Jarek Yeager's Repair Station

Yeager's Repairs, also known as Jarek Yeager's Repair Station, was a workshop managed by Jarek Yeager aboard the Colossus. His staff consisted of the mechanics Neeku Vozo and Tamara Ryvora, in addition to the astromech droid Bucket. During the time of the Cold War, he permitted Kazuda Xiono to be employed at the shop as a member of Team Fireball, but he wanted no involvement with the Resistance spy's assignment.


The repair station operated by Jarek Yeager was situated in Quadrant 3.27 of the Colossus refueling platform. The shop contained hangar space for repairing spacecraft, and also space for the antiquated racer known as the Fireball. Inside the shop were tables for tool and part storage, and the workshop had an opening to the exterior of the station. Furthermore, the repair station contained a concealed hangar that held Yeager's ship.



Following the conclusion of Jarek Yeager's racing career after the deaths of his wife and daughter in a racing incident, he relocated to the Colossus refueling platform located on the Outer Rim ocean planet of Castilon. There, he became a starship mechanic and the proprietor of a repair shop. Yeager's team included his astromech droid Bucket, the Nikto Neeku Vozo, and the aspiring racer Tamara Ryvora. Together, they were known as Team Fireball.

The novice spy

Yeager's shop housed the antiquated Fireball.

Before the First Order-Resistance War began, Yeager consented to assist his longtime friend, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, by providing refuge for the new Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono. Kaz posed as a mechanic to maintain his cover as a spy. Kaz's objective was to gather information on First Order activity on the Colossus. Yeager's repair station served as his residence while he was stationed on the Colossus.

Later on, the Neimoidian pirate Hallion Nark, a member of the Warbird gang, visited Yeager's repair shop seeking repairs for his shuttle. His true motive was to gather intelligence regarding an approaching triple dark storm, which would enable the pirates to attack the Colossus. Yeager tasked his mechanics, including Tam and Xiono, with repairing the shuttle. Xiono suspected Hallion was a pirate and took his comlink. When the Warbirds raided the Colossus, Xiono was successful in driving them away by disrupting their communications.

While Xiono struggled to adjust to his new life as both a mechanic and a spy, he became friends with Jace Rucklin, a local racer and troublemaker. Rucklin took advantage of his friendship with Xiono to steal a vial of coaxium from Yeager's garage, falsely claiming he wanted to see Yeager's racer. After Bucket reported the missing coaxium vial, Xiono went to stop Rucklin from racing. Although Xiono saved Rucklin's life, he earned Rucklin's animosity by accidentally destroying his racer while forcefully removing Rucklin from his ship.

Because of frequent power outages on the Colossus, Team Fireball had to stop working and went to Aunt Z's Tavern to wait. Later, the inexperienced Kaz damaged an acceleration compensator, which angered Tam. While looking for a replacement, Kaz encountered Kel and Eila, refugee children who had escaped a First Order massacre on Tehar. During the adventure, Kaz and Neeku managed to hide the children from the First Order with assistance from the Chelidae and also acquired an acceleration compensator.

The undercover pirate

Later, Yeager woke Kaz up for a "salvage run," which turned out to be a training exercise with Poe. While investigating a damaged freighter, they rescued a female Mirialan who was actually a pirate named Synara San.

While working on a targeting computer in the repair station, Yeager instructed BB-8 to locate Kaz. After a "wild goose chase," BB-8 found that Kaz had already returned to the garage. Team Firebird then worked on the targeting computer, which was a component of the Colossus's anti-air defense system. Before they could finish repairing the computer, the Colossus was attacked by the Warbirds, who were aided by information provided by Synara. Although Yeager and Kaz managed to restore the anti-air defense system, the second raid led the Colossus's leader Captain Imanuel Doza to consider the First Order's offer of protection.

Old wounds

Later, Yeager's estranged brother Marcus Speedstar visited Yeager's repair station in order to reconcile with his older brother. However, Yeager still harbored resentment towards Marcus due to his involvement in the deaths of his family. While participating in the Platform Classic, the two reconciled after Yeager realized that Marcus wanted to free his friend Oplock from the Guavian Death Gang. Following their reconciliation, the two spent time at Yeager's repair station.

Casual adventures

After Kaz borrowed the Fireball for a reconnaissance flight with Poe Dameron, Tam revealed that she had not installed a new stabilizer on the ship as insurance, considering the Fireball to be her own.

After losing his hard hat, Bucket searched the garage and the Colossus for it. Unable to locate the hat, he went back to Yeager's repair station only to find that Tam had allowed BB-8 to try it on.

Later, Kaz's friend Torra Doza, Captain Doza's daughter, asked Kaz to babysit her pet voorpak Buggles. However, the pet escaped and wandered around before ending up in the cockpit of the Fireball. Xiono later raced with Torra aboard the Fireball but ended up crash-landing in Yeager's repair shop, damaging the ship.

Bibo incident

While visiting Synara San in the loading docks, Neeku adopted a baby rokkna which he named "Bibo." Bibo caused chaos in Yeager's repair station, prompting him to remind Neeku that pets were not allowed. Neeku persuaded Yeager to give him another chance but could not control the creature. When Neeku demanded Bibo's removal, a distraught Neeku threatened to leave and searched for Bibo. After Bibo's mother attacked the Colossus during the "Bibo incident," Neeku returned Bibo to his mother.

The approaching storm

As Kaz's mechanical abilities improved, he successfully installed a GX engine into the Fireball, impressing Tam, Yeager, and Neeku. Before the kidnapping of Torra Doza, Kaz and Neeku worked on a speeder bike while BB-8 played a prank on Bucket, resulting in a fight. Tam later suggested that Kaz and Neeku check on Synara.

When the First Order occupied the Colossus, several stormtroopers visited the garage seeking information about Synara San. Kaz, Yeager, and Neeku avoided problems with the First Order. Kaz and Neeku later assisted Synara San in escaping First Order forces in an escape pod and rejoining her Warbird comrades.

During the occupation, Yeager and his staff engaged in a heated discussion in the station regarding the First Order and the Empire. While Yeager viewed the First Order and Empire as evil, Tam appreciated the stability and security that both regimes provided. Shortly afterward, Kel and Eila, who had incapacitated the stormtrooper CS-515, asked for Kaz's assistance in verifying that the stormtrooper had not reported their presence. Neeku and Tam accompanied Kaz. Following the adventure, Kaz obtained a data rod containing the First Order's fleet movements and shared this information with Yeager inside the station.

Poe was able to visit the garage and recruited Xiono and BB-8 for a mission to the Dassal system. The two managed to evade the First Order occupation by sneaking away in the Fireball and meeting with CB-23 and Poe's T-70 X-wing starfighter in the upper atmosphere. After returning from the mission, Xiono came back with CB-23, who had replaced BB-8 as his minder. Xiono kept the details of his offworld mission a secret from everyone except Yeager, which caused Tam to resent and distrust him.

Resisting the First Order

The next day, Tam questioned Xiono about the damage to the Fireball's injection turbine and hull, but he denied having been in a firefight with the First Order. After the First Order prohibited races and dissidents began disappearing, Yeager held a clandestine meeting with Captain Doza to discuss the situation. Subsequently, First Order stormtroopers, led by Commander Pyre, raided and arrested members of Team Fireball.

When Yeager demanded to know the reason for their arrest, Pyre revealed that the Fireball had been seen in Sector Epsilon 51-3, which was considered First Order territory. Kaz realized that his cover as a spy had been compromised, while Tam was horrified. Most of Team Fireball managed to escape the garage after Bucket released white foam. However, Tam allowed herself to be arrested, believing the situation to be a misunderstanding. Yeager and Kaz initiated the Colossus resistance and expelled the First Order from the station. Meanwhile, First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny successfully turned Tam against Yeager and Kaz by claiming they had taken advantage of her. Tam then joined the First Order.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Jarek Yeager's Repair Station was in "The Recruit," the initial episode of the Star Wars Resistance animated series.

