
During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, a Pastorian male named Siroc reigned as king over the planet of Pastoria. Anticipating the eventual arrival of the First Order on Pastoria, he sought to maintain neutrality with the Resistance, hoping to engage in negotiations with the First Order instead.


As the king of Pastoria, Siroc had a reputation as a leader with considerable sway. Following the Battle of Starkiller Base, Siroc became concerned that the First Order would soon appear on his planet. To facilitate negotiations with the First Order and prevent his closest rival from resisting them, which would lead to the Pastorians being killed, he decided to eliminate this rival.

King Siroc was a determined sovereign of Pastoria

Siroc's anticipation was realized when Black Squadron arrived, dispatched by General Leia Organa to find allies for the Resistance. Siroc met with them, feigning consideration of aiding their cause. He spoke with Temmin Wexley and other members of the squadron, who requested that Siroc make a public announcement, understanding his influence could encourage other star systems to stand against the First Order.

Instead of joining the fight against the First Order's might, Siroc requested Black Squadron's assistance with a group of terrorists aiming to overthrow him. Introducing them to Colonel Squill, he tasked the squadron with escorting one of his transports alongside his security forces. This was intended to project an image of having powerful Resistance allies. However, his true intention was to manipulate Black Squadron into helping destroy his rival's transport, with no intention of joining the Resistance. Siroc's rival, under the impression that Black Squadron and Pastorian forces were invading his territory, deployed fighters to defend his ship, prompting Colonel Squill to order his forces to retaliate.

After witnessing the transport's destruction, Black Squadron confronted Siroc, questioning his actions. Siroc explained that eliminating his rival would pave the way for negotiations with the First Order, preventing the potential deaths of his people should resistance occur. Despite Black Squadron's warnings that the First Order would not negotiate with the Pastorians, Siroc remained steadfast in his refusal to support the Resistance, dismissing their efforts as a "doomed crusade."

Personality and traits

Black Squadron warning Siroc about the First Order

Siroc possessed renowned rationality and sound judgement, establishing him as an influential leader. He was also a resolute king, determined to maintain his power by any means necessary, including deceiving members of the Resistance to eliminate his political adversaries. However, his motives were not entirely selfish. He sought to remain in power to prevent his potential rivals from resisting the inevitable arrival of the First Order, which he believed would have dire consequences for his people. Despite recognizing the threat posed by the First Order, Siroc was optimistic enough to think they would be willing to negotiate with the Pastorians.

