Janott was a male individual employed as a bartender within Oga's Cantina, situated in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu. During a period when the Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized Batuu as a transit point for delivering provisions to their secret base located on Mokivj, they unknowingly made use of the cantina for cargo transfers. Unbeknownst to them, Janott was colluding with thieves and smugglers who were diverting portions of the cargo for their personal gain. When Senator Padmé Amidala journeyed to Batuu in search of Duja, her former handmaiden who had informed the Galactic Republic of Separatist activities in the region, she made a stop at Janott's cantina. As Janott served Amidala an Andoan White, she inquired about Kuseph Jovi, explaining she was looking for him to deliver a starship, and questioned why Jovi had chosen a location like Batuu for their rendezvous. Janott countered by stating that Batuu was hardly New Codia. Amidala then questioned Janott regarding Duja, whose body had been placed on a funeral pyre just outside the cantina, and offered to compose a farewell song for the departed. Once the song was completed, Janott proposed gathering an audience for Amidala's performance, but she declined, suggesting there would be little of interest for anyone to witness or hear.
Sometime after Amidala's departure from Batuu, her husband, Anakin Skywalker, arrived in search of her and partnered with a Chiss named Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Together, they questioned Janott about Amidala and Duja; however, before they could extract any significant information from the bartender, they were ambushed by a group of Separatist agents. The initial gas attack caused Janott to lose consciousness, rather than affecting its intended targets. While Janott was out, Thrawn planted a listening device on his clothing, allowing him to monitor conversations within the cantina after Skywalker had left. A group of thieves, who were involved in skimming the Separatist shipments, moved Janott to a nearby establishment, but their actions were observed by Oenti and his Separatist allies.