T-85 X-wing starfighter

The T-85 X-wing starfighter, alternatively called the New Republic X-wing fighter, represented an advanced iteration of the X-wing starfighter. It was deployed by the New Republic Defense Fleet as the First Order was rising. Subsequently, during the Resistance's conflict against the First Order, the Resistance's naval forces also utilized this starfighter.


The T-85 X-wing starfighter from Incom-FreiTek Corporation stood as an improved version of the earlier T-65B X-wing starfighter. These X-wings incorporated four 5L9 fusial thrust engines alongside a Class 1 hyperdrive. The engines allowed for speeds reaching 1,300 KPH and 120 MGLT. A single pilot operated the craft, assisted by an astromech droid. Moreover, it included deflector shields and sensors. A unique nose housed advanced Carbanti sensors. The engines could reach a speed of 3,800 and 120 MGLT. The craft's measurements were 15.68 meters (51 ft 5 in) in length, 13.65 meters (44 ft 9 in) in width, and 2.7 meters (8 ft 10 in) in height.

In terms of weaponry, it was armed with four KX14 laser cannons mounted on the S-foils that unfolded into the recognizable "X" configuration. Additional armaments consisted of Krupx MG7-B proton torpedo launchers. The previous magnetic flash suppressors were deemed unnecessary and removed, although some pilots opted to install custom versions. The engines were upgraded by installing enhanced fusial thrust engines. Enhanced flight systems also contributed to greater maneuverability. The cockpit was situated towards the rear, complemented by a snub nose. The targeting systems included a Fabritech ANr 1.3 tracking computer paired with an IN-630-B "Sightline" holographic imaging system. For defensive measures, it was equipped with a Chempat deflector shield generator, along with an ejector seat and life support for the pilot. The starfighter had enough supplies for one week. The cost was 220,000 credits new and 140,000 used.

Certain vessels were colored gray with blue accents, bearing the inscription "Republic Navy" in Aurebesh on their hulls.


New Republic use

The New Republic Defense Fleet operated the T-85s in the decades following the Battle of Endor. Admiral Gial Ackbar initiated their development, recognizing the obsolescence of the T-70s. He suggested that Incom-Freitek design the next generation more than two decades after the founding of the New Republic. They were used to protect space lanes from pirates. Commander Poe Dameron piloted T-85 X-wings alongside Rapier Squadron while serving the Republic. On one occasion, the Rapiers were stationed at Brooksdion space station. They received an alert concerning the theft of Mathieson's protocol droid's head by unknown individuals. They launched in their T-85s to pursue the starship. Upon reaching the asteroid field of Lost Souls, Dameron instructed his wingmen to remain behind as he continued the chase. After exiting the field, the starship evaded Dameron and jumped into hyperspace. In another instance, Rapier Squadron ambushed a pirate frigate in the Mirrin sector. Dameron's fighter was disabled by an ion pulse and subsequently towed aboard the frigate. His droid BB-8 managed to escape, alerting the squadron to their location, leading to a confrontation with the frigate. Dameron then subdued the crew, aided by the distraction.

Following his actions during the Skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722 and the Suraz engagement, Dameron was recruited into the Resistance and became the leader of Black Squadron. He transitioned to using a T-70, Black One.

First Order conflict

New Republic X-wings pursued by a First Order TIE/ba interceptor.

Kazuda Xiono's team utilized T-85s while on a mission from New Republic Command. They were dispatched to rendezvous with the Resistance to deliver intelligence. Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order engaged them. Xiono instructed his wingmen to escape, but his craft sustained damage. Commander Dameron's arrival at the scene rescued Xiono, allowing them to trap and damage Vonreg's TIE with his single remaining cannon, forcing him to withdraw. Xiono's craft was then towed aboard a CR90 corvette.

The majority of the New Republic's T-85 X-wing fleet was destroyed when the First Order destroyed the Hosnian system in 34 ABY. Shortly thereafter, Commander Dameron jokingly told General Leia Organa that he had ordered a shipment of T-85s before the Battle of Crait as the Resistance fled the First Order counter-attack.

Following the significant losses at Crait, the Resistance was left with limited personnel and resources. Concurrently, the First Order initiated large-scale scrapping of captured New Republic vessels. General Organa directed a team to the scrap planet Bracca, where Shriv Suurgav led Dross Squadron to recover several starships, including a T-85.

Behind the scenes

A T-85 X-Wing

The T-85 X-wings initially appeared in the young-adult novel Before the Awakening from 2015, authored by Greg Rucka and released as part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens series, although it was visually depicted as Poe Dameron's Black One, a T-70 model. Their complete design was unveiled in "The Recruit," the premiere episode of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series, which aired on October 7, 2018. The full designation was provided in the third issue of Star Wars Starships & Vehicles, which was released in June 2021.

The illustrations present in Before the Awakening incorrectly portray the T-85 X-wings as T-70s, which were scheduled to feature prominently in the then-upcoming film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. According to Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group, the images were inaccurate but intentional, as the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens publishing program aimed to evoke the atmosphere of the film, and the T-85 X-wings had not been designed at that time. This also applies to Poe and the Missing Ship, a 2017 partial storybook adaptation of the aforementioned novel.

While Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary stated that all T-85s had been destroyed, this was contradicted by later sources, such as the novel Resistance Reborn.

