
Oenti was a human male cargo Inspector stationed on the planet Batuu, located in the Outer Rim, during 19 BBY. He collaborated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, facilitating the shipment of supplies through a cantina situated at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. Furthermore, he was complicit in a scheme where Janott, the cantina proprietor, leaked intelligence to a ring of thieves who pilfered from the Separatist shipments.

However, the discovery of a handmaiden belonging to senator Padmé Amidala investigating Separatist activities on Batuu prompted Oenti's associates to initiate a search for thieves, and his superior, Duke Solha, became aware of the theft ring. Oenti, accompanied by four Separatist enforcers, proceeded to a shop in proximity to the cantina, where Janott was being guarded by five of his criminal allies. While Oenti and his squad eavesdropped on the thieves' conversation, they were suddenly ambushed by the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and the Chiss Commander Thrawn, who either killed or incapacitated Oenti's henchmen.

Following interrogation of the cargo Inspector, Skywalker and Thrawn escorted him into the shop and confronted Janott and the thieves, exposing their knowledge of the illicit theft operation. When Skywalker and Thrawn expressed their desire to depart using the Separatist's freighter present on Batuu, Oenti launched an assault on Skywalker, prompting the thieves to open fire. In the ensuing conflict, Oenti was propelled across the room via a Force push and subsequently fatally shot after brandishing a blaster at Skywalker.


Separatist operations

Oenti and his Separatist colleagues used the freighter Larkrer (pictured).

During the Clone Wars, Oenti, a male human, served as a cargo Inspector at Black Spire Outpost, situated on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. In 19 BBY, he collaborated with Duke Solha of the Separatist Alliance, who utilized a cantina at Black Spire as a transit hub for shipping supplies to a secret factory located on the planet Mokivj. Oenti, alongside his Separatist colleagues on Batuu, employed a freighter named the Larkrer, commanded by Captain Boroklif, for their operational activities. Concurrently, Oenti was in cahoots with Janott, the owner of the cantina, who provided information regarding the Separatist shipments to a ring of thieves to facilitate their theft.

However, Duja, a handmaiden serving Senator Padmé Amidala, journeyed to Batuu and uncovered the Separatist presence there, enabling her to relay this information to Amidala. Oenti's Separatist compatriots identified Duja and mistakenly assumed her to be a thief, leading them to initiate a search for additional potential thieves. While Oenti was inspecting the Larkrer's cargo hold to ascertain what Duja had attempted to steal, the handmaiden was killed by his comrades. Furthermore, Amidala traveled to Batuu in pursuit of Duja and discovered her remains outside the cantina. Oenti was cognizant of her arrival and subsequent departure shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, Oenti's Separatist associates managed to trace the thefts to the ring of thieves collaborating with him and Janott, thereby placing the thieves on Solha's radar.


Oenti and his colleagues eat while Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn watch from a landspeeder.

Subsequently, Janott was embroiled in a skirmish with two individuals who had arrived seeking Amidala and Duja. Five of Janott's thieves transported his unconscious body to a nearby shop. Shortly thereafter, Oenti and four additional Separatist thugs arrived outside the shop and monitored the conversation transpiring within while consuming small handheld meals acquired from a street vendor. However, Anakin and Thrawn soon arrived in the vicinity and observed Oenti and his four thugs. Upon Janott regaining consciousness, the five discarded their meals and prepared to draw their blasters. One of the thugs then noticed two figures observing them from a landspeeder approximately fifty meters away. Oenti and the remainder of his men began to direct their attention towards the landspeeder as it accelerated rapidly towards them. The Separatist thugs scrambled to evade the speeder, which resulted in two of them being propelled backwards.

One of the adversaries, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, disembarked from the landspeeder and employed his lightsaber to bisect Oenti's blaster as he raised it in defense. As the other adversary, the Chiss commander Thrawn, attempted another ramming maneuver on one of the remaining two thugs, Skywalker severed their hand and eliminated the other by deflecting their own blaster fire. With his thugs either deceased or incapacitated, Oenti was confronted by Skywalker and Thrawn. Thrawn remarked that Oenti was not a warrior, which the cargo Inspector conceded, and the Chiss then requested his name. Oenti disclosed his name and occupation.

Truths uncovered

Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn take Oenti inside to confront Janott.

Oenti's captors escorted him inside the shop, where they were greeted by two of Janott's thief accomplices. Skywalker and Thrawn negotiated with the pair of thieves and led Oenti into the adjacent room where Janott was being guarded by the other three thieves. Oenti engaged in an argument with Janott, cautioning him that his thieves were on Duke Solha's list, while Janott denied any involvement in the presence of Oenti's captors. Thrawn interjected, unveiling what he had discerned regarding both parties. The Chiss summarized the Separatist supply operation in which Oenti was involved, the thefts perpetrated by the smugglers with Janott's assistance, and Duja's discovery of the operation which prompted Oenti to investigate the thefts. Thrawn added that Janott and his associates had attempted to flee, but had been thwarted when Amidala parked her starship in their designated parking space.

Skywalker inquired about the senator's fate, and Oenti recounted her arrival and subsequent departure. Janott mentioned that she had composed a poem for a deceased woman, which led Skywalker and Thrawn to infer that Duja had perished. Skywalker questioned Oenti, Janott, and the smugglers regarding who had murdered the handmaiden. Oenti explained that he had been aboard the Larkrer at the time, and Janott provided his own alibi. After Skywalker concluded that they were being truthful, he and Thrawn revealed their intention to commandeer the Larkrer to the Separatist factory. Oenti protested this, and Janott and his associates expressed their own desire to seize it for themselves.

Oenti is killed by Thrawn

When one of the thieves offered to purchase the freighter, Oenti interrupted, warning both parties of security droids that he maintained aboard the Larkrer. Skywalker corrected him, stating that there had been three droids which he had already neutralized. In the ensuing moments, Oenti attempted to strangle Skywalker, only to be Force pushed by the Jedi. Skywalker and Thrawn then engaged the thieves, and Oenti, regaining his footing, seized a blaster and attempted to shoot the Jedi. However, Thrawn shot Oenti from behind Skywalker, resulting in the cargo inspector's demise. By the conclusion of the altercation, only Janott remained alive, and Thrawn and Skywalker instructed him to remain out of sight for a period. The pair then commandeered the Larkrer and piloted it to Mokivj to investigate the base.

Personality and traits

Oenti is threatened at bladepoint

Oenti collaborated with the Separatists to transport supplies to their base on Mokivj. However, he elected to permit Janott and his associated ring of thieves to pilfer from these shipments. While Oenti and his four Separatist thugs were eavesdropping on a conversation between the thieves guarding Janott, Oenti exhibited a more relaxed demeanor and utilized his dominant hand to consume his food, while his thugs maintained their hands poised to seize their blasters.

During his confrontation with Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn, Oenti stammered while responding to their inquiries and repeatedly asserted his identity as a cargo Inspector. Upon encountering Janott once more, he issued a threat to the bartender, alluding to Duke Solha's awareness of the thefts committed by the bartender's associates. Oenti also threatened Skywalker, Thrawn, Janott, and his thief allies when they collectively expressed interest in commandeering the Larkrer, even fabricating information regarding the freighter's level of security. A male human, Oenti possessed light skin, black eyes, and brown hair styled into a ponytail and goatee.


Oenti donned brown and grey clothing, complemented by silver shoulder armor, a red bandanna encircling his neck, and an eyepatch covering his left eye. Additionally, he sported black boots and brown gloves. His brown belt secured a holstered blaster and a strap connecting to his left shoulder pad. Oenti ultimately lost this blaster during an altercation with Anakin Skywalker.

Behind the scenes

Oenti made his inaugural appearance in the 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances, penned by Timothy Zahn. The character was subsequently depicted in the third issue of the novel's comic adaptation by Marvel Comics. The series was authored by Zahn and Jody Houser, illustrated by Andrea Di Vito and Pat Olliffe, and released on March 20, 2024.

