Erudo Ro-Kiintor

Hevurion's senior senator in the New Republic's Galactic Senate was a male human named Erudo Ro-Kiintor. Ro-Kiintor aligned with the Centrists, a political group that pushed for a more centralized government and a robust military for the New Republic. During the Cold War period, the Resistance suspected Erudo of collaborating with the First Order, accusing him of obstructing crucial proposals within the Galactic Senate.

As a consequence, General Leia Organa dispatched Poe Dameron and his team on a mission with the objective of commandeering his personal starship, the Hevurion Grace. Despite the arrival of a First Order fleet, Poe and his allies successfully returned Ro-Kiintor's vessel to the Resistance. This action led to the discovery of evidence confirming Ro-Kiintor's clandestine relationship with the First Order, as well as data related to Leia's search for her Jedi brother, Luke Skywalker.


The Centrists

Within the New Republic's Galactic Senate, which succeeded the Rebel Alliance, Erudo Ro-Kiintor held the position of senior senator for the planet of Hevurion. In the year 28 ABY, Ro-Kiintor identified as a member of the Centrists within the Galactic Senate, advocating for a strong central authority and a formidable military force. This stance put them at odds with the Populists, who championed the complete autonomy of individual planets. Senator Ro-Kiintor found himself in political opposition to figures like Leia Organa, a celebrated veteran of the Rebel Alliance and the offspring of Darth Vader. As tensions grew between these factions, the Centrists began to call for the establishment of a First Senator role, intended to impose order on the fragmented Senate.

Concerned that the Centrists would exploit the First Senator position to advance an authoritarian agenda, the Populists nominated Senator Organa for the role. However, Lady Carise Sindian undermined Organa's prospects by revealing her true lineage to Ransolm Casterfo, the Junior senator, a promising Centrist politician who had developed a friendship with Organa during their investigation into Rinnrivin Di's cartel. Feeling deceived by Organa, Casterfo publicly announced Leia's parentage as the infamous Darth Vader, damaging Organa's political standing.

Following the disclosure of Organa's lineage, Senator Ro-Kiintor presided over a meeting concerning military appropriations. Casterfo, hoping to secure a position on one of the relevant Senate committees, attended the meeting. During Erudo's presentation of his appropriations bill, Casterfo interrupted, expressing concerns about the bill's excessive scale and noting that the New Republic already maintained a sizeable military suitable for a peacetime government. Ro-Kiintor countered that while the New Republic's forces had addressed recent threats from the Amaxine warriors and Rinnrivin's cartel, preparedness for future conflicts was essential.

Ransolm then argued that the New Republic encompassed the majority of the galaxy's worlds, with only a few isolated sectors showing no signs of aggression. Ro-Kiintor insisted that the New Republic was composed of independent systems and claimed that it had neglected individual planetary defenses. As a member of the Centrist faction's far-right wing, Ro-Kiintor believed that even the smallest moon should possess sufficient firepower to destroy a Super Star Destroyer independently. Ransolm suspected that the Senator viewed the armaments bill as a means to allocate more government funds to Centrist-aligned worlds.

When Casterfo suggested reducing defense funds allocated to planetary defenses, one of Ro-Kiintor's staff members chuckled quietly. Ro-Kiintor then shifted his focus to Senator Organa's planned address to the Senate following her trip to Sibensko. While Senator Ro-Kiintor was confident that Leia would fail to secure the necessary quorum to speak, his staffer pointed out that she was only one vote short and that the Populists and independents had already cast their votes. In response, Ransolm voted in favor of allowing Leia to address the Senate, granting her a one-vote majority.

Ro-Kiintor and his Centrist colleagues presumably attended Organa's address and Ransolm's defense of her report. Following the assassination of the Populist candidate Tai-Lin Garr, Erudo likely joined his Centrist colleagues in expressing condolences and distancing themselves from Ransolm, who was framed by Lady Carise for Tai's murder. The Centrists then supported a motion to suspend the election for First Senator in anticipation of a plan to secede from the New Republic and align with the First Order, a remnant of the "Old Empire," thereby rescuing the planets represented by the Centrists from the "mire of the Senate's inaction."

Serving the First Order

Approximately three decades after the Battle of Endor, Senator Ro-Kiintor was secretly in league with the First Order, the successor to the "Old Empire" that had risen in the Unknown Regions. He aided the First Order by obstructing motions to extend sanctions or increase support for the Republic Navy. In return, the Order funneled substantial sums of money into his accounts through the Corporate Sector Authority's shell corporations and third-party entities. Erudo's Pinnacle-class luxury ship, the Hevurion Grace, was observed by Resistance operatives within First Order territory. Individuals like Resistance leader General Leia Organa suspected that he was communicating with high-ranking First Order officials such as General Armitage Hux and Supreme Leader Snoke.

Although General Leia suspected Senator Ro-Kiintor of treason, she lacked concrete evidence to formally accuse him. Consequently, General Organa dispatched her top pilot, Poe Dameron, along with his former Rapier Squadron comrades Karé Kun and Iolo Arana, on a mission to seize the Hevurion Grace so that the Resistance could gain access to its navicomputer. Piloting vintage Z-95 Headhunters, the Resistance pilots intercepted Ro-Kiintor's ship in the Uvoss system, and Iolo successfully disabled the Hevurion Grace using a concussion missile. Upon spotting Poe and his companions, Senator Ro-Kiintor and his crew mistook them for pirates and sent a distress signal to the First Order.

Donning an EVA suit, Poe Dameron managed to eject from his Headhunter and board the Senator's starship in space. Impersonating a member of the Irving Boys, Poe ordered Senator Ro-Kiintor, his servant, and the pilot at gunpoint to relocate to the ship's escape pods. When Ro-Kiintor protested, Poe fired at the floor and threatened to enslave him and his entourage. Ro-Kiintor and his group then fled into the escape pods. Despite facing attacks from several First Order warships and TIE fighters, Poe and his comrades managed to escape into hyperspace with Erudo's stolen yacht.

The following day, Leia and her team examined the Hevurion Grace's navicomputer and discovered evidence confirming Senator Ro-Kiintor's collaboration with the First Order. Leia feared that Erudo was not alone and that other like-minded senators were also conspiring with the First Order. Among the information recovered from the ship's navicomputer was a puzzle that led to her missing Jedi brother, Luke Skywalker. Using this information, Leia sent Poe on a mission to locate her old friend Lor San Tekka, whom she believed could guide them to Luke.

Personality and traits

Erudo Ro-Kiintor was a tall, slender man who favored elaborate robes and wore a slim visor. He possessed a Pinnacle-class luxury ship named the Hevurion Grace. Erudo espoused the beliefs of the Centrists, a faction within the Galactic Senate that advocated for a stronger central government and a more powerful military. Later, Ro-Kiintor secretly became an ally of the First Order, undermining motions critical of the Imperial remnant in exchange for financial backing. This deception earned him the animosity of several Resistance members, including Leia Organa and Poe Dameron.

Fearing exposure of his dealings with the First Order, Ro-Kiintor sought assistance from the First Order when confronted by members of the Resistance in space, who were disguised as the pirate gang known as the Irving Boys. When confronted by the disguised Poe, Erudo attempted to challenge the "pirate." However, he and his entourage were easily intimidated when Poe discharged a blaster and threatened to sell them into slavery if they refused to evacuate the Hevurion Grace.

Behind the scenes

Erudo Ro-Kiintor made his debut as a minor antagonist in Greg Rucka's 2015 junior novel Before the Awakening, released as a prequel tie-in to Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.

