The Nikardun Destiny represented the dominant power structure of the Nikardun species. This power was situated within the uncharted expanses of the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. This political entity wielded significant power over numerous civilizations within the region known as the Chaos. At its peak, Yiv the Benevolent governed this dominion from his command center located on the Nikardun Battle Dreadnought named Deathless.
Driven by their allies, the aggressive Grysk, and masterminded by Yiv, the Nikardun Destiny embarked on a campaign to conquer territories within the Unknown Regions. This involved successfully subjugating or forming alliances with numerous species. These actions ultimately attracted the attention of the Chiss Ascendancy, who apprehended Yiv near the Vak homeworld of Primea, thus making him a prisoner of the Chiss.
After Yiv's capture, none of his would-be successors could effectively consolidate authority or repair the damage inflicted by the Chiss. The Chiss then proceeded to eliminate the remaining Nikardun military presence in the months that followed, having cleared out most of the Nikardun bases listed on General Yiv's questis data-link reader.
During the period of the Clone Wars, the Nikardun Destiny initiated an invasion into a sector of the Unknown Regions. Under the direction of General Yiv, the Nikardun conquests were launched with the goal of dominating various societies within the Chaos, successfully subjugating or allying with several species. These military operations eventually caught the attention of Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn," of the Chiss Ascendancy.
Following several engagements between the Destiny and the Chiss Ascendancy, the Chiss emerged victorious in a final battle near the Vak homeworld of Primea, aided by the Vak Combine. They captured Yiv, who then became a prisoner of the Chiss Ascendancy.
The Nikardun conquests disintegrated following the general's capture. No successor to Yiv was able to consolidate power or effectively undo the damage the Chiss Ascendancy had inflicted upon their empire, which resulted in the Nikardun Destiny's fragmentation.
During Yiv's interrogation, he divulged the locations of the remaining scattered elements of his forces. The Ascendancy's governing body, the Chiss Syndicure, now fully aware of the threat posed by the Nikardun Destiny, authorized the Chiss Defense Force to set aside their established non-aggression policy in order to hunt the remnants down.
In one such operation, the Chiss Ascendancy successfully liberated Nettehi from Nikardun control after receiving a plea for assistance from the Prince Militaire and his people. The Chiss Ascendancy had issued apparent threats against the Paataatus to "demonstrate the full military might of the Chiss Ascendancy", which were, in reality, promises to take action against the Nikardun occupying the system.
The Destiny maintained a substantial fleet, utilizing blockade frigates, destroyers, patrol craft, and various gunboats. The Deathless functioned as the mobile command center, classified as a Battle Dreadnought class vessel. Nikardun soldiers served as security personnel for the Destiny.
The Nikardun Destiny was a dominant power within the Unknown Regions, where it exerted significant hegemonic influence and control over numerous subjugated governments. Examples of such under its yoke, were the Lioaoin Regime, the Urchiv-ki Tower Dimension, and the Paataatus Hiveborn.