Suralinda Javos, a Squamatan female, existed roughly thirty years following the notable Battle of Endor. Subsequent to the Battle of [Endor](/article/endor], Javos was a member of the New Republic Navy, where she became acquainted with Poe Dameron, forming a friendship. She eventually left her naval post to pursue a career as a journalist, writing for the Galaxy Beacon. During the First Order-Resistance War, she initially sought to deceive Poe in order to uncover the Resistance's location, but she experienced a change of heart and chose to join the organization.
Prior to her role as a journalist at the Galaxy Beacon, Suralinda Javos had enlisted in the New Republic navy, where she first encountered Poe Dameron. Furthermore, Javos became acquainted with Teza Nasz, a one-time officer of the Imperial Navy.
Around thirty years after the [Battle of Endor](/article/battle_of_endor], Suralinda Javos orchestrated a rendezvous with Poe Dameron with the intention of creating a scandalous story regarding the rumored Resistance, specifically focusing on discovering the location of their secret base. From the Inner Rim planet of Pheryon, she sent him a message, feigning possession of information about the First Order that she had supposedly uncovered through her journalistic endeavors, including details about a clandestine, large-scale project.

Before Dameron's arrival, Javos had already bribed the security personnel in the floating city to abandon their posts. She also arranged for a group of criminals to open fire on them upon Dameron's arrival, with the intention of framing him. The plan unfolded as she intended, and Javos and Dameron made their escape from the city aboard a stolen stormsailer. During their escape, they were captured by a squad of four stormtroopers commanded by Lieutenant Weel from the First Order Security Bureau. After their escape, Javos revealed to Dameron that she had deduced his affiliation with the Resistance. Having earned her trust, Dameron transported her to the Resistance headquarters on D'Qar so she could share her supposed intelligence on the First Order with General Leia Organa. Upon their arrival, she resigned from her position as a journalist and enlisted in the Resistance.
Due to her deceitful actions, Javos was assigned to sanitation duties at the base. Eventually, Poe requested her presence at a meeting with Organa, who remained skeptical about her earlier deception. Javos reiterated her apologies for her past selfish motivations and expressed her sincere desire to contribute to the Resistance. Organa consented to grant her another opportunity, emphasizing the importance of improving public perception of the Resistance. Javos interpreted this as a need for her manipulation skills. She reasoned that, given the New Republic's dismissal of the First Order as a credible threat and their lack of serious regard for the Resistance, they could reverse this by capturing footage of the Resistance's activities and exposing the true nature of the First Order. Consequently, she approached C-3PO to inquire whether he managed a galactic network of spy droids, a claim he initially denied before his mistress granted him permission to disclose.

Javos soon took on the role of copilot alongside Jessika Pava aboard an antiquated BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighter, as it was the only two-seater fighter available to the Resistance at the time. Karé Kun accompanied them in her X-Wing. Poe, however, did not join them, mentioning that he and Temmin Wexley were pursuing Oddy Muva. During their hyperspace journey, Javos attempted to become better acquainted with Pava, mentioning that the Empire had nearly caused her own species to become extinct. She then inquired about Muva and learned that he had betrayed Black Squadron's movements to the First Order and had been on the run ever since.
The trio's destination was the planet Spalex, where they aimed to capture footage of the First Order executing the native inhabitants for refusing to reveal the locations of their thorilide deposits. Pava and Kun were inclined to intervene, but Javos reminded them to stay focused on their mission, emphasizing that they were outnumbered and that the footage they were gathering could potentially save billions of lives, outweighing the immediate rescue of a few. Regrettably, the two defied her and initiated an attack on the stormtroopers, leading to the team's capture. Javos promptly surrendered to the First Order and requested to speak with their commanding officer. She disclosed that she had positioned camera drones to record all the events on the ground, transmitting the footage to a relay in orbit that would then beam it to her office on Hosnian Prime if she failed to check in. She offered the access codes to the drones, allowing him to delete the footage himself, and identified Pava and Kun as members of the Resistance and Black Squadron, thus giving him a reason to keep them alive.
Javos was soon handcuffed alongside Pava and Kun, who immediately accused her of betrayal. She defended her actions, asserting that she had done what was necessary to save their lives, but insisted that she had an escape plan, instructing them to run as soon as she unlocked their cuffs. Although Pava argued that they would be shot before they could even move ten feet, Javos countered that she only needed a distraction, revealing that she had more than one camera drone in the sky.
The moment Javos unlocked their cuffs, Pava and Kun made a dash for it while Javos accessed her drone controls, commanding them to descend and attack all the First Order forces. Unfortunately, their relief was short-lived as a First Order Light Cruiser appeared overhead. The trio soon found themselves fleeing from a pair of TIE fighters and a Xi-class light shuttle piloted by Commander Malarus, which destroyed their starfighters. Fortunately, they were rescued by Poe and Temmin, who had managed to escape from the Enshado, only to be pursued by a swarm of TIEs. Suddenly, one of the TIEs, piloted by Oddy Muva, opened fire on the First Order before ramming the Enshado, destroying it and forcing Malarus to retreat.
Upon reuniting with Poe, Javos informed him that all her camera drones had been destroyed in the battle, except for one that had captured footage of Muva's heroic sacrifice. Although Poe insisted that it wasn't entirely accurate, Javos retorted that he needed to mature, reminding him that they were at war.
Javos later accompanied Organa to Cato Neimoidia as her bodyguard as part of a plan to rescue Lor San Tekka from House Maccon. The plan involved smuggling in a series of crates containing the late Padmé Amidala's gowns with Poe concealed inside one of these crates to infiltrate the vaults of House Maccon. Javos carried two NN-14 blaster pistols and handed one to Organa just as Poe was in the vault, Black Squadron would engage House Maccon's droid fighters, causing enough distraction for Poe to free San Tekka and smuggle him out in the same crates. Javos personally escorted the crates back onto Organa's transport, noting that the two guards stationed there were nowhere to be found. She then released Poe and they both disembarked to get him to Black One to assist his squadron. Unfortunately, both Organa's transport and Black One were hijacked by Agent Terex and Commander Malarus respectively, who had somehow anticipated their plan. Javos commented how their heist had turned into a disaster. Thankfully, Baron Paw Maccon agreed to loan Poe an old V-wing, which he used to knock Malarus out of the sky, after which she was arrested by House Reya.
After the battle was over, Javos expressed her sympathies to Poe over the loss of his fighter but he assured her that he's rather lose a fighter than a pilot before reminding they had more important concerns. Organa then revealed that she had a tracker hidden in with the gowns and hopefully they'll be able to track down Terex before he hands Lor San Tekka to the First Order or kills him.
Javos was present at a meeting on D'Qar after the Battle of Starkiller Base where it was shown that the First Order had already regrouped and were ready to attack the Resistance Base on D'Qar. It was then decided that Black Squadron excluding Poe would travel to the Outer Rim to gather help and allies for the Resistance.
Javos subsequently received the designation Black Four and received an A-wing as Black Squadron departed D'Qar. When Pava insisted that nothing could go wrong with the Resistance leadership while they're away, Javos advised her not to jinx them.
Black Squadron traveled to Pastoria, where upon planetfall, they spotted evidence of battle damage to its tree cities. Javos speculated that the First Order may have attacked recently but if she was correct then Black Squadron would already be under attack. Upon landing, they were personally greeted by King Siroc. The Pastorian monarch acknowledged the threat of the First Order, though Javos whispered to Pava that in her experience, kings did not do anything for free. She was soon proven correct, as Siroc stated that his reign was being threatened by a terrorist group seeking to depose him. Thus, he requested Black Squadron's aid in escorting Colonel Squill and his squadron through a terrorist-claimed region as a show of strength if he is to support the Resistance.
Black Squadron reluctantly decided to aid the Pastorian despite Javos and Pava having misgiving about the mission. Their flotilla was soon intercepted by an opposing Pastorian flotilla, which Squill claimed to be an unprovoked attack. Snap ordered Black Squadron to hold position, not wanting to get involved, but Kun reasoned that Siroc would not be so eager to support the Resistance if they let his people die, so Black Leader ordered the squadron to engage and try to minimize casualties. Complying with orders, Javos attempted to disable the first enemy fighter only to accidentally destroy it. The undefended enemy transport was soon destroyed by Squill's fighters, leaving Black Squadron wondering if they were on the wrong side of the conflict.
Upon returning to Siroc, Black Squadron learned that they unknowingly aided in killing the king's primary rival claimant to the throne. Siroc had managed to acquire his rival's travel schedule but couldn't attack him when he was deeply entrenched in his own territory, so he used Black Squadron to trick him into responding to an invasion. He believed his rival would've fought against the First Order and have gotten all his people killed, so he needed him out of the way for when the First Order arrives to negotiate. Javos labeled Siroc a fool, insisting that the First Order would just take everything Pastoria has and then destroy them, though the king begged to differ. Nonetheless, for their aid, he refueled their ships before advising they give up on General Organa's cause. Black Squadron then departed Pastoria.
Black Squadron then traveled to Ikkrukk, which was under attack by the First Order. Briefly debating on whether to go off-book like they did on Pastoria, Black Squadron unanimously agreed to aid the Ikkrukkians. Javos added there was another angle, as the current siege was proof that the Hosnian Cataclysm was just the start of the First Order's galactic conquest. Suspecting some systems had doubts, Javos suggested that if she could capture some footage and broadcast it to the galaxy that it may rally more support to their cause. Snap then got in contact with Prime Minister Grist and learned from her that First Order sympathizers had sabotaged Grail City's defense cannons. Pava asserted that she could reactivate the defenses if she could get to the control room. Grist stated they needed to get her past the city's domed shield but was disappointed hear that no other reinforcements were coming, so she said they could briefly open the shield to allow her through, so they need to be precise.
As the First Order heavy cruiser, Fortitude, diverted an entire swarm of TIEs to intercept Black Squadron, Javos remarked that the only bright side to this was that if Black Squadron didn't survive, at least their heroic sacrifice may stir support for the Resistance; Snap ordered everyone to ignore her. In the midst of the dogfight, Grail City transmitted coordinates for where they would open the shield gate in forty-five seconds, so he ordered Javos and Pava to get over there while he and Kun distract the TIEs. Javos insisted she stay outside too but Snap argued that they couldn't risk any TIEs getting through the shield and told her job was to protect Pava.

Complying with orders, Black Three and Four made for the shield gate. As Pava sustained damage to one of her engines, she expressed her fear to Javos that she wouldn't make it, but the latter begged to differ. Pava managed to make it through despite losing one of her wings, resulting in her X-Wing crashing. They soon rendezvoused with Grist and her loyalists.
Unfortunately, as they made their way through Grail City's caves, they were ambushed by First Order Sympathizers, resulting in Javos being shot in the chest and becoming separated from Grist. Pava managed to revive her, causing the Squamatan to wake up in extreme pain from her wound. Noting that they were outnumbered, Javos expressed uncertainty at their success. Pava proceeded to motivate her, asking if she was going to lie down and die while someone else writes about their heroic last stand, to which she responded that it would probably be done by "some hack."
Detecting a group of First Order sympathizers searching for them, Pava told Javos that the enemy had likely divided their forces to search for them and Grist while leaving a skeleton crew guarding the defense grid controls. As they needed to get past the sympathizers first, Javos stated she had a plan but warned it would not be pretty.
Javos then positioned herself on the tunnel ceiling and waited for the sympathizers to find Pava, at which she revealed herself and spat her acidic venom at their faces, causing a brief distraction so Pava could gun them down. After complimenting each other, Pava expressing disgust on the disfigured corpses, Javos reminded that she did gave her fair warning. The pair soon rejoined Grist and together they dispatched the remaining sympathizers and reactivated the defense grid, destroying the Fortitude.
Fortuitously, Black Squadron was reunited with Poe Dameron, who had come to their aid in the middle of the battle. Though they attributed their victory to him, Poe responded that their victory came from all of them, and that they'll continue to deliver as long as necessary. But as they asked him what happened to the Resistance fleet, they were interrupted by the arrival of Grist, who expressed her thanks to Black Squadron for lifting the siege. Javos then introduced Poe and Grist to each other before the Prime Minister affirmed her support for the Resistance. Black Squadron was invited to a celebratory drink.
Later that night, Javos joined Black Squadron as they looked to the stars with renewed hope of restoring peace and freedom to the galaxy. Poe then declared that the Resistance had truly begun.