Mokivj, a planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories and bordering the Unknown Regions, occupied grid square G-16 on the Standard Galactic Grid. In 19 BBY, it was the site of a catastrophe resulting from the spread of lava during an attempt by Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo to eliminate a Separatist cortosis mine. Before this event, the planet boasted thriving grasslands and forests. Later, following the Battle of Atollon, Thrawn, then a Grand Admiral within the navy of the Galactic Empire, and Skywalker, now the Sith Lord Darth Vader, were dispatched to investigate a disturbance in the Force detected by Emperor Palpatine. By that time, vast stretches of its surface consisted of desolate plains and deserts.
Around the same period, the Grysks employed their sophisticated technology to displace four of the planet's moons from their original orbit, positioning them in the paths of hyperlanes. Their efforts to move another moon were stopped, leaving it to drift away from Mokivj.
During the Clone Wars, Count Dooku of the Confederacy of Independent Systems obtained crucial information from an unknown species regarding a rare metal capable of deflecting lightsabers. Consequently, Dooku sent Duke Solha, along with his brother and sister, to Mokivj for the purpose of mine and processing this metal. The Separatists imposed a strict lockdown on the planet, restricting residents to their encampments and deploying droids to patrol the areas surrounding the settlements.
Eventually, Duja, a former handmaiden of Padmé Amidala, launched an investigation and uncovered the Separatist occupation. Solha ordered Duja's killed, and her body was left outside Oga's Cantina on Batuu. However, before her death, Duja managed to transmit a message to Padmé. Upon receiving this message, Padmé embarked on her own investigation, eventually making her way to Batuu and then to Mokivj. During this mission, she disappeared from the Galactic Republic for several months. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker eventually initiated a mission to locate his wife. Skywalker's search led him above Batuu, where he encountered an unidentified starship under the command of Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo of the Ascendancy's Expansionary Defense Fleet. Their search, similar to Padmé's, ultimately led them to Batuu, and ultimately Mokivj, where they found her. Skywalker then proceeded to destroy the Separatist cortosis mine, an act that proved to be catastrophic for the planet.
Mokivj was initially introduced in the 2018 novel titled Thrawn: Alliances, penned by Timothy Zahn.