A quest unfolded on the Outer Rim world of Mokivj amidst the Clone Wars. Galactic Republic Legislator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Commander Anakin Skywalker, along with Chiss Ascendancy High Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, set out to investigate and subsequently disable a Confederacy of Independent Systems droid production facility situated on Mokivj. High Captain Thrawn assisted the Republic individuals in achieving their aim, but his personal agenda was different: he was present in "Lesser Space" to gain knowledge about the Clone War and whether technology or civilizations within the galaxy might be able to support the Chiss in their battle against the Nikardun Destiny.
During the operation, the humans and Chiss discovered the Separatists were producing a cortosis-plated iteration of B2-series super battle droids on the surface, utilizing cortosis acquired from the nearby cortosis excavation site. Padmé and Anakin committed to stopping the Separatists from continuing the creation of such reinforced droids. Thrawn obtained a deflector shield generator, which he referred to as a "Republic energy shield," for the Ascendancy.
The endeavor culminated in a disaster. While attempting to collapse the Separatist cortosis excavation site on Mokivj, Skywalker inadvertently channeled magma, ash, and smoke into the planet's prime farmland and water sources. Skywalker failed to consider that the cortosis within the excavation site would redirect the heat from the explosions. Consequently, the explosive force did more than simply cave in the excavation site's tunnels. It was directed deep into the planet's crust, initiating volcanic eruptions and causing widespread destruction, deforestation, and desertification across Mokivj.