Oddy Muva

Oddy Muva, an Abednedo male, was a Resistance technician with aspirations of becoming a pilot. During the conflict against the First Order, he underwent pilot training. Before the mission to locate Lor San Tekka, he was stationed at the D'Qar resistance base, where he prepared and fueled the starfighters for Black Squadron. He provided assistance to pilots such as Poe Dameron, Snap Wexley, Karé Kun, L'ulo L'ampar, and Jessika Pava. Prior to their departure, Muva voiced his disappointment to Dameron about not being included on the mission. Dameron reassured him that, given the Resistance's need for pilots, he would have the opportunity after completing additional pilot training.

However, Oddy was secretly working as a spy for the First Order, having been blackmailed by Agent Terex, who had kidnapped his wife, Sowa Chuan. Oddy later joined Poe, C-3PO, and BB-8 on a mission to Kaddak to retrieve a N1-ZX, a Resistance spy droid rumored to possess information on Supreme Leader Snoke. This turned out to be a trap orchestrated by Terex. After becoming separated from the others, Oddy infiltrated Terex's ship, the Carrion Spike, and successfully rescued his wife and several other slaves with the assistance of Black Squadron. During their escape, Oddy's ship sustained damage, leading him to make the ultimate sacrifice by crashing it into the First Order Light Cruiser Enshado.


Blackmailed by Terex

During the Cold War, Oddy Muva served as both a technician and pilot within the Resistance's Black Squadron. He was stationed at the Resistance base situated on the Outer Rim world of D'Qar. He was married to Sowa Chuan, who was abducted by First Order Agent Terex as a means of control. Consequently, Muva was compelled to carry out Terex's commands. Oddy became Terex's spy, providing him with crucial information regarding the operations of his Black Squadron comrades.

Staying behind on D'Qar

After General Leia Organa enlisted Captain Poe Dameron and Black Squadron for a secret mission aimed at locating the explorer Lor San Tekka, Dameron inquired with Muva about the readiness of their starfighters, asking if they were fueled and prepared for flight. When Muva expressed his desire to join them, Dameron assured him that he would have his opportunity once he had completed further training. Black Squadron's mission to Ovanis took an unexpected turn when Dameron discovered a tracking device planted on his T-70 X-wing starfighter. This act was revealed to be the work of Muva. Despite facing an attack from Terex, Black Squadron successfully escaped into space.

Upon their return, Muva engaged in a conversation with Jessika Pava concerning the new boosters that he and his fellow mechanics had installed on her X-wing starfighter. Pava attributed the enhanced speed of her squadron's X-wings to these new boosters. When Muva expressed his regret at not being present, Pava reassured him that his chance would come once the Resistance acquired more starfighters from the New Republic. Pava also acknowledged Muva as the most skilled technician. Following Pava's invitation for drinks, Muva inquired about her new mission. Pava mentioned their destination as a prison. Subsequently, they shared a toast celebrating faster ships and defying death. Muva then relayed this information to Terex.

Throughout Black Squadron's missions to Ovanis and Megalox, Muva provided Terex with intelligence regarding the squadron's movements, enabling Terex to stay ahead of Dameron. Consequently, Dameron began to distrust his fellow pilots. However, not suspecting the unassuming Abednedo, he turned to Muva as the sole individual at the Resistance base whom he could trust.

Mission to Kaddak

Before the Mission to Kaddak, Dameron informed Muva that the Resistance would provide him with his own starfighter. After Dameron allowed Muva to pilot his T-70 X-wing, Muva expressed his gratitude and pledged to ensure the ship's safety. Following Resistance spymaster C-3PO's revelation that one of the Resistance spy droids on the Outer Rim planet Kaddak had supposedly obtained information about the location of Supreme Leader Snoke, Dameron included Muva on the mission, allowing him to pilot a freighter. Muva and Dameron were also accompanied by C-3PO and Dameron's astromech droid BB-8.

Upon landing at Kaddak's spaceport, Muva quickly recognized the Outer Rim spaceport as a perilous haven for criminal activity. He was startled when he witnessed a man being thrown to his death. Later, Muva, along with Dameron and C-3PO, visited a cantina in the Sliver's Level 45. When a nervous Muva inquired about their purpose there, C-3PO explained that they were there to meet his operative, who was expected to arrive shortly. Shortly thereafter, they encountered an MSE-6 series repair droid, which informed them that their spy droid had been captured by the Ranc Gang. When Muva asked about the Rancs, Dameron replied that dealing with the Rancs was worse than falling off the sliver. Muva and his companions then visited the Ranc Gang's headquarters, only for Dameron to be stunned by the reception staff.

At the Ranc Gang headquarters, Oddy Muva and the droids find themselves surrounded by Ranc gangsters, whose leader orders his men to seize Poe while killing the others. Fortunately for the Resistance team, C-3PO activates his local network of spy droids, compelling the gangsters to stand down. After assisting Poe to his feet, Oddy informs Poe that the Rancs had been attempting to sell their spy droid but that C-3PO's spies were searching for it. The spy droid is revealed to be the BX-series droid commando N1-ZX ("Nunzix"), who complains about their tardiness. However, their rescue mission is complicated by Nunzix's self-preservation programming, which prevents him from disclosing the data until he has been safely returned to the Resistance base.

Before they can return to their freighter, Muva spots Terex's ship, the Carrion Spike, flying through the skies of Kaddak. "Lord" Terex, having regained control of the Ranc Gang, orders the people of Kaddak to capture Dameron. While Dameron and the droids flee back to the freighter, Muva heads to the Sliver's Level 72, where the Carrion Spike is berthed. As Terex prepares to depart in pursuit of Dameron, Muva infiltrates the ship disguised as a technician.

Rescuing his wife

Despite his fears and uncertainties, Muva summons the courage to proceed with his mission to rescue his wife. While concealing himself in the corridors, he catches sight of Terex and one of his henchmen, Zumgi, walking past. Later, Muva spots Zumgi walking alone through the Carrion Spike's corridors and confronts him. Muva claims to be a technician who had accidentally stowed away, but Zumgi points out that he possesses a blaster. Zumgi slashes at his blaster with a vibroblade, but Muva kicks him in the abdomen. Before Zumgi can hack him, Muva punches him in the chin, knocking him to the ground. Seizing the vibroblade, Oddy demands that Zumgi lead him to his wife.

Meanwhile, Terex's fleet of "Uglies" catches up with Dameron's X-wing above an uncharted desert world. Terex had hoped that Dameron would lead them to the Resistance base, enabling him to destroy the Resistance once and for all. However, Dameron discovers Terex's plot and instead leads him to a desert world. Dameron also realizes that Oddy is the spy who had been providing the First Order with information about Black Squadron's movements. After Dameron crash-lands his X-wing and flees into a cave with the droids, Terex leads a landing party.

Back aboard the Carrion Spine, Muva and his prisoner, Zumgi, enter Terex's suite, which houses his slaves. Muva embraces Chuan and informs Zumgi that Terex had stolen and enslaved her. Chuan then reveals that Terex had also captured other alien slaves to use as leverage against other people. Muva vows to exact revenge against Terex and orders Zumgi to contact his master. However, Zumgi responds that Terex would defeat those who attempted to attack him and reveals that Terex had already disembarked in pursuit of Dameron and the droids. Meanwhile, Dameron and the droids harass Terex's landing force while the rest of Black Squadron, including Temmin Wexley, Karé Kun, Pava, and L'ulo L'ampar, emerge from hyperspace to attack Terex's criminal fleet.

As the Resistance and Terex's Ranc Gang engage in combat on land and in space, Muva and the slaves escape the Carrion Spike in escape pods. Before departing, Oddy reprograms the ship's battle computers to auto-target anything without a Resistance transponder and also locks Terex's crew out of the control systems. As a result, the Carrion Spike begins firing on Terex's "Uglies." After leaving, Muva contacts Kun and informs her that he has freed Terex's slaves and requests that Black Squadron protect the pods from the Ranc fighters.

Despite Black Squadron's efforts to safeguard the escape pods, one of them is shot down by an "Ugly." In response, L'ulo shoots down the fighter. When Chuan asks her husband whether they will survive, he reassures her that they are together. Despite L'ulo's death shortly thereafter, the tide of the battle turns in the Resistance's favor when a First Order Maxima-A class heavy cruiser and its TIE/fo space superiority fighters exit hyperspace and attack Ranc's fleet, destroying the Carrion Spike and the "Uglies." Shortly thereafter, the battle concludes when Dameron hands Terex over to his First Order superiors, who are displeased that Terex had embarked on an unsanctioned mission.

The story of Oddy Muva

Following their escape from the Carrion Spike in an escape pod, Muva and Chuan returned to Abednedo. There, they were captured by First Order troops led by Commander Malarus and Terex, now controlled by a cyborg implant.

They left his wife as bait for Black Squadron, and took Muva on a GR-75 medium transport, where Terex interrogated him. The mechanic taunted Terex as a slave. When the implant punished Terex, the agent collapsed, accidentally freeing him.

At the same time, Dameron and Wexley had met his wife, who sent them after him. There they were captured by the First Order and imprisoned aboard the First Order Light Cruiser Enshado. After his release, Muva freed them and hotwired the system as a distraction, allowing the two Resistance pilots to escape once they reached Spalex, where the rest of Black Squadron and the journalist and Resistance agent Suralinda Javos had been captured.

As Malarus ordered her TIE pilots to chase them, Muva stole a First Order TIE fighter. He engaged the other TIEs, shooting several down and allowing the other pilots to escape. As his ship took damage, he steered it towards the Enshado's hanger bay, sharing a final message with Black Squadron. With his death, he ensured the destruction of the cruiser and the escape of the Resistance pilots.

Javos was inspired by his sacrifice, and intended to share his story as "Oddy Muva, Resistance hero" as part of her mission to find propaganda.

Personality and traits

Oddy Muva, a Resistance technician, harbored dreams of piloting a starfighter. Despite his technical prowess, Muva felt dejected by his inability to fly one. He was overjoyed when Dameron allowed him to take his T-70 X-wing starfighter for a spin and later expressed his gratitude when Dameron invited him on their mission to Kaddak. However, Muva was secretly blackmailed into becoming a First Order spy after Agent Terex kidnapped his wife, Sowa Chuan. Oddy detested the First Order and sought to rescue his spouse.

Muva displayed visible nervousness during the mission to Kaddak, perceiving the planet as a dangerous area. He possessed skills in infiltration and unarmed combat, and he was also proficient with a blaster. Muva harbored deep resentment towards Terex for kidnapping his wife and was determined to settle the score. He was also tech-savvy, using his technical skills to reprogram the Carrion Spike's battle computers to target Terex's "Uglies" and lock the ship crew out of the controls. Furthermore, he was adept at operating escape pods and communications equipment.

Behind the scenes

Oddy Muva appears as a supporting character in the ongoing Marvel Comics Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic series, which debuted on April 6, 2016.

Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran makes reference to Muva's participation in the wedding of Snap Wexley and Karé Kun—This is a apparent continuity error, as Muva died in the 19th issue of Star Wars: Poe Dameron, but the wedding was not proposed and conducted until the 25th issue of the series. Matt Martin, a member of the Story Group on Twitter, addressed the conflict, saying that there was a miscommunication between creators and that he didn't know if there was two weddings or both sources retell the same wedding.

