Mission to Ovanis

During the Cold War era, a crucial mission to Ovanis was executed by Commander Poe Dameron along with the members of Black Squadron representing the Resistance. Their objective was to journey to the planet Ovanis in search of Lor San Tekka. The purpose was to enlist his assistance in the effort to locate Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. As the mission unfolded, Black Squadron found themselves in opposition to First Order Agent Terex, who was also seeking the same information. Following an aerial battle and a ground-based confrontation with a large winged creature, Black Squadron successfully overcame Terex's forces, aided by the Crèche, a group devoted to the worship of a massive egg called the Crèche egg.


In the aftermath of Operation: Sabre Strike, General Leia Organa tasked Captain Poe Dameron with a quest: the search for the explorer Lor San Tekka. Leia believed Tekka could provide clues leading to her missing brother, Luke Skywalker. For this task, Poe enlisted several members of his Black Squadron, including Jakku war veteran Temmin Wexley, Karé Kun, the Duros pilot L'ulo L'ampar, and Jessika Pava. Unbeknownst to the Resistance, the First Order became aware of Poe's mission and dispatched Agent Terex to intercept Black Squadron. Captain Phasma ordered Terex to uncover the details Poe had extracted from New Republic Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor.

The mission

Lair of the Crèche

Dameron fights off the Crèche in hand-to-hand combat.

Following Tekka's last known location, Poe and Black Squadron journeyed to the rugged planet of Ovanis. While Black Squadron patrolled the skies, Poe and BB-8 successfully landed their T-70 X-wing starfighter within the Cave of the Crèche. At the cave's center was a prominent blue object, the Crèche egg. Upon their arrival, they were met by several Crèche cult members. Poe informed their female elder that he sought Lor San Tekka. The elder responded that Tekka's visit was long ago, and she could not provide assistance.

The Crèche elder proceeded to explain that her people revered, nurtured, and safeguarded the Crèche egg, considering it their purpose and means of salvation. They held the belief that the egg contained an unborn Savior who would reward their dedication to its protection over generations. The elder disclosed that Lor San Tekka had resided with them for two seasons, learning their customs and communicating with the unborn savior. After being accepted as one of them, they shared their secrets. When the Crèche elder inquired if Poe was prepared to join their ranks, Poe declined due to the urgency of his mission.

As Poe negotiated with the elder, BB-8 detected a tracking device attached to his starfighter. When he confronted the Crèche, they assumed he intended to destroy the egg with a detonator and launched an attack. Poe diffused the situation by informing the Crèche of the impending danger and assuring them of his friends' protection. Poe contacted L'ulo, warning him of the approaching First Order. However, Karé pointed out the arrival of a First Order landing platform above the Cave of the Crèche.

First Order entanglements

Leading a group of stormtroopers equipped with jetpacks on a First Order speeder bike, Agent Terex entered the Cave of the Crèche. Terex's forces forcefully breached the gate and confronted the Crèche elder and her followers. After a brief exchange, Terex demanded to know the whereabouts of Poe Dameron. While Poe and BB-8 remained hidden, the Crèche elder attempted to feign ignorance. However, a stormtrooper detected the tracker's signal, prompting Agent Terex to threaten the Crèche egg.

Meanwhile, Temmin, Jess, L'ulo, and Káre engaged the First Order TIE fighters and the First Order platform in a dogfight. Back in the Cave of the Crèche, Poe Dameron surrendered in an attempt to prevent Terex from harming the Crèche cultists. When Terex asked him to clarify his statement, Poe revealed that his Black Squadron was attacking the First Order TIE fighters and platform above, creating a stalemate. However, Terex remained unfazed and ordered his Flametroopers to set fire to the Crèche egg. Terex also informed Poe of the arrival of reinforcements, including the Maxima-A class heavy cruiser Ravenous and a contingent of TIE fighters.

As the Flametroopers ignited the Crèche egg, Poe demanded to know Terex's intentions. Terex revealed that he sought the data Poe had stolen from the First Order during Operation: Sabre Strike. Poe refused to negotiate until Terex called off his attack on Black Squadron and the Flametroopers ceased their assault on the Crèche egg. Terex dismissed Poe's terms, confident in his TIE fighters' advantage. Meanwhile, Temmin Wexley persuaded the other starfighter pilots to retreat into the canyons, providing Poe with more time below.

The Crèche creatures

During the argument, the Crèche egg cracked open, releasing a large blue, winged creature. Believing it to be their savior, the Crèche elder implored it to demonstrate how to save their sinful world. However, the creature attacked them instead. When Terex ridiculed the Crèche cultists, Poe punched him. Terex retaliated, throwing him to the ground. This served as a distraction for BB-8 to steal his blaster.

Meanwhile, Jessika destroyed several pursuing TIEs by collapsing a rock on them. However, her astromech droid was struck. Realizing their strategy was failing, Temmin and his fellow pilots regrouped and launched a direct assault on the TIE fighters. Simultaneously, Terex's stormtroopers fought against the Crèche creature, but their blasters failed to penetrate its thick skin. The Crèche elder attempted to reason with the creature but was nearly devoured. Suddenly, a large black-skinned winged creature appeared and attacked the blue creature.

Poe demanded that Terex order his forces to stand down, but Terex claimed his stormtroopers were defending them from the Crèche creature. After a struggle, Terex knocked Poe to the ground. He told the Resistance pilot that he was fighting for something the Crèche elders had not yet provided. Believing Poe posed no threat, he prepared to shoot him. However, BB-8 electrocuted Terex. Meanwhile, the blue and black winged creatures soared above the Cave of the Crèche. The black winged creature unleashed a powerful ray from its mouth, killing the blue-skinned creature. Several of Terex's stormtroopers were killed by falling debris.


Outnumbered and outgunned by the Crèche cultists and Black Squadron, Terex was compelled to order his men to cease fighting. Since taking Terex prisoner would lead to open conflict between the First Order and the New Republic, Poe decided to leave Terex and his surviving stormtroopers in the Cave of the Crèche. The Crèche cultists and their leader departed on the back of the black winged creature, whom they now considered their savior. With Terex no longer a threat to the Crèche, Poe radioed the Ravenous and requested they retrieve Terex. After refueling, Poe and Black Squadron departed Ovanis and returned to the Resistance base on D'Qar.

Behind the scenes

The Ovanis mission was first depicted in Poe Dameron 1, a comic from 2016 penned by Charles Soule and illustrated by Phil Noto.

