Star Wars: Lando is a miniseries published by Marvel and falls under the comic book category for Star Wars. It features Lando Calrissian as the main character and is brought to life by the talents of Charles Soule and Alex Maleev. Its initial release was on July 8, 2015. The narrative unfolds before Calrissian's tenure as the Baron Administrator of Cloud City. The character Lobot is also part of the storyline.
A sequel was developed, connecting to Soule's 2020 Star Wars series as part of the Dark Droids crossover event. This sequel spanned from issue 37 to Star Wars (2020) 41.
- Lando #1 Coming in July from Marvel – Exclusive! on (backup link)
- " Marvel Comics 2015: A Marvel Galaxy " — Star Wars Insider 158
- " Blaster " — Star Wars Insider 158
- " Blaster " — Star Wars Insider 159
- " Blaster " — Star Wars Insider 160
- NYCC 2015: Exploring the Uncharted in Marvel's Obi-Wan & Anakin — An Interview with Charles Soule on (backup link)
- Comic Book Galaxy: Exclusive Han Solo #4 Cover Reveals and More on (backup link)
- 5 Reasons Marvel's Original Lando Miniseries is Essential Reading on (backup link)
- This Week! in Star Wars Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising Excerpt, the Sounds of Ben Burtt, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
- As His 100th Star Wars Comic Hits Shelves, Charles Soule Looks Back on (backup link)
Lando (2015 - Present) on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
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