A Crèche elder is pictured, admiring the Crèche egg.
In the wake of the Galactic Civil War, the Crèche, a secluded society, stood guard over a massive egg. This egg was concealed within the depths of the caverns located on Ovanis. The Crèche held the belief that from this egg would emerge the future savior of the galaxy. However, the egg met its end when First Order flametroopers, under the direction of First Order Security Bureau Agent Terex, destroyed it.
The Crèche egg was a sizable egg characterized by its emission of an ethereal blue light, reminiscent of a ghostly glow. It hung suspended from the ceiling of the Cave of the Crèche by a network of connected tubes. The egg's structure was such that it was susceptible to damage from continuous fire produced by flamethrowers.
For countless generations, the Crèche cult members dedicated their lives to the protection and care of the egg, as they believed it contained their destined savior. They were convinced that upon the egg's hatching, the savior would reward them handsomely for their long-term devotion to its safety. Following Operation: Sabre Strike, Resistance General Leia Organa tasked starfighter pilot Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron with the mission to search for the explorer Lor San Tekka. Leia's motivation was her belief that Tekka could aid her in locating her missing brother, Luke Skywalker. Upon arriving on Ovanis, Poe was informed by the Crèche elder that Tekka had visited them in the distant past.
The elder then proceeded to inform Poe about the Crèche egg and its significance to the Crèche community. When BB-8 discovered a tracker attached to Poe's T-70 X-wing starfighter, Poe confronted the Crèche members. The Crèche elder, mistaking the tracker for a detonator, commanded her followers to engage Poe in an attack. Poe then successfully convinced the Crèche that he was not a threat to them. Shortly after this, First Order agent Terex made his entrance, accompanied by a squad of stormtroopers, and demanded that the Crèche surrender Poe into their custody. The Crèche elder acted as though she had no knowledge of Poe's whereabouts, but one of Terex's stormtroopers detected the presence of Poe's tracker.
As a consequence, Terex threatened to set the Crèche egg ablaze. Poe, in an attempt to protect the egg from harm, decided to surrender himself. When Poe revealed that Black Squadron was in the process of attacking Terex's military forces, Terex gave the order for his flametroopers to incinerate the egg. In the end, the egg shattered, releasing two large winged creatures that immediately engaged in combat with each other. The black creature emerged as the victor over the blue winged creature. With the First Order forces defeated by Resistance pilot Dameron and Black Squadron, the Crèche cultists, filled with gratitude, embraced the black winged creature as their long-awaited savior and departed from the scene with it.
The Crèche egg made its debut appearance in the 2016 comic Poe Dameron 1, a work penned by Charles Soule and brought to life through the illustrations of Phil Noto.