The Ximpi were a sentient species of diminutive, winged humanoids originating from the planet of Shuraden, situated within the Galactic Frontier. These beings possessed gray skin, prominent heads, and sharply pointed ears. Several Ximpi found employment under the crime lord known as Papa Toren, where they would translate Toren's often incomprehensible vocalizations for his conversational partners and, when the situation demanded, safeguard him from potential threats.
These small, winged humanoids, known as the Ximpi, were characterized by their [gray](/article/color] skin, large heads, and pointed [ears](/article/ear]. They exhibited the ability to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard as well as the language spoken by the alien crime lord Papa Toren.
Hailing from the planet [Shuraden](/article/shuraden] in the Galactic Frontier, the small Ximpi possessed some familiarity with the broader workings of the High Republic, including the enigmatic Jedi Order. In the year 232 BBY, an Ximpi named Kanrii encountered two Jedi, Keeve Trennis and her Master [Sskeer](/article/sskeer], while they were undergoing training exercises on the planet. Despite uncertainty regarding Shuraden's official standing within the Republic, Kanrii held the belief that the Jedi had arrived to provide protection.
During the Imperial Era and the subsequent New Republic Era, at least three Ximpi were in the service of the crime lord Toren. One of these Ximpi met his death when the gravity shield at the Megalox [prison](/article/prison] failed, resulting in a fatal fall.

The Ximpi made their initial appearance alongside Papa Toren in the debut issue of the Marvel comic book miniseries Star Wars: Lando, penned by Charles Soule and brought to life by the illustrations of Alex Maleev. Although the comic did not explicitly name the species, Soule later revealed that he had internally referred to them as "elves" in his scripts. The official designation of "Ximpi" was not established until 2020, surfacing in a preview for the 2021 comic book The High Republic (2021) 1.