The Recruit

"The Recruit", a two-part premiere, introduces Star Wars Resistance, the animated television show from Dave Filoni's creative mind. Steward Lee and Saul Ruiz directed it, while Brandon Auman penned the script.

Official description

Kazuda Xiono, an X-wing pilot, is brought into the Resistance fold. However, he soon finds himself overwhelmed when Poe Dameron tasks him with a surveillance mission at a distant fueling station, aimed at monitoring the First Order. Subsequently, after Kaz brags about his piloting skills, he's compelled to participate in a perilous aerial race.

Plot summary

Space Dogfight

The episode commences with three New Republic T-85 X-wings being chased by the crimson TIE/ba Baron Space Superiority Interceptor piloted by First Order Major Elrik Vonreg. R2-C4 emits frightened sounds as Kazuda Xiono's X-wing speeds through the cosmos. Kazuda and C4 bicker, with Kazuda asserting the dangers of their mission. Kazuda is unsure of Resistance Commander Poe Dameron's whereabouts. Hugh Sion, a fellow squadron mate, expresses confidence in Poe's success and their extended stay. Mia Gabon, the third pilot, urges them to focus and escape.

As the TIE Interceptor gains ground, Kazuda emphasizes their inability to retreat due to New Republic Command's explicit orders to deliver intelligence to the Resistance. Hugh questions the nature of the intelligence. Kazuda suggests its importance given their current situation. Mia points out their inability to damage the enemy fighter, prompting Kazuda to order their return to base while he handles the delivery. Mia secures Kazuda's promise of support. Kazuda also vows to make the TIE Interceptor pilot regret their encounter.

Kazuda pivots his X-wing towards the TIE Interceptor, activating his fighter's S-foils. While the other X-wings jump to hyperspace, Kazuda initiates a frontal assault on the TIE Interceptor. Major Vonreg damages Kazuda's fighter by shooting the top left S-foil. Kazuda inquires with C4 about his comrades' escape to hyperspace. C4 reports a power outage. Kazuda asks about the restoration time as Major Vonreg prepares for another attack. C4 expresses his fear of death, echoed by Kazuda.

Poe's Rescue

Major Vonreg launches two warheads at Kazuda's X-wing. Poe Dameron's T-70 X-wing starfighter intervenes, neutralizing the warheads with laser fire. Poe urges Kazuda to hold on and confronts the TIE Interceptor. Poe and BB-8 express amazement at Kazuda's survival. Poe acknowledges the TIE pilot's skill and promises to deal with him. Poe's X-wing leads the TIE Interceptor on a pursuit. C4 and Kazuda argue, with Kazuda insisting on action and instructing C4 to power up the engines.

During the chase, Kazuda contacts Poe via comlink to propose a plan. Collaboratively, Poe maneuvers Major Vonreg's TIE Interceptor into Kazuda's X-wing's firing range. At Kazuda's cue, Poe ascends in his X-wing. A laser blast from Kazuda's X-wing strikes the TIE Interceptor's rear, causing damage. With the advantage shifted, Poe pursues the red TIE Interceptor, but Major Vonreg escapes into hyperspace. Poe assures BB-8 of their future encounter. He inquires about Kazuda's name. Kazuda introduces himself to Poe, who invites him aboard his ship for repairs. As Kazuda questions Poe's statement, a CR90 corvette emerges from hyperspace above his X-wing.

Aboard Poe's Ship

An Abednedo Resistance pilot walks past Kazuda and C4 in the CR90 corvette's hallways. Kazuda marvels at being aboard a vintage Rebellion ship. Poe explains its historical significance, from the Battle of Scarif to the Battle of Jakku. Kazuda expresses excitement at meeting Poe, who is highly regarded by his peers.

Poe compliments Kazuda's piloting skills, noting his hit on the red TIE, a rare feat. Kaz attributes it to teamwork, earning C4's approval. Poe suggests Kazuda's improvisation skills would benefit the Resistance and invites him to join. Kazuda expresses interest but acknowledges his father's disapproval, a New Republic senator with a predetermined plan for him.

Poe recognizes Kaz's talent. An intercom message summons Poe to General Leia Organa's presence. Kazuda expresses awe that Poe answers to General Organa, the Rebellion hero. Poe confirms her identity and requests the intelligence from Kazuda. After handing Poe the datacard, Kazuda asks Poe to convey his admiration to General Organa, calling her the bravest person in the galaxy. Poe agrees and offers to deliver Kaz's greetings.

Poe leaves to meet with Leia. As BB-8 and C4 converse, Kaz instructs them to be quiet and asks for the location of the refresher. Upon exiting, Kaz finds C4 waiting but BB-8 is gone. Kazuda learns that BB-8 accompanied Poe, whose whereabouts are unknown to C4. Kazuda decides to explore and eavesdrops on conversations behind the corvette's doors, followed by C4.

Joining the Cause

Kazuda overhears General Organa's voice and enters a cabin, finding Poe and BB-8 consulting with General Organa via a holoprojector. Kazuda is embarrassed by the sight of the Rebellion hero. Poe and General Organa express annoyance at the interruption. Poe escorts Kazuda out and scolds him for eavesdropping. Kazuda denies being a spy. Poe reveals that the intelligence indicated a planned massive attack by the First Order on the New Republic.

Kazuda suggests stopping them, but Poe explains his mission to identify the attack's location and timing. Kazuda volunteers to help, proposing to take on an ace pilot's role. Poe expresses disbelief at Kaz's naivety and enthusiasm. Kazuda insists that the Resistance needs him, referencing Poe's earlier praise of his talent.

Kazuda also pledges to defend the New Republic, his home, and seeks the opportunity to fight. Poe decides to assign Kazuda a mission. Kazuda is excited but realizes he needs to make contact with someone. After scrambling the hologram's signals, Poe allows Kaz to contact his father Hamato Xiono, a Senator in the New Republic. Hamato is displeased by the obscured signal and Kaz's association with the Resistance.

Hamato expresses disapproval, viewing the Resistance as extremists. Kaz clarifies that he was attacked by the First Order during a mission and needs his father's help. Hamato cites his support for Kaz's entry into the Academy and the New Republic Navy. When Hamato asks what his son wants, Kaz claims he needs nothing and ends the transmission. Kaz then affirms his commitment to Poe and inquires about the mission.

Arrival at Castilon

During hyperspace travel in a Star Commuter 2000, Poe informs Kazuda that the First Order has a secret base in Wild Space and is expanding its [military](/article/first_order_military], requiring fuel and supplies. Poe reveals that sources indicate someone on Castilon is aiding the First Order. The shuttle exits hyperspace above Castilon, a remote oceanic world. Poe instructs Kaz to blend in, build trust, and identify those loyal to the "good guys."

Kaz realizes he's a spy but insists on being a pilot. Poe assures him he'll be both. The Star Commuter descends into Castilon's atmosphere, approaching the Colossus, a remaining supertanker fuel depot. Kaz recognizes the Colossus as a pilot's haven, including ex-Rebellion, ex-Imperial, or pirates seeking speed. Poe notes that the Colossus attracts top pilots for racing, gambling, and drinking, tasking Kaz with uncovering the First Order's spy.

The Star Commuter lands. BB-8, Poe, and Kazuda disembark. Kaz witnesses an alien throwing another overboard. Kaz is startled, but Poe dismisses it. Kaz observes the Colossus's rough environment. Approaching a counter, Poe instructs Kaz to pose as a pilot seeking employment and to find his contact.

Meeting Neeku and Yeager

In the background, a blue-skinned alien mistreats two pit droids. Kaz sees three starfighters racing overhead, expressing his childhood dream of becoming the best pilot. The Nikto Neeku Vozo overhears and greets Poe, noting their long absence. Poe introduces Kaz, mentioning Neeku will be around.

When Neeku inquires about Kaz's purpose, Poe hesitates and mentions heading to Aunt Z's Tavern. Neeku praises Poe's young friend Kaz, proclaiming him the best pilot, surpassing the local racers. News of Kaz's arrival spreads, reaching Aunt Z's Tavern. Aunt Z welcomes Poe and Kaz, complimenting Kaz as the galaxy's greatest pilot. Poe is modest, but Aunt Z clarifies she meant Kazuda.

Neeku introduces Aunt Z as the tavern owner and asks about his boss Jarek Yeager. Aunt Z hands a mug to Yeager, who greets Poe Dameron, stating his presence always brings trouble and expressing disinterest in his affairs. Poe introduces Kaz. Yeager mocks Kaz's reputation as the best pilot. Kaz greets him. Poe instructs Kaz to stay put and avoid trouble while he speaks with Yeager.

Tavern Chaos

Kaz sits down, discovering his "stool" is a grumpy serving droid that kicks him. He decides to play holo-darts to pass time, offering Neeku a 100 credits bet. However, an Aleena named Grevel offers a 500-credit wager.

Kaz accepts and throws three darts at a bullseye. Grevel triples the bet to 1,500 credits. Kaz claims he's out of darts. The Aleena offers his own tampered dart. Kaz throws it, but it misses and hits the back of an enraged Klatooinian named Bolza Grool, who confronts Kaz at Aunt Z's counter.

Meanwhile, Yeager acknowledges his history with Poe but refuses Resistance involvement, including his spy mission. Poe clarifies that Kaz's presence eliminates Yeager's need to spy. Yeager complains about Poe's constant causes and perceived past fixation. Poe counters that the First Order is a real threat. When Poe argues he's fighting for the future, Jarek declares he's done fighting.

Back at Z's Tavern, Grevel demands 1,500 credits from Kaz, who claims he doesn't have that much. Bolza Grool demands compensation for his damaged jacket, pushing Grevel aside. Kaz offers to pay for Bolza's jacket, but Grevel insists on the 1,500 credits first. Bolza throws Grevel into the arms of the Snivvian Nod. Grevel throws a cup at Bolza, who throws Kaz into a serving droid. A brawl ensues. Bolza confronts Kaz, who defends himself with a tray. BB-8 challenges Bolza, who kicks him aside.

Meanwhile, Poe asks Yeager to provide Kaz with accommodation, promising he won't cause trouble. Yeager witnesses Grevel being thrown against the window and remains unimpressed. The two return to the tavern to find a brawl. When Yeager asks who started it, Poe suspects Kaz's involvement. Bolza pins Kaz against a table until Yeager halts the fighting. Yeager scolds Aunt Z for not intervening, but she admits she was taking bets on Kaz.

When Yeager asks Bolza what happened, the Klatooinian complains about Kaz throwing a dart at his jacket. Kaz explains the brawl started when Neeku declared him the best pilot. Neeku asks if Kaz was truthful. Kaz points out Neeku's literal interpretation. Neeku is hurt and leaves, pondering his deception. Kaz feels guilty and follows him. Yeager questions Poe's promise of Kaz's lack of trouble.

Sticky Situation

Outside the tavern, Kaz attempts to reconcile with Neeku, stating he's not the best pilot on the platform. Kaz offers to race at the Castilon to prove his claim. Neeku is pleased and declares Kaz deserves the chance to prove his claim of being the best pilot in the galaxy. Despite Kaz's protests, Neeku returns to the tavern and announces Kaz's challenge to the Ace Squadron at tomorrow's race.

Aunt Z celebrates the news. Neeku believes he can fix Kaz's problem by proving he's the best pilot. Poe, BB-8, and Yeager are visibly uncomfortable. Kaz tries to withdraw, but Neeku insists on his belief in Kaz and hopes everyone will recognize his talent. Kaz walks away embarrassed.

Aunt Z asks for bets against Kaz. Several patrons raise their hands. Kaz asks Poe and Yeager how to withdraw. Yeager says there is no backing out. When Kaz asks if he can talk his way out of it, Yeager explains that Aunt Z makes a living betting on racers. Poe tells Kaz he has a weird way of blending in, quipping that making a crazy spectacle of himself is probably the best way to get to know people around here.

Poe tells a shocked Kaz that he is leaving him now and to provide intelligence reports. As they are walking out, Poe tells Kaz that he meant what he said when he said that the boy had something special. He tells Kaz that this might be the opportunity to prove himself among these pilots. Poe advises Kaz not to "crash and die." Kaz says he'll do his best. As a reassurance, Poe tells BB-8 to keep an eye on Kaz because he thinks that he's capable of greater things.

The Challenge

As starfighters fly through a series of rings, Kaz asks Neeku why he signed him up for the race. Neeku reiterates that he is trying to help Kaz prove his claim that he's the best pilot on the platform. Kaz says it was just a dream but Neeku tells him that this is the opportunity to make his dream come true. Neeku adds that Kaz is going to change their lives for the better. Kaz says that he can barely keep his life on track and asks how he can hep them.

Neeku tells him that the two of them have a common dream. He adds that he wants to be on a team with the best pilot in the galaxy. Neeku explains that the best pilots and their team get to live in Doza Tower, where the food and hallways are better. Neeku hopes that Kaz's presence will lead to change. Yeager quips about Kaz's lack of success in keeping a low profile, and suggests that Kaz is drawing attention so that people won't think he is a spy.

Kaz apologizes for the trouble and says he'll be gone. Yeager tells Kaz that he's clueless and doesn't get out of things here. Kaz says that reminds him of home. Yeager tells Kaz that tomorrow he gets to prove himself around here. He can either become a star or bantha fodder. Kaz, Yeager, and the patrons watch starfighters flying through hoops. When Kaz asks who is in the lead, Yeager tells him that it is the Rodian Hype Fazon, who is flying the Green Ace. The announcer Jak Sivrak proclaims Fazon the winner over loudspeakers.

Kaz toys with dropping out but Yeager warns that they will drop quitters overboard headfirst. Neeku adds that there are big things that live underwater which eat little things. Kaz wants to talk to the organizer. Yeager tells him that Captain Imanuel Doza is the boss and that he's not going to let him back out. Hype Fazon climbs out of his fighter to the cheers of the crowd. His image is broadcast on a large floating projector machine.

To Kaz's horror, the announcer announces Kaz as tomorrow's contestant, saying that he's the best starfighter pilot in the known galaxy. The announcer then gets Kaz to pick his contestant, listing Hype Fazon, the former Imperial pilot Griff Halloran, Freya Fenris, Bo Keevil, and the youngest ace, Torra Doza. Kaz decides to pick Torra Doza. After Yeager, Neeku and several others in the vicinity subsequently face-palm, Kaz wonders if it was a bad decision.

Finding a Ship

At the Tavern, Aunt Z announces that Kaz's chances of winning are now 387 to one. She predicts that Kaz's chances of exploding to smithereens are two to one. Aunt Z then gets her serving droid Glitch to run through the chances of Kaz drowning and getting eaten by fish.

Kaz tells Yeager that he needs a ship. Yeager says they have a ship. An optimistic Neeku tells Kaz they're got the Fireball. Kaz says that sounds fast, but Yeager says that the ship is called Fireball because it frequently catches fire. Neeku adds that it only explodes when it accelerates, shifts, steers, or lands. Kaz is horrified, and BB-8 beeps with concern. Yeager says it's a good ship if Neeku can get it ready. Neeku volunteers to get the Fireball ready. He says he knows they can.

At Yeager's repairs, Kaz is not impressed with the rusty and worn-out appearance of the Fireball. When Kaz asks how many times the ship has exploded, Neeku says only three times. Kaz thinks it is a disaster, while BB-8 beeps. However, mechanic Tam Ryvora disagrees with his description of the ship as a disaster, and tells Kaz he has never flown a better ship. Yeager introduces Tam as one of his mechanics.

Upon learning that Kaz is to be the pilot, Tam is upset because Yeager promised the ship to her if she fixed it. Yeager responds that the ship is not yet in the air. She tells Yeager that she is going to take a break before she says something she will seriously regret, before storming off. She clips Kaz in the shoulder and kicks BB-8.

Meeting Torra Doza

Kaz thinks that the Fireball is not so bad, and that the ship needs some bolts, laser cutting, and a little paints to touch up the gloss. However, one of the bolts comes out when Kaz pats a wing. Yeager opines that the ship is going to need a lot of work. He summons the astromech droid R1-J5 (or "Bucket"). Bucket slams into Kaz, who calls him a "bucket of bolts". Yeager tasks Bucket with preparing the ship for tomorrow's race.

That evening, Kaz asks Yeager what he needs to get the ship fired up. Yeager says he needs a ten pound generator range, 30 spools of dry cable, five frequency bolts of servos, "static discharge 46", power containers, and flight containers. Team Fireball are visited by Torra Doza, who marvels at the long list of parts. Neeku is surprised to see the Ace pilot, who is friendly towards her competitors. Torra says she just came here to wish her competitor good luck for tomorrow's race. Kaz says that he doesn't need luck and claims that he has had plenty of races. Torra says she is sure and tells him to be careful. She also gives Bucket a pat.

Torra tells Kaz to be careful not to explode in the first marker, something almost everyone does on their first time. She is sure it will end quickly. Torra says that nobody's survived racing against her, and that maybe Kaz will be the first. Kaz is awkward, while Neeku waves farewell. Yeager explains that Torra is the daughter of Imanuel Doza, who runs the Colossus refuel depot. Kaz thinks he has a chance of winning but Yeager tells him that he doesn't need to win but to survive. Yeager reminds Kaz that Poe assigned him on a mission and that part of the mission is not to die. Kaz agrees.

Obtaining Spare Parts

Yeager sends Kazuda and Neeku to acquire spareparts from Orka and Flix's Office of Acquisitions, which supplies starship parts. Neeku shows a pit droid G-LN their acquisition order, and the droid fetches Orka and Flix. Neeku tells them they are here to obtain parts for the Fireball. Orka and Flix burst out laughing, with Flix referring to Neeku as "one funny son of a sleemo." However, Neeku shows the acquisition order on his datapad, indicating that he means business.

Flix describes the list as a luminous one. Orka uses a levitating chair to fetch spareparts including hypernodes and three new calibrators. When Kaz asks Neeku if he has Yeager's credit chip, Neeku laughs and tells Kaz that as the pilot, he will have to pay for those parts. Kaz protests that he doesn't have money, which leads Orka and Flix to cancel the transaction. Kaz pleads for mercy and Flix agrees to wage a hundred credits on his ship. When Neeku pleads for help, Orka agrees to give him some second-hand parts in return for a fat, juicy gorg for lunch. Neeku thanks Orka for his favor.

While traveling through the Colossus marketplace, Kaz asks Neeku what a gorg is. Neeku tells him that they are tiny creatures considered a delicacy on many planets. Neeku says he developed a taste for them, and likens them to the womp rats of the sea. Kaz approaches the merchant only to discover that it is the Klatooinian Bolza Grool, whose jacket he damaged earlier. Grool wants to settle scores with Kaz, but Kaz convinces him to sponsor him in return for a gorg. Seeking a win-win situation, Grool agrees to the deal.

A Time for Testing

Orka and G-LN

Kaz finds the gorg adorable, struggling to understand why anyone would consider eating it, that is, until it bites him. Upon returning to Orka and Flix's shop, Kaz and Neeku discover the pair are already eating. The two aliens criticize Kaz for his tardiness, subsequently handing him and Neeku three crates filled with unwanted spare parts and miscellaneous junk.

Back at Yeager's repair shop, Kaz and Neeku are met by an annoyed Tam, who expresses her dissatisfaction with the subpar quality of the junk parts. She firmly states that the Fireball is her responsibility. Yeager, upon inspecting the stabilizers, suggests they require reinforcement. Ryvora's observation of the disarray prompts Kaz to lament that he can't seem to do anything right, even when he tries, leading him to angrily leave.

Kaz distances himself and settles down beside a crate, gazing out at the ocean. As BB-8 approaches, Kaz confesses that he overestimated his ability to manage the situation, admitting that things have only worsened. Yeager observes from a distance. Kaz reflects that his father believed he was providing him with what he desired, but it was merely what his father wanted for himself. Kaz emphasizes that his father never inquired about his own aspirations or granted him any autonomy. BB-8 responds with beeps, and Kaz assures him that the next day's outcome rests solely on his shoulders, and he is ready for whatever it demands.

A Perilous Competition

The following day marks the preparation for the race between Kazuda and Torra for Team Fireball. Yeager informs Kaz that he will be positioned at the opposite end of the Colossus. He advises Kaz that victory isn't the sole objective, reminding him that his underlying mission holds greater importance. Kaz expresses his gratitude for Yeager's concern, but affirms his self-assurance.

The Fireball is carefully lowered through a trapdoor using magnetic clamps. The Blue Ace, Torra Doza's ship, is situated alongside the Fireball. Yeager instructs Kaz to navigate through a sequence of metal rings, declaring that the first to pass through the final ring will be the victor. The contestants ignite their engines, with Torra offering Kaz a friendly wave. At the announcer's signal, Kaz descends rapidly, activating the jets as per Yeager's guidance.

He gives chase to Torra's ship. Kaz effortlessly navigates through the initial ring. Yeager cautions Kaz that Torra won't hesitate to impede his progress. Despite his desire to overtake her, Yeager advises him against rash actions, reminding him to prioritize survival. As they proceed through the second ring, Kaz closes the gap with Torra, entertaining the possibility of winning. Yeager urges Kaz to maintain his position, noting that she is gaining altitude. Tam believes that Kaz might have a chance at securing victory.

Kaz successfully accelerates the Fireball, overtaking the Blue Ace. However, Yeager warns Kaz against pushing the Fireball any further, fearing a catastrophic failure. Kaz insists on his competence, but Yeager presents him with a stark choice: risking self-destruction or preserving his mission. They pass through a third ring, but the Fireball's engines ignite, causing him to lose control. The Fireball collides with a ring and plummets into the ocean.

Re-establishing Direction

Kaz regains consciousness to find himself surrounded by Team Fireball and Torra Doza in their quarters. Yeager informs him of his survival, while Neeku adds that he emerged unscathed, praising him as a remarkable pilot. Tam and Yeager remind Kaz that he still lost the competition. The generous Torra expresses her relief that he avoided a fiery demise. Yeager suggests to Kaz that they need to have a discussion. The two proceed to walk by the crate on the platform overlooking the sea. BB-8 follows.

Kaz expresses his appreciation to Yeager for his assistance in navigating life on Castilon and avoiding expulsion. Yeager reveals that Poe is a long-time friend and that he trusts his judgement. As a favor to Poe, he offers Kaz a place to stay while he operates undercover. He stipulates that Kaz can earn his keep as a mechanic, but emphasizes his unwillingness to be involved in his espionage activities. Kaz is thankful. Yeager concludes that if the First Order's presence on Castilon is confirmed, they will all face difficult choices.


In the meantime, Major Vonreg's TIE Interceptor transitions through hyperspace. Upon exiting, he finds himself before three Resurgent-class Star Destroyers. A First Order comm officer instructs him to transmit the clearance codes via the intercom. Major Vonreg complies, and the communications officer approves the codes. The communications officer extends a welcome home to Vonreg. He reciprocates the officer's greeting and requests that she inform Captain Phasma of his return. He proceeds to fly past the Star Destroyers towards Starkiller Base, which nears completion.


"The Recruit" debuted on October 7, 2018 at 10pm on the Disney Channel, garnering 336 thousand viewers and a .08 ratings share. Subsequent episodes of the season were broadcast on Disney XD.


