreed, and Kes attempted to resist but was too weak. Poe promised that he would eventually return to them, and L'ampar dragged Kes toward the shuttle. Before boarding, L'ampar instructed Poe to keep his word. L'ampar piloted the shuttle off-planet as the Spice Runner ship landed.

Black Squadron

Mission on Ovanis

Poe Dameron brought together the members of Black Squadron.

In 28 ABY, Leia Organa established the Resistance, a military organization in opposition to the First Order, the successor faction to the Empire. L'ampar joined immediately after its creation. Poe Dameron also enlisted, much to L'ampar's delight, and quickly became recognized as the Resistance's top pilot. In 32 ABY, Organa tasked Dameron with locating Lor San Tekka, an explorer who possessed knowledge of Luke Skywalker's whereabouts—Organa's brother and the last Jedi. With the First Order also seeking Skywalker, Organa authorized Dameron to assemble a squadron of four pilots and a technician. Dameron selected trusted friends, including L'ampar, technician Oddy Muva, and T-70 X-wing pilots Temmin Wexley, Karé Kun, and Jessika Pava, to form Black Squadron. Dameron informed them of their upcoming mission, but to L'ampar's frustration, the mission's purpose was to remain confidential.

Black Squadron departed from the clandestine Resistance base on D'Qar and journeyed to Ovanis, a rugged, mountainous world where Tekka had last been seen. While Dameron scouted an artificial cavern with his X-wing, L'ampar and the other three pilots maintained aerial surveillance. Dameron reported his findings to Wexley, stating that he had discovered a settlement and a large egg. Black Squadron then lost contact with Dameron, but just as L'ampar prepared to enter the cavern, the transmission was restored. Dameron reported that he was unharmed but had found a tracker on his ship, indicating the imminent arrival of the First Order. Dameron's concerns were immediately validated as Kun spotted a First Order platform carrying two Troop Transports, eight TIE fighters, and numerous rocket troopers above the cavern's entrance.

The First Order forces on Ovanis were provoked when L'ulo L'ampar's "finger slipped."

As the First Order stormtroopers entered the cave, Dameron contacted the squadron again, requesting assistance. Given that Black Squadron was not authorized to initiate hostilities with the First Order, Pava suggested provoking the enemy pilots into firing first. Recognizing the superior maneuverability of the First Order TIE fighters compared to the X-wings, L'ampar volunteered to antagonize the enemy pilots with his A-wing. Flying at low altitude and cheering, the Duros flew past the enemy platform; however, the TIE pilots remained unresponsive. L'ampar concluded that they were also under orders not to engage, so he attempted another pass, this time strafing the platform with laser fire, casually claiming that his "finger slipped" on the trigger.

The TIE pilots quickly retaliated, allowing Black Squadron to engage. The TIE fighters were swiftly neutralized, but before L'ampar could land on the platform to refuel, it detonated, leading L'ampar to suspect his volley had been too forceful. The burning transport crashed over the cavern's entrance, sealing Dameron inside with the First Order troops, but Wexley expressed confidence in Dameron's ability to handle the situation. However, despite Black Squadron seemingly having the advantage, dozens of TIE fighters arrived from orbit, continuing the battle.

Pava pointed out that Black Squadron was outnumbered five to one, suggesting they withdraw from the engagement. L'ampar concurred, adding that Dameron might be able to provide assistance if given more time. Black Squadron then dispersed, flying into the canyons and engaging the TIE fighters. However, when Pava's fighter sustained damage, the squadron regrouped in the open air. As the starfighters of Black Squadron began to run critically low on fuel, Dameron contacted them again, warning them of an approaching threat. As Dameron spoke, two enormous winged entitiesborn from the egg Dameron had discovered—erupted from the ground, locked in combat. As the creatures battled, Wexley instructed Black Squadron to enter the newly formed opening and land at the outpost inside.

The fate of Agent Terex was a topic of discussion between Black Squadron and the Crèche elder.

Once grounded inside the cavern and reunited with Dameron, the members of Black Squadron and the Crèche—the cavern's religious inhabitants—apprehended the First Order troops and their leader, Agent Terex of the First Order Security Bureau. The agent argued that taking him prisoner would provide the First Order with justification to attack the New Republic, so Dameron consulted with L'ampar, Wexley, and the Crèche's religious elder on the appropriate course of action. L'ampar suggested refueling, destroying Terex's cruiser, and leaving him with the Crèche, but Dameron rejected the idea, reasoning that the First Order would dispatch reinforcements to search for Terex. Frustrated, Wexley sarcastically suggested releasing the agent, but the Crèche elder agreed, stating that Terex could no longer pose a threat to them, a sentiment with which Dameron concurred. After refueling and reaching the planet's orbit, Dameron informed his team that the Crèche had provided him with a lead on Tekka's location: a prison.

L'ampar and the rest of Black Squadron returned to the Resistance base on D'Qar, where they celebrated their victory with drinks. The Duros expressed his enjoyment of his drink, telling Dameron how much he had needed it and that fighting off the First Order was a proper cause for celebration. Dameron, having reviewed the after-action reports and learned of L'ampar's role in escalating the conflict, informed the Duros that he had violated the rules of engagement and provided the First Order with a pretext for attack. However, L'ampar defended his actions, arguing that war was inevitable and that every enemy fighter they destroyed was one less that would attack them when the true conflict began. Dameron challenged L'ampar's statement, emphasizing that while Black Squadron was stronger than enemy forces, the Resistance was not, and giving the First Order justification for an attack would put the Resistance at a disadvantage of one to one thousand. Dameron added that L'ampar was correct—war was unavoidable—but they were not yet prepared, and they needed to gather the necessary resources before time ran out.

Prison Escape

As the celebrations subsided, Dameron addressed Black Squadron, informing them of their next mission: to visit a prison on Megalox Beta to speak with the Hutt Grakkus. Grakkus, an inmate on Megalox Beta, collected relics related to the Force, and he was the individual whom Tekka had visited after his stay with the Crèche. L'ampar and Black Squadron set out on their journey and contacted Luta, the prison's warden, to arrange a meeting with the Hutt. Upon reaching orbit around Megalox Beta, the squadron landed on a space station and met with Luta. The warden explained that the station projected a protective field over a portion of Megalox Beta's surface, shielding the prison from the planet's intense gravitational pull.

Black Squadron found themselves battling rioting prisoners after being trapped in the Megalox prison.

L'ampar and the rest of Black Squadron boarded a transport to the surface, escorted by prison guards who were supposed to take them to Grakkus' fortress. However, unbeknownst to L'ampar and his comrades, Agent Terex of the First Order had previously arrived and bribed the guards to imprison the Resistance pilots. Inside the prison, L'ampar and his fellow pilots were confronted by a mob of prisoners, but before a fight could break out, Pava deployed gas canisters. The Black Squadron pilots donned breath masks, using their blasters and more gas canisters to fend off the prisoners. L'ampar and his teammates made their way toward Grakkus' home, and as they approached the fortress' outer wall, the prisoners ceased their attack and gathered outside the building's perimeter. The Resistance pilots entered the walled courtyard, where they were surrounded by the Grakks, a group of cybernetically enhanced Hutts who served Grakkus. The Grakks seized L'ampar and the other pilots while Grakkus escorted Dameron inside the fortress.

After an extended wait under the Grakks' watch, L'ampar and Black Squadron observed the fortress doors opening, and to their astonishment, Agent Terex emerged. Terex exited the courtyard and walked through the criminal mob, who parted to make way for him. Shortly after, Dameron also exited the building to rejoin the squadron. L'ampar inquired about the First Order's presence on Megalox Beta, and Dameron revealed that they had also come in search of Tekka. He further explained that Grakkus knew Tekka's location—the Hutt would only disclose the information to whoever could liberate him from prison first.

Dameron contacted his astromech droid, BB-8, instructing him to initiate "Operation Upside," a plan that involved the four astromech droids of Black Squadron—BB-8, R2-HA, O-R10N, and R4—altering the controls aboard the Megalox space station and assisting the Resistance members in freeing Grakkus. However, hours passed without any communication from the droids, and the crowd of prisoners outside Grakkus' walls began to breach the fortress' courtyard. L'ampar and the rest of Black Squadron were quickly overwhelmed, so Dameron ordered his squadron to retreat into Grakkus' fortress and wait out the attack. As Dameron spoke, he and L'ampar noticed that Grakkus had already retreated there, closing the large guarded doors behind him, trapping the pilots outside and forcing them to fight.

Defending against the attackers, L'ampar and the other pilots retreated to the front steps of Grakkus' fortress. Yelling through the doors, L'ampar called Grakkus a "slug" and demanded to be let inside, but Grakkus refused. As the prisoners overwhelmed the Resistance fighters, Dameron received a message from BB-8, informing him that Operation Upside was ready to be executed. Upon Dameron's command, L'ampar and the others activated gravity belts, and the droids overrode the space station's controls, disabling the gravity shield. The belts prevented Black Squadron from being crushed by the planet's full gravity, while the mob of prisoners, the Grakks, and Terex were all pinned to the ground. L'ampar was surprised by the success, and Dameron instructed the Duros to find weapons.

L'ulo L'ampar and Black Squadron engaged the Carrion Spike in battle.

Fully armed with L'ampar's collected weapons, Black Squadron destroyed the door to Grakkus' fortress. Inside, Dameron approached the Hutt and gave him a gravity belt. Accompanied by Grakkus, Black Squadron returned to the orbiting station, finding a shuttle for the Hutt there. Back in their starships, L'ampar and Black Squadron began escorting Grakkus' shuttle, but before they could enter hyperspace, Terex's ship, the Carrion Spike, destroyed the Megalox station. The space station launched evacuation shuttles, and as the Carrion Spike began firing upon them, Black Squadron engaged the ship. L'ampar and the other Resistance pilots quickly gained the upper hand against Terex's ship, and it jumped to lightspeed. With Terex gone and the shuttles safe, Black Squadron departed the Megalox system. Having been freed from prison, Grakkus honored his agreement, providing Dameron with the data about Tekka.


Back on D'Qar, Black Squadron's mission was put on hold while Organa reviewed the data. During this time, in 34 ABY, Dameron was assigned to a secret mission with the protocol droid C-3PO and the Resistance spy droid network, and Dameron selected Muva to join him. However, Agent Terex and the Ranc Gang—Terex's former criminal associates—set a trap for Dameron, leading to a battle over a desert planet. Dameron's X-wing was shot down, forcing the commander to seek refuge in a cave. With Dameron cornered, Terex and his gang advanced into the cave.

L'ulo L'ampar made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the escape pods.

L'ampar, along with the rest of Black Squadron, became aware of Dameron's predicament, prompting them to journey to the desert planet where they engaged the Ranc Gang's Uglies in combat. Despite being outnumbered, Black Squadron fought valiantly, but Kun's X-wing sustained damage, struggling to stay airborne. When L'ampar inquired about Kun's condition, she reported a loss of steering control and the approach of three enemy fighters. Just before the enemy ships could destroy Kun's fighter, the Carrion Spike, which had been secretly infiltrated and sabotaged by Muva, intervened and destroyed them, as she had reprogrammed the ship's targeting computers.

As Muva and a group of Terex's slaves made their escape from the flagship using escape pods, they requested a protective escort to the planet's surface. L'ampar and Black Squadron responded by moving in to shield the escape pods, but tragically, one pod was destroyed by a Ranc Gang ship. Horrified by the Ranc Gang's ruthless actions, L'ampar retaliated by swiftly maneuvering behind the enemy starfighters, eliminating them and declaring victory.

However, additional enemy starships appeared behind L'ampar and shot down his A-wing, resulting in the immediate death of the Duros veteran in a massive explosion. Recognizing L'ampar's sacrifice, Black Squadron pressed on with protecting the escape pods. As the remaining pods landed on the surface, a First Order cruiser arrived with the intention of capturing Terex, who had become a rogue agent. Unexpectedly, the cruiser eliminated Terex's criminal forces, leading the Resistance starfighters to depart. Following the battle, Terex was apprehended by First Order Commander Malarus, and Dameron, upon learning of L'ampar's passing, began to grapple with the loss of his friend.


A funeral service was conducted for L'ampar at the Resistance base, where his fellow soldiers mourned his loss. General Organa commenced the funeral by honoring L'ampar as a committed and fierce warrior, inviting Dameron to deliver the eulogy. Dameron initiated his speech by reflecting on the Force, sharing a story about Obi-Wan Kenobi. Dameron recounted that Kenobi, one of the last Jedi, had died fighting against evil, mirroring L'ampar's sacrifice. Continuing, Dameron noted that upon Kenobi's death, his physical form vanished, leaving only his lightsaber and robes. Dameron then referenced Skywalker and how Skywalker had come to understand that individuals were not merely flesh and bone but were "luminous" beings. Dameron concluded his narrative, asserting that pilots, like the Jedi, disappeared upon death, yet they were not truly gone.

Poe Dameron concludes his eulogy for L'ulo L'ampar.

Dameron then spoke about his history with L'ampar, stating that the Duros had been like an uncle to him and was among the best pilots he had ever known, never shying away from combat. Emphasizing L'ampar's luminous nature, Dameron conveyed his continued sense of L'ampar's presence. Dameron concluded the eulogy by invoking "may the Force be with you," addressing both L'ampar and the assembled Resistance members. Following the funeral, Black Squadron resumed their search for Tekka, eventually locating the explorer within the Great Forveen Nebula. After the First Order's ultimate defeat during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Dameron and his Black Squadron comrades once again remembered L'ampar, recognizing him as one of the three pilots from their squadron, along with Muva and Wexley, who had sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom.

Personality and traits

L'ulo L'ampar was a passionate pilot with a sense of humor.

L'ampar, a Duros with green skin, possessed red eyes and, by his own assessment, a relatively handsome, compact face. He valued familial bonds, frequently urging Bey to dedicate more time to her spouse and offspring. Even without explicit orders, the Duros demonstrated a willingness to aid Kes Dameron in rescuing Bey from Imperial captivity. After Bey's husband received approval for his resignation, L'ampar proactively submitted Bey's paperwork, assuring her that she had fulfilled her duty to the Rebellion and that leaving was not desertion. Post Bey's service, L'ampar maintained contact with her family, acting as an uncle figure to young Dameron, contributing to his upbringing. While concerned for Bey's well-being, L'ampar possessed a cheerful disposition, often injecting humor into serious situations.

During his tenure with the Resistance, L'ampar expressed dissatisfaction with the withholding of classified information, feeling that Organa still harbored distrust despite their shared history. In response to this concern, Kun playfully remarked that the Duros was an "old-timer" fortunate to still be flying. As a member of Black Squadron, L'ampar held Dameron in high regard, commending the commander for empowering the squadron to improvise when necessary, rather than issuing uninformed directives. The Duros considered this trait "the mark of a good commander," a sentiment validated by his past experiences under ineffective leadership. L'ampar foresaw an inevitable conflict between the First Order and the New Republic, leading him to violate the rules of engagement during Black Squadron's inaugural mission by firing upon enemy fighters. Following the mission, Dameron confronted L'ampar about his actions, but the Duros remained unapologetic, arguing that each fighter destroyed then was one less threat to contend with later.

In his later years, L'ampar occasionally longed for a slower pace of life, reminiscing about the ancient Duros pilots who ventured into space simply for the sake of exploration. When Dameron suggested that L'ampar explore the galaxy's Unknown Regions following the war, the veteran acknowledged it as a worthwhile idea, but maintained that the galaxy would determine his ultimate purpose.

L'ampar was fiercely protective of his friends, ultimately sacrificing his life during a mission to rescue Dameron from Terex and the Ranc Gang. The gang's destruction of unarmed escape pods ignited L'ampar's fury, prompting him to vow that no more would be destroyed, ultimately giving his life in their defense. His actions saved the lives of numerous escaping slaves, as well as Muva. The Resistance viewed L'ampar's death as a heroic act of selflessness to defend those who could not defend themselves. His comrades remembered him as having a demeanor that was cranky, kind, crazy, and strong. Following L'ampar's death, his sacrifice served as a source of inspiration for Black Squadron in their subsequent missions.

Skills and abilities

L'ulo L'ampar's skills as an A-wing pilot were a noteworthy contribution to Black Squadron.

L'ampar stood out as one of the most skilled pilots within the Rebellion, navigating an A-wing interceptor throughout numerous Alliance campaigns. During the Battle of Endor, he operated under the callsign "Green Two," and was subsequently promoted to Green Leader after the death of Arvel Crynyd. In the battle within Cawa City, L'ampar intervened to save fellow pilot Shara Bey from a TIE fighter after her A-wing sustained damage, and he facilitated a clear approach for the Y-wing bombers of Feral Group.

An atmospheric flight maneuver, known as a L'ulo Stand, was named in honor of L'ampar. Bey, having witnessed it firsthand, described the maneuver to her son, Poe Dameron. Decades following the Battle of Endor, Dameron, recognized as the Resistance's finest pilot, executed an improvised variation of a L'ulo Stand within the vacuum of space. Later, Dameron personally sought L'ampar's inclusion in Black Squadron, acknowledging the Duros as one of the Resistance's top pilots. As a member of Black Squadron, L'ampar played a key role in numerous successful Resistance missions.


L'ampar piloting an RZ-2 A-wing

As a pilot within Starlight Squadron, L'ampar donned a green flight suit and helmet, both adorned with the squadron's insignia, and piloted a silver RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. During his time with Green Squadron and Black Squadron, L'ampar's flight attire no longer displayed the Starlight Squadron emblem, and he piloted a red A-wing. Furthermore, L'ampar flew his A-wing with the Yavin system's Civilian Defense Force, and utilized a landspeeder for ground transportation. While serving with the Resistance, he also piloted an RZ-2 A-wing interceptor. L'ampar was the only member of Black Squadron who did not pilot an X-wing, and his diverse skills proved effective against the First Order's TIE fighters.

L'ampar was also proficient with blasters, which he notably employed in skirmishes on Judakann and Megalox Beta. During the mission on Megalox Beta, L'ampar wore a black combat uniform, a breath mask, and a gravity belt. In his off-duty hours, L'ampar sported a Resistance fighter jacket and carried a pipe.

Behind the scenes

L'ulo L'ampar first appeared in Star Wars: Shattered Empire.

L'ulo L'ampar made his debut appearance in the first issue of the Star Wars: Shattered Empire comic series, penned by Greg Rucka, illustrated by Marco Checchetto, and released by Marvel Comics on September 9, 2015. Rucka's novel Before the Awakening, released on December 18, also alludes to L'ampar through the L'ulo Stand, although the character's name is misspelled as "L'ullo."

When questioned about the relationship between L'ampar and Dameron, Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic series writer Charles Soule described L'ampar as an uncle figure to Dameron, drawing parallels to memorable relatives at Thanksgiving gatherings. Soule regarded L'ampar's death in the thirteenth issue of the Poe Dameron series as both tragic and heroic, and he utilized L'ampar's funeral as a tribute to the late Carrie Fisher, the actress who portrayed Leia Organa. The funeral was depicted in the subsequent fourteenth issue, which marked the first instance of the surname "L'ampar."

L'ampar is featured as a playable character in the 2020 mobile game Star Wars: Starfighter Missions, which recreates space battles from across the Star Wars saga. He can be unlocked by completing the game's opening mission, which showcases rebel pilot Biggs Darklighter engaged in combat above the planet Tatooine.

