G-LN, a DUM-series pit droid, was under the ownership of both Flix and Orka. Within the Office of Acquisitions, G-LN provided assistance by procuring items and aiding customers.


Serv-O-Droid, Inc. was the manufacturer of G-LN. At some point, he was adopted by the Gozzo Flix and the Chadra-Fan Orka. These three individuals collaborated within the Office of Acquisitions, engaging in the sale of salvaged goods aboard the Colossus station, situated on the planet Castilon.

Dealing with Xiono

G-LN works while patrons visit Acquisitions.

During 34 ABY, while stationed at the front desk of Acquisitions, G-LN occupied himself with tools as Kadas'sa'Nikto mechanic Neeku Vozo, Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono, and his droid companion BB-8 entered the Office. The pit droid greeted the new arrivals with a series of chitters. Upon being presented with a datapad listing parts by Vozo, G-LN responded by banging on the desk and emitting loud chattering noises, signaling Flix and Orka, before vacating his position. Vozo clarified they sought parts for Jarek Yeager's famous ship, the Fireball, causing G-LN to collapse in laughter, doubting Vozo's sincerity. After the shopkeepers were convinced, they accepted the datapad from the Nikto and started gathering the requested components as G-LN trailed behind with a bin for collection.

When Xiono admitted his inability to pay for the parts, the shopkeepers ceased their gathering efforts, and G-LN expressed his disappointment by shaking his head. Following an appeal from Vozo, the partners consented to a trade of secondhand parts for a gorg to be used for lunch. G-LN waved farewell to the departing trio. Later, when the three returned with a gorg, G-LN assisted Orka in handing over the merchandise. The gorg briefly perched on G-LN's head before jumping onto the desk, where G-LN observed it.

G-LN finishes shoving Kazuda Xiono.

On another day, Xiono and BB-8 fell into Acquisitions through a chute while attempting to evade Grevel, an Aleena to whom Xiono was indebted. G-LN and his owners observed Xiono as he regained his composure. While Flix criticized Xiono's unconventional entry, G-LN began gently pushing Xiono away from behind the desk. As Xiono and the shopkeepers discussed the need for a ZX-19 compressor, G-LN continued to guide him toward the front of Acquisitions.

On the morning Flix, G-LN, and Orka were scheduled to visit Flix's mother, they walked through Acquisitions, with Flix signaling for G-LN, who was carrying luggage, to follow. Upon Xiono's arrival to oversee the store, G-LN remained close as Flix and Orka explained the business's operations. As the group prepared to leave, the pit droid beeped at Xiono until he moved aside, allowing G-LN to follow Flix and Orka out. Later that night, G-LN returned to Acquisitions, again carrying luggage, with Flix and Orka as they argued about Flix's parents. G-LN was surprised to find the Office in disarray, a result of a fight between BB-8 and thief Teroj Kee. Rather than hear Xiono's explanation, the droid left.


Subsequently, G-LN was seen in Acquisitions carrying a box while Flix and Orka were trying to open a box from the salvager Synara San. Upon opening, the shopkeepers accidentally activated the thermal detonators inside, but the devices failed to detonate. Soon after, the partners removed the bombs from the shop. On another occasion, Flix, G-LN, and Orka were together at the bar in Aunt Z's Tavern. When Flix stated that G-LN appeared bored, Orka poured some of his Blurrgfire into the droid's bowl. G-LN consumed the drink as Flix and Orka conversed with Z'Vk'Thkrkza, an old friend and "Aunt Z" of the tavern. The pit droid burped a few times before shrieking excitedly. While his owners talked, the droid ran wild in the cantina, knocking a tray from an astromech droid, kicking a tray and cup away from the Klatooinian Bolza Grool, and stealing a ladle from the cantina's service droid G1-7CH.

The assaulted droids and Grool chased G-LN around the cantina until the pit droid was cornered on a table. As G-LN waved the ladle around, Grool grabbed the small droid's neck and punched his head, deactivating him. As the trio left his unconscious body on the table, Flix asked Orka about G-LN's condition. Orka watched the droid's body slide off the table and joked he looked down, which Flix did not find funny.

Avoiding the First Order

During the First Order's occupation of the Colossus, G-LN, along with Flix, Orka, and their pet gorg Bitey, concealed themselves from the First Order inside a crate. This crate was scheduled for delivery by the First Order delivery service to Flix's mother's home on Talivar. After several days of hiding, Xiono discovered the group in the crate after hearing noises from Acquisitions. With Bitey perched on his head, G-LN listened as Xiono discussed his plans to fight the First Order and their plans to go to Talivar with Flix and Orka. After Xiono informed the group the station was under water, Flix and Orka wished the Resistance member good luck before closing the crate again.

Later in 34 ABY, after the Colossus departed Castilon and spent months fleeing from the First Order, Imanuel Doza, the Captain of the Colossus, settled the station on the planet Aeos Prime. As Doza announced the new home to the citizens, G-LN gathered with Flix, Orka, and many others in the marketplace as the shield doors revealed Aeos. During the rescue of Tamara Ryvora, G-LN took up arms to defend his position and confront the First Order's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer, which had been pursuing them through space.


G-LN was programmed to be obedient to his masters, Flix and Orka. He communicated in Binary. He shared a positive relationship with them. On one instance, Orka showed his appreciation by giving him Blurrgfire, which led him to cause chaos and start fights with other patrons.

Behind the Scenes

G-LN made his debut, though unnamed, in the second part of the two-part episode "The Recruit," which was the first episode of the first season of Star Wars Resistance. This animated television series aired on October 7, 2018. The sounds used for G-LN were derived from those created by Lucasfilm sound designer Ben Burtt for the pit droids in Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace, the prequel trilogy film released in 1999.

Initially, the droid was identified as "GL-N" in his Databank entry on StarWars.com, which was published online by October 15, 2018. However, the short "G-LN," released on December 17 of that year, identified the droid as "G-LN." 2019 Topps Star Wars Resistance Surprise Packs, released on April 10, 2019, reverted to "GL-N" and incorrectly stated that G-LN worked in Jarek Yeager's Repair Station to repair the Fireball. Resistance Revisited, an article in Star Wars Insider 190 released on June 12, 2019, used the "G-LN" spelling again. By July 18 of that year, the Databank entry was updated to match the short. On October 4, 2019, the reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition reverted to using "GL-N." Finally, De Agostini's Star Wars Encyclopedia reused "G-LN" with the "Ace Squadron" booklet, which was published on May 27, 2022.

