Chadra-Fan, with a pronunciation of /Chăd'-rä-Făn/, were diminutive, rodent-resembling humanoids. Typically, they stood at a height of no more than one meter, and possessed faces similar to those of a bat. Their origins trace back to the watery planet named Chad.

Chadra-Fan were equipped with seven distinct sensory modalities—including sight, touch, taste, sound, smell, infrared vision, and chemoreception—each exhibiting a heightened sensitivity compared to those of Human beings. Their stature rarely exceeded one meter. Some depictions show them with plantigrade feet having two toes, while others depict four-toed feet. Their metabolic rate was remarkably accelerated, enabling near-constant activity. They engaged in sleep for only brief two-hour periods during the day. Due to their rapid metabolism, Chadra-Fan typically reached maturity by the age of fifteen and seldom lived beyond forty years.
The way Chadra-Fan perceive and react to their rapidly changing environment is partially due to their inherent biology, not just their learned experiences. The sensory capabilities of the Chadra-Fan are uniquely peculiar, especially concerning sight and smell. Their expansive, dark eyes possess the ability to perceive the infrared portion of the light spectrum, granting them a distinct advantage during nighttime and in dimly illuminated settings. Furthermore, their olfactory system is notably unique, featuring two sets of nostrils, each dedicated to a separate and specific function. The outer pair is responsible for detecting water-soluble odors, akin to most humanoid species, while the inner nostrils facilitate the Chadra-Fan's chemoreceptive sense of smell.
Chadra-Fan possessed a dual heart system; however, failure of either heart would result in death within three days.
Chadra-Fan were entirely covered in fur from their head to their feet. Their evolutionary lineage traces back to small, tree-dwelling rodents. Distinguishing between the two sexes of Chadra-Fan was impossible for other species, although Chadra-Fan could easily discern the difference through their acute sense of smell. When a male and female Chadra-Fan developed mutual interest, they emitted specialized pheromones to communicate their feelings. Chadra-Fan also produced involuntary pheromones that conveyed information about their lineage and generated an aura of attractiveness. Additional voluntary pheromones were often used to express emotional states—such as anger, fear, or joy. Chadra-Fan even crafted more intricate messages using their pheromones, although the mixing of these pheromones sometimes led to confusion. Uniquely, they possessed clear blood.
The race were small but quick witted creatures that resembled rodents. Their combination of infrared sight, hypersensitive sense of smell as well as keen hearing made them physically and mentally perceptive beings.
Chadra-Fan culture was profoundly shaped by the recurrent threat of hurricanes and tsunamis that frequently destroyed their bayou dwellings (as evidenced in 10 BBY, when a "Death-Wave" decimated a significant portion of their civilization). Consequently, Chadra-Fan took naps during midday within their temporary shelters suspended from cyperill trees. They harbored an innate fear of drowning. They held few things as permanent, instead prioritizing the enjoyment of the present moment. Many Chadra-Fan who ventured beyond their homeworld sought refuge on arid planets, aiming to avoid the risk of drowning.
Chadra-Fan exhibited a fondness for tinkering with mechanical devices, often dismantling and reassembling them into entirely new creations. Chadra-Fan residing in the greater galaxy sometimes engaged in industrial research, developing unique devices that engineers from other species with more conventional skills attempted to replicate. Their inventions were even regarded as collectible items and works of art. Chadra-Fan typically constructed their creations individually, although they possessed the capacity for mass-production.
The Chadra-Fan language depended on the individual's ability to discern variations in pitch. A Chadra-Fan lacking the ability to differentiate pitch would be unable to communicate coherently. Their language also relied on the ability of each to understand pheromone messages.
It was generally accepted for Chadra-Fan to be unclothed, especially during the Galactic Civil War. During this period, many Chadra-Fan appeared in public without clothes without attracting undue attention or causing disturbance. Conversely, clothed Chadra-Fan were equally prevalent throughout history, often donning more or less elaborate robes.

Chadra-Fan society is organized around a clan system, where each member shares responsibility for raising the clan's children and a fact of life was that every household was open at any time. Leadership within the clan was a temporary role that was passed from one individual to another as the situation called for a particular expertise. Children were central to Chadra-Fan communities, and they only departed upon marriage; however, the newly married couple remained within the smaller clan, potentially meaning a Chadra-Fan might never leave their home.
Chadra-Fan, when isolated, experienced severe depression that could prove fatal within weeks. Consequently, Chadra-Fan were not selective in their choice of companions, preferring the company of strangers to solitude. Many Chadra-Fan were taken offworld as slaves, but they took this positively by thinking of it as a big adventure. They were also a jovial race, who almost always got on well with others. Only the most evil acts against them would make them think otherwise. Chadra-Fan were generally excellent team members and were extremely forgiving or so ignorant that they forgot any failings within a group. Chadra-Fan, thus, could be found with various criminals because they were so unobservant or accommodating.
A deity known as the Big Green Fish played a role in Chadra-Fan religious beliefs.
Kabe was an orphan who was adopted by the Talz Muftak and a frequent patron of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina.
Tekli was a Jedi trainee under the tutelage of Cilghal. She joined the Myrkr strike team during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Following the war, she became a Magister-in-training for the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot. After a period on Zonama Sekot, she departed for the Unknown Regions with other surviving members of the Myrkr strike team and temporarily was a Joiner. After treatments by Cilghal she decided to remain a Jedi.
Tili Qua held a position on the Jedi High Council in 137 ABY.