
The Pastorians, hailing from the Outer Rim planet of Pastoria, were a sentient species characterized by several insectoid traits.

Biology and appearance

King Siroc with his guards

Pastorians were a species of bipedal insectoid beings who bore a resemblance to humanoid forms, standing on two legs and using two arms. A small abdomen was present on their lower back in some individuals, while others lacked this feature. They possessed the ability to fly due to the four wings located on their backs, which could be folded away when not in use. Their wings came in various colors, including yellow, blue, and green. Their faces featured flattened noses and a varying number of tendrils on either side.

Society and culture

Pastorian society was structured as a monarchy, with a king ruling over their planet. The right to the throne of Pastoria was a point of contention, with potential rulers each controlling their own territories. Although not powerful enough to offer substantial military support in a war, they did maintain a military force, including a number of starfighters and transports.


King Siroc and Black Squadron, with many Pastorians behind them

During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Siroc reigned as king of Pastoria. He desired to remain in power so that he could guide his people into negotiations with the First Order, expecting their arrival on Pastoria after the Battle of Starkiller Base. Black Squadron visited Pastoria as part of a mission from General Leia Organa, with the goal of convincing King Siroc to support the Resistance and use his influence to spread awareness to other star systems. However, Siroc showed no interest in aligning with the Resistance, instead wishing to eliminate his main competitor.

