Terex, a human male operative within the First Order Security Bureau, once served the Galactic Empire as a stormtrooper with the designation TK-603. He later deserted the New Republic after the Battle of Jakku and rose to power as the leader of the Ranc Gang, a criminal organization operating on Kaddak in the subsequent years. Developing an interest in the First Order, Terex abandoned his gang to join their ranks in the Unknown Regions. By 34 ABY, he had become an intelligence officer specializing in espionage for the First Order. During the initial stages of the Cold War, Terex engaged in conflict with Resistance starfighter pilot Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron. Furthermore, Terex used blackmail to coerce Oddy Muva, a Resistance technician, into spying on Poe and Black Squadron by holding his wife, Sowa Chuan, hostage.
After suffering defeats at the hands of Poe on both Ovanis and Megalox Beta, Terex initiated an unsanctioned mission with the goal of destroying the Resistance. He regained control of the Ranc Gang and attempted to eliminate Poe and the Resistance, but Black Squadron outmaneuvered him once again. Following this failed attempt to crush the Resistance, Commander Malarus apprehended Terex and returned him to the First Order for punishment. Although condemned to work in the mines, Terex successfully convinced Captain Phasma of his unwavering loyalty to the First Order. As a result, he received a second chance and was augmented with cyborg enhancements. However, he eventually escaped and lost all concern for the outcome of the escalating First Order-Resistance War.
During the Galactic Civil War, Terex, known as TK-603, functioned as a stormtrooper within the ranks of the Galactic Empire. He came to understand that ambition was discouraged, and conformity was paramount. TK-603 was stationed at the Rothana Imperial Shipyards during the concluding years of the Galactic Civil War, where he was tasked with guarding the base and possessed knowledge of its security protocols. During the Battle of Jakku, Terex was reassigned from his sentry duties to reinforce the frontline assault squads. TK-603 found himself on the same team as a man named Corlac, who responded to the designation "TK-605." The Battle of Jakku marked the final significant engagement of the Galactic Civil War, ultimately leading to the demise of the Old Empire.

After observing the devastation of the Imperial fleet, TK-603 voiced his disbelief at the Empire's defeat, while his squadmate TK-605 commented that it signified the end of the Empire. When their commanding officer instructed them to fight until the very end, TK-605 fatally shot him. When TK-603 questioned his actions, TK-605 replied that he had no desire to fight to the death and inquired whether TK-603 agreed with him. Upon TK-603's inquiry about their orders, TK-605 responded that there was no one remaining to issue orders because the Empire had committed all its resources against the New Republic and suffered defeat. TK-605 then began to remove his stormtrooper armor in order to evade capture by the Republic. Despite his reservations, TK-603 complied.
As they started burying their armor, TK-605 introduced himself as Corlac and asked TK-603 for his name. When Terex responded that his callsign was TK-603, Corlac rebuked him for refusing to accept the Empire's demise. Terex reluctantly revealed his name and remarked that it had been a long time since he had considered his former identity. After burying their armor, they decided to remain hidden until nightfall and then attempt to locate a settlement. Corlac suggested that they seek employment and devise a plan to leave the planet. Terex expressed his difficulty in abandoning his armor, as they had been trained to regard it as an extension of themselves, but acknowledged that it was now worthless. Corlac praised Terex for recognizing this reality.
Terex and Corlac spent approximately a year on Jakku constructing an "Ugly" spacecraft from the head of an AT-AT walker, along with a pair of S-foils and TIE Interceptor wings. While Corlac desired to venture into the Outer Rim Territories and establish contact with his criminal associates, Terex remained determined to rejoin the Imperial remnants and suppress the Republic. Corlac persuaded Terex to prioritize building underworld connections first. Terex agreed to depart Jakku, but not before retrieving his stormtrooper armor and uniform.

As they departed Jakku, Terex asserted that the Empire represented law and order and argued that they could not abandon it. He and Corlac journeyed to the Outer Rim planet of Kaddak, which was then a remote outpost. At a cantina on Kaddak, Corlac introduced Terex to two female pirates named Wenda and Bett. Corlac informed Terex that Wenda and Bett would assist them in restoring the Empire. The four devised a plan to seize control of an Imperial shipyards at Rothana by utilizing Terex's knowledge of the base to circumvent its security measures. They intended to use the base's resources to construct a new Imperial fleet. However, Corlac, Wenda, and Bett secretly harbored no intention of reviving the old Empire. Their true objective was to utilize the fleet to establish a criminal empire and eliminate Terex should he refuse to cooperate.
At the Rothana Imperial shipyards, Terex, Corlac, and the pirates found themselves sealed within the repair bay. After several attempts, Terex successfully bypassed the shipyard's security. Once the pirates had seized control of the shipyards, Terex discovered the late Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's flagship, the Carrion Spike. While repairing the ship, he overheard Corlac, Wenda, and Betta plotting to murder him. Upon learning of their treachery, Terex employed the Carrion Spike's weapons systems to destroy the control station where they were meeting, resulting in the deaths of Corlac and the two pirates. When the remaining pirates, including Wisper and Zumgi, confronted Terex, he declared that he now accepted the Empire's irreversible demise and assumed leadership of the gang.

Recognizing the absence of the Empire and the subsequent breakdown of law and order, which meant he could now pursue any desire, he chose to embrace the life of a crime lord. Rebranding himself as "Lord-General Terex," Terex established a thriving criminal organization known as the Ranc Gang, using Kaddak as his primary operational hub. During this period, he cultivated a cordial relationship with Grakkus the Hutt, who was being imprisoned on Megalox Beta.
After years spent at the helm of his criminal enterprise, Terex received a tribute from a pair of alien pirates: a set of armor reminiscent of Imperial stormtrooper armor, but with a more contemporary design. These pirates informed Terex that the armor had been pilfered from a cargo shipment destined for the First Order. Intrigued by this organization, Terex decided to join the First Order, eventually earning the rank of agent. He then relinquished control of his criminal empire to his trusted second-in-command, Wisper. A number of high-ranking First Order officers, including Captain Phasma, held Terex in contempt due to his criminal background, and he was denied the position he felt he rightfully deserved.
As an operative within the First Order Security Bureau, Terex managed a spy network composed of individuals coerced into espionage for the First Order through blackmail. Terex maintained his control over these spies by holding their loved ones as slaves aboard his vessel, the Carrion Spike. These enslaved aliens were forced to cater to Terex's every desire. While Phasma considered Terex's slave harem to be incompatible with the First Order's principles, Terex believed he was entitled to enjoy life's pleasures. One of these slaves was an Abednedo woman named Sowa Chuan, whose husband, Resistance technician Oddy Muva, had been blackmailed into spying on the Resistance squadron known as Black Squadron. During the Cold War, Terex encountered Resistance pilot Venisa Doza, who managed to escape his grasp with her astromech droid Torch by triggering a series of explosions and using Torch to pilot a TIE/fo space superiority fighter as a distraction.
Following the events of Operation: Sabre Strike, Phasma sent Terex on a mission to capture Poe Dameron on the planet Ovanis. Terex was aboard the Carrion Spike, receiving service from several alien slaves, including Chuan, when Phasma contacted him. Phasma briefed Terex on Dameron and his role in stealing information that Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor was funneling to the First Order. Given the critical nature of the information, Phasma provided Terex with substantial resources to complete the mission and informed him that the true offensive was imminent.
When Terex inquired about the readiness of Starkiller Base, Phasma expressed her displeasure at his probing into the First Order's classified information. After Terex assured her that maintaining secrecy was part of his job, Phasma reiterated the importance of finding Dameron to retrieve the stolen information. Terex voiced his annoyance at Phasma's order not to fail, noting that he had been engaged in this kind of work since long before she was born. Phasma retorted that every officer in the First Order was aware of his dubious past and warned him against failing his mission. Terex journeyed to Ovanis with a First Order landing platform, multiple TIE/fo space superiority fighters, Atmospheric Assault Landers, and stormtroopers.
Following the tracker planted on Dameron's starfighter, Terex entered the planet's subterranean tunnels on a speeder bike, accompanied by a squad of stormtroopers equipped with jetpacks. Upon encountering a pair of massive, sealed doors, Terex ordered his squad to breach the barricade, declaring that obstacles were for the insignificant, and proceeded into the central Cave of the Crèche. Upon entering, Terex was confronted by the Crèche cultists and their leader, an elderly woman, who demanded that they leave.
Terex successfully forced his way into the cave alongside his stormtroopers. When the Crèche elder explained that her people were protecting a giant blue egg, Terex responded that he was searching for Dameron. Although the woman feigned ignorance, one of Terex's stormtroopers managed to locate Dameron's tracker. Terex accused the Crèche of lying and threatened to incinerate their egg if they did not surrender Dameron. To prevent harm to the Crèche people, Dameron surrendered himself. The Resistance pilot then offered to negotiate with Terex, asserting that he held "all the leverage here." Meanwhile, Terex's forces came under attack from Dameron's Black Squadron comrades.
Undeterred, Terex commanded his flametroopers to set the egg ablaze and revealed that he had brought reinforcements, including the Maxima-A class heavy cruiser Ravenous and additional TIE fighters. Holding the advantage, Terex demanded that Dameron hand over the stolen data. As Terex continued to speak, the Crèche egg hatched, giving rise to an enormous blue winged creature that attacked all present. Dameron seized the opportunity to strike Terex with a surprise punch. Terex regained the upper hand, but this distraction allowed Dameron's droid BB-8 to steal his blaster. While Terex's stormtroopers battled the creature, Dameron demanded that Terex recall his fighters and troops.
Terex replied that his troopers were defending them from the Crèche creature. When a black winged creature appeared and engaged the first in battle, Terex attacked Dameron. During the fight, Terex questioned why Dameron was fighting to protect others, concluding that the Crèche possessed information of interest to both of them. Terex attempted to kill Dameron, but BB-8 shocked him with his arc welder. With his troops defeated, Terex found himself at the mercy of Black Squadron and the Crèche cultists. However, Dameron, wanting to avoid a war between the First Order and the New Republic, decided to release Terex and his men once they had left the planet. The Crèche departed on the back of the black-winged creature, which they considered their savior. Dameron then radioed for the Ravenous to retrieve Terex and his surviving troops.
After the First Order discovered that Dameron and his Black Squadron comrades were traveling to the prison world of Megalox Beta to interrogate Grakkus about the whereabouts of the explorer Lor San Tekka, Terex used bribes to gain entry into Grakkus' fortress within the prison compound. Megalox Beta was a high gravity world, and the prison was protected by a gravity field. He also bribed the prison warden Luta and her guards to allow Black Squadron into the prison, only to abandon them to the prisoners. Despite his efforts, Dameron and Black Squadron fought their way into Grakkus' fortress.
Because Terex and Grakkus had a prior acquaintance, he negotiated a deal with the imprisoned Hutt for information about Tekka's location, which Grakkus claimed to possess. However, upon Dameron's arrival, Grakkus altered the terms of the agreement, stating that he would only provide the information to whoever successfully freed him from prison. Terex objected, but Grakkus countered that he had made numerous deals and was solely focused on escaping Megalox. Before departing, Terex told Dameron, "May the worse man win." After leaving Grakkus' palace, Terex taunted Dameron's fellow pilots and vowed to return.
Terex then convened with three other crime bosses: Papa Toren, Kan Be, and Isin. When Terex identified himself as a First Order intelligence agent, Kan Be mocked him, comparing his uniform to a "hat on an aiwha." When Terex alluded to his past as a stormtrooper, Toren's Ximpi informed the agent that his master was only interested in his proposition. Terex explained that he had come to enlist their help in overcoming Grakkus' posse, knowing that the crime bosses harbored animosity towards Grakkus and that their combined gangs outnumbered Grakkus' forces.
Terex explained that Grakkus had reneged on a deal with him. He tasked the crime bosses with eliminating Grakkus' guards, Dameron, and his Black Squadron. Terex also intended to interrogate and kill Grakkus. In exchange for their assistance, Terex promised to evacuate them aboard his ship, the Carrion Spike. The three gangsters accepted Terex's offer and mobilized their gangs for an assault on Grakkus' fortress. Terex then stood alongside Kan Be, Isin, and Torn as their gangs stormed the fortress. However, Dameron and Black Squadron aided the Hutts in repelling the assault.
Terex's plan encountered another setback when Black Squadron's astromech droids deactivated Megalox's gravity field. Terex and his allies were then grounded by the planet's intense gravity. Dameron and his Black Squadron, unaffected due to their gravity belts, successfully rescued Grakkus. As Black Squadron and Grakkus escaped the prison, Terex summoned the Carrion Spike. One of his droids evacuated him via the ship's gangplank. When Terex's former allies demanded their ride, Terex responded that they had failed in their mission and abandoned them to their fate.
Enraged at being outmaneuvered by Poe for the second time, Terex ordered the crew of the Carrion Spike to attack the space station above Megalox Beta, disabling the prison's gravity field. He then proceeded to target the station's escape pods and shuttles to impede their evacuation efforts. When Dameron and his Black Squadron approached the Carrion Spike in their starfighters, Terex ordered his crew to engage the Resistance starfighters. After the ship sustained significant damage, Terex heeded his crew's advice to cloak the ship and retreat. For failing to transmit Grakkus' information, Phasma ordered him to return to First Order space. Despite her warning, Terex chose to ignore her.
While his First Order crew completed the final repairs on the Carrion Spike, Terex retreated to his quarters. When the First Order corporal inquired about how long they would remain outside First Order Space, Terex replied that their location was deliberate. When his slaves, Sowa Chuan and an Umbaran female, asked if they could assist him, Terex pointed his blaster at them and demanded that they leave him alone. Terex then reflected on his experiences during the Battle of Jakku. After concluding his contemplation, Terex gazed at his Ranc Gang armor, which had been crafted from his modified stormtrooper armor.
Shortly thereafter, one of his bridge crew reported receiving a priority transmission from Captain Phasma, demanding an explanation for his failure to report for debriefing. When the crew mentioned that Phasma was requesting his after-action report, Terex disabled the Carrion Spike's communications, engines, and weapons systems using "Authorization Code TK-603." He then donned his Ranc Gang armor, confirming that he had indeed disabled the ship's systems. Assuming complete control of the Carrion Spike, Terex returned to Kaddak. Terex tasked the corporal with safeguarding the Carrion Spike, telling him that he was searching for something important in light of their recent defeats.
After disembarking from the Carrion Spike, Terex proceeded to the Sliver's Level 72, where a Zabrak pickpocket attempted to steal his blaster. Initially, he intended to shoot the boy, but the boy's mother intervened, pleading for mercy and claiming that the boy was unaware of his identity. Terex appeared to reach for his blaster, but instead, he retrieved a credit from his pouch and tossed it to the boy, stating that he now knew who he was. Terex then entered a cantina, where a table awaited him. Several patrons were surprised to see the former crime lord visiting, but welcomed him back. He then spoke with Wisper and other Ranc Gang associates, including Zumgi. After exchanging pleasantries, Wisper inquired about his return in his old armor. When Terex replied that he had returned to reclaim control of the Ranc Gang, Wisper attempted to shoot him, but Terex drew his vibroblade and forced her to drop her weapon. Wisper protested that Terex had relinquished leadership of the gang when he joined the First Order. Terex countered that her mistake was believing that she owned the gang. When Wisper attempted to reassert her authority over the gang, Zumgi shot her dead and welcomed Terex back.
Terex did not return to Kaddak alone. Meanwhile, the Resistance pilot Poe, General Organa's spymaster C-3PO, BB-8, and the technician Oddy Muva recovered the BX-series droid commando N1-ZX, who had been captured by the Ranc Gang. As a member of the Resistance spy droid network, N1-ZX purportedly possessed information about the First Order, including the location of Supreme Leader Snoke. Terex and his gang then proceeded to the Carrion Spike, where they seized control of the ship from the First Order crew. When the First Order corporal protested that the ship was First Order property, Terex remained unperturbed, responding that he and his criminal associates would destroy the Resistance, a feat that had eluded the First Order. Terex and his crew then flew the Carrion Spike over Kaddak and placed a bounty on Poe's head. However, Poe and the droids managed to escape.
Despite the crowd's efforts, Poe and the droids managed to escape aboard his T-70 X-wing starfighter Black One. However, Terex and his lieutenant Zumgi had orchestrated Poe's escape to track him and the droid. After receiving confirmation that their sensors had locked onto Dameron's X-wing, Terex assembled his fleet of "Uglies." Unbeknownst to Terex, they were being followed by the Resistance technician Oddy, who was determined to rescue his wife Sowa from captivity. After gathering his fleet of "Uglies," Terex briefed his lieutenants, Zumgi and Brrang, about his plan to track Poe's X-wing and launch an attack once it exited hyperspace. Terex then retreated to his private quarters to inform Captain Phasma about his plan to eliminate Poe and the Resistance.
When Phasma objected to his attire, Terex replied that he was Lord-General of the Rancs of Kaadak. Phasma then reminded Terex that he had been ordered to return to First Order Space to account for his failure to extract information from Grakkus the Hutt, which was crucial to the next phase of their war effort. Phasma also warned him that Kylo Ren had taken an interest in his "missteps." Terex remained unmoved, responding that he had once met Darth Vader. Terex then informed Phasma of his plan to use N1-ZX to lead his Ranc forces to the Resistance base, enabling them to destroy General Organa and the Resistance. Phasma chastised him for disobeying Snoke's orders to avoid open hostility against forces aligned with the New Republic. Terex countered that he was not solely a First Order officer and that his pirates were not First Order personnel. He boasted that they would accomplish what the First Order could not. When Phasma warned him that the consequences of insubordination would be dire, Terex mocked the First Order for its lack of accomplishments. Despite her protests, he told her to have faith in his plans and terminated the transmission. Terex then ordered Sowa Chuan to serve him beverages.
However, Poe, after consulting with the droids, realized that the information N1-ZX was carrying was a trap set by Terex. He exited hyperspace in a system with a desert world. Terex and his Ranc fleet followed, but realized that Poe had not led them to the Resistance base. Despite this setback, Terex ordered his "Uglies" to kill Poe. Following a brief dogfight, Poe's X-wing was shot down and crash-landed on the desert world. Unbeknownst to Terex, Oddy Muva managed to overpower Zumgi and forced the gangster to lead him to Terex's haven. After Terex's forces forced Dameron's ship down, Terex then led his ground forces to capture him. They were ambushed by BB-8, who had chained his chassis to a stalactite. Despite BB-8 dislodging rocks over Terex's gang, the Lord-General of the Rancs managed to shoot down the droid.
He then captured C-3PO, who had decided to remain behind to provide Poe and N1-ZX with more time to escape. However, C-3PO then communicated with the Fjor-bats, who attacked Terex and his men. After driving off the bats, Terex shot off one of C-3PO's legs and extracted information from him. He then called out to Dameron as his men spread out to locate him. Meanwhile, Terex's fleet of "Uglies" came under attack from Poe's Black Squadron comrades. Black Squadron was aided by Oddy, who escaped with the slaves in escape pods and reprogrammed the Carrion Spike's battle computers to target the "Uglies." One of Poe's pilots, Temmin, also managed to transmit a droid personality template that reprogrammed N1-ZX with the programming of the murderous B1 battle droid "Mister Bones." "Mister Bones" quickly slaughtered Terex's landing party but was disintegrated by Terex, who blasted off his head. Terex then inquired of Poe if he had any more droids for him to destroy.
Terex was then subdued by Dameron, who threw him to the ground. Pointing a blaster at him, Poe dismissed him as a "twisted evil piece of trash" and told him that he had it coming. Terex, however, tossed a knife at Poe, wounding him in the hand. Before Terex could kill him with his vibroblade, he was subdued by BB-8. Meanwhile, Terex's Ranc forces were decimated by First Order forces led by Commander Malarus, who also destroyed his flagship Carrion Spike. Malarus then led a landing party to the desert world and encountered Poe and the captive Terex. Malarus assured Poe that she had no quarrel with the Resistance but had come to apprehend Terex. Before handing him over to Malarus, Poe played a recording by Temmin, reporting that Terex's fleet had been destroyed by Black Squadron and the First Order. When Terex countered that Poe had lost one of his pilots, L'ulo L'ampar, Poe countered that he had only lost a friend, while Terex had lost everything. Poe told a dejected Terex that his fight had ended, while his had only just begun.

Terex was subsequently taken aboard a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer and imprisoned. While incarcerated, he demanded to speak with Phasma about ending the Resistance. Phasma visited his cell to discuss the information he had extracted from C-3PO. She informed Terex that the information was useless because of BB-8's attack on him. Terex then attempted to convince Phasma that he was valuable as one of the First Order's most capable agents. Phasma informed him that he had been, but not anymore, since he disobeyed the Supreme Leader's orders. Terex then tried to convince her that he remained loyal to the First Order, but she left him to contemplate how to change her mind.
Terex recounted to Phasma his attempt to restore the Empire following its defeat at Jakku and its subsequent failure. He then relinquished his position as a king in the underworld to join the First Order, seeking to restore order and control to the galaxy. This convinced Phasma not to send Terex to the mines. Terex was then escorted by two troopers, where he was subjected to a cyborg construct to ensure his loyalty.
Terex then accompanied Malarus aboard her transport. Together, they and their troops boarded the Romary. Terex then informed Malarus about Captain Perrili's repeated dealings with the Resistance.
Terex then traveled with Malarus aboard the Enshado, where they seized fuel from a tanker. There, they attempted to engage Dameron and his Black Squadron to prevent him from acquiring the fuel. After Malarus failed, Terex told her that Dameron was truly skilled. He was then knocked down by Malarus. After the Enshado returned to First Order space, Terex divulged several of his secrets concerning Dameron and his next mission to Malarus. They then traveled to Abednedo, where they located Muva and Chuan. Together, they captured Muva.
Terex then interrogated Oddy for information about the Resistance's forces aboard the Enshado. However, Terex considered Oddy's offer to remove the implant but continued with the interrogation. He informed Malarus that Oddy was proving to be resistant. Despite this, Malarus instructed Terex to keep Oddy alive to serve as bait for Dameron.
After Dameron and Snap Wexley were captured, Terex was ordered by Malarus to kill Oddy. As Terex prepared to execute Oddy, Terex attempted to resist his implant and informed Oddy that Dameron was onboard. He then joined Malarus in pursuing Suralinda Javos and eliminating the remaining members of Black Squadron. They then observed Dameron's escape. They then watched as Oddy initiated a suicide run on the Enshado before they escaped into hyperspace. When he finally broke free from his conditioning, Terex dropped Lor San Tekka into the Great Forveen Nebula before divulging his location to both the First Order and the Resistance, having lost all concern for which side prevailed in their conflict. As he bid farewell to Dameron, he began to carve into a suit of stormtrooper armor to create a new set of personal gear.

Terex was a male human. During the Battle of Jakku, he possessed brown hair and gray eyes. By the time the First Order and Resistance were in conflict, his hair had become gray, and his face was marked by several scars. Even with the Imperial defeat on Jakku, Terex struggled to come to terms with the Empire's downfall and hesitated to let go of his identity as a stormtrooper. Terex's zealous patriotism and idealism stood in contrast to the opportunistic and pragmatic nature of his friend Corlac. Corlac exploited their friendship, manipulating Terex into assisting his criminal associates in gaining access to the Rothana Imperial Shipyards. Corlac and his cohorts plotted to eliminate Terex, but the former stormtrooper preemptively killed them. Accepting the Empire's demise, Terex rose to become the leader of the Ranc Gang. However, he reevaluated his decision upon discovering the existence of the First Order.
Similar to numerous Imperial and First Order officers, Terex exhibited extreme arrogance, maintaining a warped sense of propriety at all times. Often sarcastic and humorous, he outwardly projected an image of geniality and reason, yet failed to conceal the ruthless callousness that enabled him to brutalize the Crèche people without hesitation. He also demonstrated a profound lack of regard for the lives of others, keeping a group of slaves on the Carrion Spike and failing to comprehend Dameron's concern for the Crèche. A fervent believer in Palpatine's Empire, Terex harbored the hope that the First Order could evolve into a power comparable to the Empire at its zenith. He frequently recounted his experiences in the Stormtrooper Corps to his troopers, and as an older individual, he rejected notions of conformity and stifling ambition, viewing the individuals behind the armor as pupils he aspired to instruct. Terex also found pleasure in hunting.
Terex demonstrated a willingness to employ any method to achieve his objectives. He enlisted several criminals to launch an assault on Grakkus' fortress on Megalox Beta. Terex intended to extract information about Tekka from the Hutt and then eliminate him once he had served his purpose. Terex proved to be a skilled negotiator, offering Grakkus' rivals Papa Toren, Kan Be, and Isen the opportunity to escape the prison world in exchange for their assistance in attacking Grakkus' fortress. Terex also possessed a vindictive nature, abandoning the three crime lords after they failed to assassinate Grakkus and Black Squadron. When Poe and Black Squadron reached Grakkus before him, Terex retaliated by attacking the Megalox Beta space station and attempting to destroy Grakkus' shuttle. Nevertheless, Terex remained pragmatic enough to acknowledge defeat and was prepared to retreat in order to fight another day.
Despite Terex's ruthless and violent tendencies, he was also capable of showing mercy. On one occasion, he spared a Zabrak child pickpocket after the boy's mother pleaded on his behalf. Instead of shooting the boy, Terex gave him a credit. Terex's vendetta against Poe Dameron motivated him to reassert control over the Ranc Gang and plant false intelligence in the Resistance BX-series droid commando N1-ZX, in an ambitious endeavor to destroy the Resistance. Terex's ambitions and personal grudge against Dameron led him to deliberately disregard Supreme Leader Snoke's directive to refrain from engaging in hostilities with the New Republic and the Resistance. However, Poe outsmarted Terex by uncovering his plan and luring him into a trap on an uncharted desert planet. Terex's forces were annihilated by the combined efforts of Black Squadron, the rebellious spy Muva, and Commander Malarus's forces.
Terex came to perceive the Resistance pilot Dameron and his Black Squadron as insurmountable barriers to his aspirations of advancing his career within the First Order. As a spymaster, Terex resorted to blackmailing various individuals, including the Resistance technician Oddy Muva, compelling them to spy for him by holding their loved ones hostage, including Oddy's wife Chuan. Terex also maintained a strained relationship with his superior, the First Order Captain Phasma. Terex's indulgence in alien slaves, Wookiee–brewed brandy, and Kessel spice elicited the contempt of the more dutiful Captain Phasma. Terex justified his entitlement to these luxuries as compensation for his services to the Empire. Terex further displayed his disdain towards Captain Phasma by disobeying her orders to return to First Order Space for a debriefing following his unsuccessful attempt to extract information about Tekka from Grakkus. These tensions culminated when Terex willfully defied Phasma's orders in an audacious scheme to utilize the Ranc Gang to obliterate the Resistance.
As an Imperial stormtrooper, Terex was initially assigned to guard duty at the Rothana Imperial Shipyards before being reassigned to frontline combat during the Battle of Jakku. His work gave him familiarity with the shipyard's access codes and the ability to repair starships. Terex was instrumental in helping his old comrade Corlac construct an "Ugly" from assorted starship and vehicular components. As the crime lord of the Ranc Gang, Terex possessed expertise in operating weapons systems, leading his forces, and had once engaged a Hutt in hand-to-hand combat. He also possessed at least one First Order speeder bike.
As a First Order agent, Terex demonstrated proficiency as a tactician and a master of intelligence, possessing knowledge of various top-secret matters within the galaxy, including the details of Starkiller Base, information that Phasma deemed he should not have had access to. He also maintained a keen awareness of Dameron and his background. Physically, he proved to be a capable, albeit unscrupulous, fighter, holding his own against Dameron on multiple occasions. However, Dameron once outwitted him with a sucker punch. While Terex was distracted, BB-8 managed to steal his blaster. Terex also demonstrated competence as a negotiator, successfully persuading three crime lords to assist him by appealing to their desire to escape Megalox prison and their animosity towards Grakkus.
During his time as a stormtrooper, Terex wore the standard white armor and black overalls. As a First Order agent, Terex donned a modified black uniform reminiscent of the stormtrooper overalls. As the leader of the Ranc Gang, Terex wore a costume made up of modified stormtrooper armor, decorated with various accessories and painted with the gang's insignia. He also maintained a collection of Imperial helmets and equipment from the Old Empire. Additionally, he possessed a rifle equipped with two electric blades.