Oga Garra, a Blutopian female, owned and managed Oga's Cantina, a popular bar located in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu; she also held the position of local crime boss. Having been orphaned, Garra was raised by the notorious Hutts. Her physical characteristics included leathery gray skin and the pink-tinged mouth tentacles that are characteristic of her species.
Approximately four months after the Battle of Crait, Oga discovered that her Wookiee lover, Dhoran, was having an affair with Meeba, one of her Rodian waitresses. In a fit of rage, Oga fatally shot Dhoran and subsequently dismissed Meeba. While examining her deceased lover's body, Oga expressed regret over her tendency to fall for "the big, hairy, bad boys."
Following Vi Moradi's commencement of snooping around Black Spire Outpost, Oga instructed Rusko, a Karkarodon goon, to bring Moradi to her clandestine cantina office. Moradi verified Oga's suspicions by confirming her affiliation with the Resistance and outlining her intention to establish a local base. Despite harboring no affection for Moradi's Resistance, Oga proposed returning some of Moradi's supplies in exchange for a specific artifact from Batuu. Dok-Ondar had been unsuccessfully searching for this artifact, and Oga, having a buyer lined up, was eager to acquire it directly to avoid sharing profits with Dok-Ondar. Her previous attempts to locate the artifact resulted in her dispatched individuals falling victim to traps within the Black Spire Ruins, left by the Ancients. Moradi then negotiated the right to utilize the ruins as a Resistance base, pointing out that the presence of Resistance troops and pilots around Black Spire Outpost would be beneficial for business, and that upon their departure, the ruins would be left clean and free of traps. Oga agreed to these terms and sarcastically welcomed her to Black Spire Outpost.
When Lieutenant Wulfgar Kath of the First Order arrived in Black Spire Outpost, demanding an audience with Oga, she agreed to meet him in her concealed office. Kath proposed offering Oga the First Order's favor in return for surrendering Vi Moradi, whom he knew as Starling. Oga reiterated her stance, as previously conveyed to Moradi, that her sole concern was the well-being of Black Spire Outpost and her own interests. She then countered with an offer of her own favor to the First Order, providing information on Starling in exchange for the mysterious artifact.
It was Moradi who ultimately returned with the artifact, a necklace adorned with ethereal blue gems. Oga was enraged to discover that Moradi had made a stop at Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, though Moradi managed to placate her. Oga accepted the necklace and confirmed to Moradi that Kath was actively searching for her. Moradi implied that Oga might have betrayed her, which Oga vehemently denied. She assured the spy that her lost cargo would be returned to her and dismissed her.
Oga was also embroiled in a dispute with Zade Kalliday and his partner Valoss. They were indebted to Oga for credits, including years of unpaid docking fees. She tasked the pair with retrieving a shipment of Moogyyrko sap from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk for later refinement into liquor, in exchange for which Oga would forgive their substantial debt. Unfortunately, Kalliway lost both the cargo and his partner after their ship was seized by the First Order. Returning to Black Spire Outpost empty-handed, a furious Oga impounded his ship.
As the conflict intensified between Moradi's burgeoning Resistance cell and Kath's forces, Oga contacted Savi, a local scrap merchant from Savi & Son Salvage, forbidding him from interfering with either faction.
Shortly after Kath’s defeat, Moradi returned to Oga's Cantina, and Oga invited her into her office. Off the record, Oga complimented Moradi. She understood that the First Order’s presence in Black Spire Outpost was bad for the general populace and recognized Moradi's efforts in protecting them from the tyrants. Regardless, Oga stressed that she was still no friend to the Resistance, claiming that if the First Order returned offering money, friendship and respect, she would welcome them with open arms. As their talk wound down, Oga returned to Moradi the long-range comm that had been lost in Moradi's crash. Moradi questioned the reason for the gift, and Oga confirmed that she wanted Moradi to owe her, and to respect her power in Black Spire.
Oga's long-held desire for Black Spire to remain untouched by the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance would prove futile. Vi Moradi’s stealth mission would escalate into a full-scale occupation by both sides of the war. The Resistance would completely transform the ancient ruins into a functional outpost, while First Order troopers of the 709th Legion would openly patrol the streets, led by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren himself. The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer known as the Finalizer would be crippled in battle over the planet, and escape pods filled with Resistance infiltrators would descend upon the outpost. Vi Moradi herself would be captured by Kylo Ren and only managed to escape as Kylo Ren and Rey clashed over Salju's repair bay. As the galactic war raged nearby, Oga was content to run her operations while staying safe in the shadows.
Oga held immense pride in her cantina and the prestige it brought her. She constantly sought ways to enhance her business and was involved in nearly all commercial activities within Black Spire Outpost. Though rarely seen in public, Garra's reputation had grown to legendary proportions, and she was both feared and respected by the local populace. She was primarily focused on maintaining the smooth operation of the outpost and did not align herself with either the Resistance or the First Order. Her office was situated beneath the cantina in Black Spire Outpost, where she kept a pet tooka-cat.