A Keshian male pilot named Iolo Arana flew starfighters as a lieutenant for the New Republic Starfleet, serving as a member of Rapier Squadron. He eventually chose to join the Resistance during their conflict against the First Order, alongside his squadron colleagues, commander Poe Dameron and lieutenant Karé Kun. Within the Resistance, he was promoted to the rank of captain and took command of Dagger Squadron.
Within the New Republic Defense Fleet, Iolo Arana served as a starfighter pilot for Rapier Squadron, piloting T-85 X-wings in the Mirrin sector. He was known by the callsign Rapier Three, and his fellow pilots included Commander Poe Dameron, Lieutenant Karé Kun, and Muran.
Arana, along with his squadron, found themselves stationed at the Brooksdion New Republic space station. One time, while relaxing at the local bar, Arana ordered a drink from the bartender, Quinny. When Dameron began to contemplate his desires, Arana playfully commented on Dameron's competitive spirit. Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the station, and Rapier Squadron was summoned to their ships. Dameron quickly learned that Admiral Mathieson's protocol droid had been stolen, and it was suspected that a small passenger ship had been used for the theft. Arana, along with the rest of the squadron, announced their call signs before taking off in pursuit of the passenger ship. After locating the ship, Dameron disabled its hyperdrive and issued a warning. However, the ship attempted to evade them, leading to a continued chase. The squadron then received direct orders from Admiral Mathieson to destroy the ship. Dameron instructed the squad to fire, but the ship managed to dodge the attacks and headed towards the Lost Souls asteroid field. Dameron ordered the rest of the squad to pull back while he pursued the ship into the asteroid field alone.
During a typical patrol in the Mirrin sector, Arana and his squadron responded to a distress message originating from the freighter Yissira Zyde near Suraz 4. Rapier Squadron became embroiled in a dogfight with First Order TIE/fo space superiority fighters, which tragically resulted in the death of Muran.
Despite Major Lonno Deso's explicit instructions, Dameron was determined to avenge Muran and find the stolen freighter. During a routine patrol, Dameron convinced Arana and Kun to upload all telemetry data from the Suraz engagement into his droid, BB-8. Arana and Kun agreed to cover for Dameron while he embarked on his unsanctioned mission. Following the skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722, General Leia Organa recruited Dameron into the Resistance, a covert paramilitary group operating outside of the New Republic Defense Force to monitor the activities of the First Order.
Facing disciplinary action for aiding Dameron, Arana and Kun also chose to join the Resistance. Arana was appointed as the captain of Dagger Squadron, which was stationed on the Mon Calamari cruiser Echo of Hope. Due to their loyalty to Dameron, Arana and Kun participated in Operation: Sabre Strike, a clandestine operation to steal the yacht Hevurion Grace belonging to New Republic Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor. Organa suspected Ro-Kiintor of collaborating with the First Order and sought access to his ship's logs. For the mission, the three pilots adopted disguises as members of the Irving Boys and piloted vintage Z-95 Headhunters. The Resistance pilots ambushed the Hevurion Grace in space. Arana successfully disabled the yacht using modified concussion missiles, allowing Dameron to board the vessel and force Ro-Kiintor and his crew into the escape pod.
Before they could return to the Echo of Hope, a large First Order fleet attacked the Resistance pilots. After a chase, Arana and his companions managed to evade their First Order pursuers, including a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, and jumped into hyperspace. As a result of their successful mission, the Resistance obtained undeniable proof of Ro-Kiintor's treason and discovered that the explorer Lor San Tekka was still alive. Believing that Tekka possessed the key to locating her missing brother, Luke Skywalker, Organa sent Dameron on a mission to find Tekka.
Iolo Arana was a Keshian male, belonging to a humanoid species distinguished by their large, unusually colored eyes. These eyes enabled them to perceive a wide spectrum of light, ranging from ultraviolet to infrared, providing Arana with an advantage in aerial combat. Arana was a loyal friend to Poe Dameron, demonstrated by his decision to follow Dameron into the Resistance and participate in Operation: Sabre Strike. During his time in the New Republic, Arana found the routine patrol flights in the Mirrin sector monotonous and desired genuine combat. Arana was proficient in piloting various starships, including T-85 X-wings and vintage Z-95 Headhunters.
Iolo Arana made his debut in Greg Rucka's young adult novel Before the Awakening, which was released on December 18, 2015 to coincide with the release of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.