Blurrgfire was a beverage devoid of alcohol, designed to replicate the combination of sweet, sour, and spicy notes found in citrom juice. While available across the galaxy, its origin is said to be with a bartender at Oga's Cantina, situated in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu.
A staple mixed drink without [alcohol](/article/alcohol], Blurrgfire was a common sight in cantinas throughout the galaxy. Its taste was crafted to emulate the flavor profile of citrom juice. Citrom, a fruit known for its short shelf life, offered a blend of sweetness and sourness, punctuated by a spicy kick. Blurrgfire was considered suitable for consumption by species such as Artiodacs, humans, and Chadra-Fans. However, pit droids experienced unpredictable behavior after drinking it.

Chef Strono Tuggs claimed that Blurrgfire's creation was attributed to a bartender employed at Oga's Cantina. This establishment was under the ownership of Oga Garra and located within Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, a planet in the Outer Rim. Tuggs recounted how the bartender devised a formula using various juices and spices to faithfully reproduce the taste of citrom. He asserted that the imitation was so convincing that he couldn't distinguish it from the real fruit. This anecdote, along with the drink's recipe, found its way into Tuggs' cookbook, The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook. While the bartender's identity remained unnamed by Tuggs, Eloc Throno, an author and explorer, mentioned in his Traveler's Guide to Batuu that Garra added "her own twist" to the beverage.
Towards the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Blurrgfire was among the beverage options presented by Janott, the bartender, to Senator Padmé Amidala during her visit to Oga's Cantina for a personal mission. It was still on the menu in 34 ABY, when Vi Moradi, a Resistance spy, consumed it to maintain sobriety while her former First Order associate, Archex, became intoxicated from a powerful Jedi Mind Trick.
Also in 34 ABY, Blurrgfire was available at Aunt Z's Tavern on the Colossus, a mobile aircraft refueling station situated on Castilon, an ocean planet. This occurred around the time of the First Order-Resistance War. During a visit to the tavern, Orka, a Chadra-Fan, was enjoying the drink. Noticing that his droid, the pit droid G-LN, seemed bored, Orka decided to let the repair droid sample his Blurrgfire. After a sip, G-LN began coughing and then exhibited erratic behavior, running around the tavern and disrupting other patrons. Shortly after, Bolza Grool, a Klatooinian, struck G-LN on the head, incapacitating the droid and ending the drink's adverse effects. Upon seeing G-LN unconscious, Orka quipped to his partner Flix and ordered another round of Blurrgfire.
Blurrgfire was initially mentioned on a trading card at Disney's "Galactic Nights" event on December 16, 2017. This card showcased the cantina that would be featured in the upcoming Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge park. At the real-world Oga's Cantina, the drink's description on the menu lists "Lemonade, pomegranate juice, and habanero-lime."
Blurrgfire made its debut in "G-LN," a short film broadcast on December 17, 2018 as part of Star Wars Resistance's first season. In this appearance, Blurrgfire was represented as a pale orange liquid, contrasting with the deep red color it was shown with in other instances.
A Blurrgfire recipe is included in the 2019 cookbook Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, authored by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Marc Sumerak. The beverage's ingredients consist of pomegranate juice, habanero lime syrup, and prepared lemonade. Before serving, the rim of the glass is rubbed with a lime and then dipped in red sea salt.
The 2020 non-canon video game expansion The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu features Blurrgfire as a beverage sold to the player's Sims at the Oga's Cantina vendor within the Black Spire Outpost neighborhood. Upon their Sim's initial consumption of the drink, the recipe is automatically learned, allowing them to prepare it at mixology bars in their residential area.